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05.22.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Senator Kennedy and also Trade with China »
05.21.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Climate Change »
05.20.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Unemployment Insurance »
05.15.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Armed Forces Day »
05.15.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Farm bill »
05.14.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Colombia Free Trade Agreement »
05.13.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Public Safety Officers Collective Bargaining Act »
05.08.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Trade »
05.07.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about MRSA »
05.07.08 audio_upload Senator Brown speaks at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies »
05.06.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about his new cancer clinical trials legislation »
05.01.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Energy Policy »
04.29.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Health Insurance and the annual "cover the uninsured" week »
04.28.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Jobs and Unemployment »
04.16.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the proposed Colombian Free Trade Agreement »
04.16.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks at a press event about the plan to unveil Increased Benefits for Increased Service for Citizen Soldiers »
04.15.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Housing and the Economy »
04.15.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the President's proposed trade agreement with Colombia »
04.08.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Colombia Free Trade Agreement »
04.01.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor on the death of Army Staff Sergeant Matt Maupin »
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