House Pages live, work, and study in Washington, D.C. During the academic year, Pages are required to attend the Page school in addition to their responsibilities as support staff to the members of the House of Representatives. Pages live in the Page Residence Hall and receive a monthly salary. The following guidelines apply to all Pages:
  • Pages are required to maintain a neat appearance and a conservative hairstyle and to wear ID badges and uniforms at work and at school. Page uniforms include navy blue jackets, dark grey skirts or slacks, black shoes, and a uniform tie.
  • House Pages follow the House Calendar, which is subject to change. Pages are permitted to return home only on weekends, except in cases of family illness. Pages will be unable to leave the Page program to attend family, home school, or community activities or functions if they occur during the school or workweek.
  • Pages earn $19,394 annually, with a monthly gross salary of $1,616.17. Automatic deductions are made for federal and state taxes, social security, and the Residence Hall fee. Pages are paid on the last working day of the month.

Page School
The Page School is located in the Jefferson Building of the Library of Congress. The academic year consists of the fall semester, which begins in September after Labor Day and goes through the end of January, and the spring semester, which begins at the end of January and continues through the first week in June. The Page School is fully accredited through the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and is based on a year-long curriculum, in which one-half credit is awarded for each semester of work in a course. Classes begin at 6:45 a.m. and include math, English, social studies, science, French/Spanish, and computer technology. The Page School also sponsors Washington Seminars, featuring field trips and speakers. Seminars are usually held on Saturdays, and attendance is mandatory.

Page Work Experience
As House staff, Pages are supervised by adult full-time House employees and work as a team on the House Floor, not for individual Members. Their primary duties are delivering correspondence, legislative materials, and small packages within the congressional complex; answering phones in the Members’ Cloakrooms; taking messages for Members; and calling Members in the Chamber to the phone. Pages sometimes prepare the House Floor for sessions. To perform their duties, Pages must be able to do the following:

  • Walk considerable distances in a day
  • Carry and deliver packages of up to 25 pounds
  • Answer phones and speak fluent English

House Page Residence Hall
While working for the House, Pages live in the House Page Residence Hall, a few blocks from the Capitol and the Library of Congress. The Page Residence Hall is staffed by a director and five assistants, all of whom are adults and live in the Page Residence Hall. Each room is furnished, has a private bath, and houses three to four occupants. The dorms are coeducational, with one floor for young men and one for young women. Rooms are inspected weekly, and curfew is at 10:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Sunday, and 12:00 a.m. Friday and Saturday. Security for the residence hall includes foot patrols and a lobby desk staffed around the clock by U.S. Capitol Police. Pages are required to sign in at the desk after 6:00 p.m. Before taking up residence, Pages must sign the Residence Hall Agreement, delineating payment requirements, responsibility for damage, and accepted uses of the Residence Hall.

View Slide Show A Day in the Life of a House Page

  • Pages are required to attend the Page School and live in the Page Residence Hall
  • Pages earn an annual salary of $19,394
  • Primary duties include delivering correspondence, legislative materials, and small packages; answering phones and taking messages; preparing the House Floor for sessions
Page Program Fact Sheet

For photo credit information, contact the Office of the Clerk

U.S. House of Representatives Page Program
Office of the Clerk - U.S. Capitol, Room H154, Washington, DC 20515-6601
(202) 225-7000 |