Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Communications and Information Technology

H.R. 5811, the "Electronic Communications Preservation Act"

Table of Contents


Video of the Hearing

On Wednesday, April 23 2008, at 2:00 pm in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building, the Subcommittee will hold a legislative hearing on H.R. 5811, the “Electronic Communications Preservation Act.” The bill will be introduced prior to Wednesday’s hearing and is expected to have both Chairman Henry Waxman of the Full Committee and Chairman Clay as the original cosponsors.

H.R. 5811 will modernize federal recordkeeping by requiring agencies to begin preserving electronic records electronically. The bill requires such electronic preservation for electronic communications such as e-mails, but recommends that agencies preserve all electronic records electronically. In addition, H.R. 5811 creates oversight of the maintenance and preservation of presidential records, including e-mails sent and received by presidential advisors. The bill calls on the Archivist of the United States to establish standards for the management and preservation of these records and to certify that the president is meeting those standards.