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Ginny Supports an All-In Energy Plan that Lowers Energy Costs for American Consumers
09/16/2008 Ginny Supports an All-In Energy Plan that Lowers Energy Costs for American Consumers

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Ginny Works to Protect American Motorists from Uninspected Mexican Trucks
09/09/2008 Ginny Works to Protect American Motorists from Uninspected Mexican Trucks

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Ginny Speaks in Support of Measures to Explore for More Domestic Energy Supplies
07/14/2008 Ginny Speaks in Support of Measures to Explore for More Domestic Energy Supplies

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Ginny Fights to Protect the Health Care of 5th District Seniors
06/24/2008 Ginny Fights to Protect the Health Care of 5th District Seniors

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Ginny's Efforts to Pass a New GI Bill for 21st Century Soldiers Pay Off - House Endorses H.R. 5740, Legislation Ginny Championed
06/19/2008 Ginny's Efforts to Pass a New GI Bill for 21st Century Soldiers Pay Off - House Endorses H.R. 5740, Legislation Ginny Championed

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Ginny Goes on Fox Business to Discuss the Need for Increased Energy Exploration
06/18/2008 Ginny Goes on Fox Business to Discuss the Need for Increased Energy Exploration

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Ginny Shares a Message from Her Constituents Who Want to Explore for Energy and Stop America from Being Held Hostage by the House Majority
06/17/2008 Ginny Shares a Message from Her Constituents Who Want to Explore for Energy and Stop America from Being Held Hostage by the House Majority

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Ginny Speaks in Support of a Resolution to Establish a Disabled American Veterans Week
06/10/2008 Ginny Speaks in Support of a Resolution to Establish a Disabled American Veterans Week

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Ginny Speaks Prior to House Adoption of Her Amendment that Expands Eligibility for the Army Combat Action Badge to Those Veterans Who Engaged the Enemy from 1941 to Today
05/22/2008 Ginny Speaks Prior to House Adoption of Her Amendment that Expands Eligibility for the Army Combat Action Badge to Those Veterans Who Engaged the Enemy from 1941 to Today

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

Ginny Speaks in Support of Legislation that Helps Veterans and the Hospitals that Serve Them
05/20/2008 Ginny Speaks in Support of Legislation that Helps Veterans and the Hospitals that Serve Them

VIDEO: Medium resolution (WindowsMedia)

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