Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Defense and Security

Iran: Reality, Options, and Consequences. Part 1 – Iranian People and Attitudes.

The National Security Subcommittee held a hearing on October 30, 2007, entitled, “Iran: Reality, Options, and Consequences. Part 1 – Iranian People and Attitudes.”

Witness List:

Mr. Ken Ballen, Mr. Ballen has a long history of national security oversight experience, spending more than 20 years on the front lines of law enforcement, international relations, intelligence oversight, and congressional investigations. He was Counsel and lead investigator to the Iran-Contra Committee under Chairman Lee-Hamilton. He also served as Chief Counsel for the bipartisan Senate Special Investigative Committee, with Senator John McCain, and as Chief Counsel to the House Steering and Policy Committee for Speaker Foley. Currently Mr. Ballen is the president of Terror Free Tomorrow.

Mr. Karim Sadjadpour, Mr. Sadjadpour is an Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace with experience living and studying in Iran. He spent four years as the Chief Iran Analyst with the International Crisis Group based in Tehran and Washington and is considered a leading researcher on Iran. Mr. Sadjadpour has also been named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Dr. Kenneth Katzman, Dr. Katzman is a Middle East Specialist with the Congressional Research Service. He has formerly served in both government and the private sector as an analyst on Persian Gulf affairs, specializing in Iran and Iraq. Dr. Katzman has published numerous articles including a book entitled The Warriors of Islam: Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.