Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Postal Service

Inquiring Minds Want to Know: What is the Postal Service Contracting Out?

On Thursday, July 19, the Subcommittee will hold a hearing on USPS contracting.

The following witnesses will testify:

Panel I:

  • The Honorable Albio Sires, (Rep.-NJ)

Panel II:

  • Mr. Alan Kessler, Vice Chairman, U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors
  • Mr. John Potter, Postmaster General/CEO, U.S. Postal Service
  • Mr. David Williams, Inspector General, U.S. Postal Service

Panel III:

  • Mr. William Burrus, President, American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
  • Mr. William Young, President, National Association of Letter Carriers
  • Mr. Donnie Pitts, President, National Rural Letter Carriers' Association
  • Mr. John Hegarty, President, National Postal Mail Handlers Union