Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger Serving MD's Second District
For Immediate Release
Contact Information
Heather Moeder Molino
  From the Office of Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger
Maryland's 2nd District

Ruppersberger Calls For Independent Commission to Investigate Response to Hurricane Katrina
Ruppersberger Co-Sponsors Legislation to Remove FEMA from DHS Sends Letter to President Urging Him to Support Measure


(Washington, D.C.)-  Hurricane Katrina is the worst natural catastrophe to hit our shores. Thousands are presumed dead in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. Tens of thousands are homeless. Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) calls for an independent, bi-partisan commission with subpoena powers to investigate the response to Hurricane Katrina.

"I join all Americans in expressing our great sorrow for those who have lost loved ones and our outrage for those still suffering in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The response to this natural disaster was a federal, state, and local failure. The system absolutely failed the people of the Gulf Coast. I believe Congress must establish an independent, bi-partisan commission with subpoena powers to investigate what went wrong and why. The victims of Hurricane Katrina deserve to know what happened. In addition, we must learn from the mistakes that were made and hold leaders accountable for their actions. We must do this quickly to keep our country and her citizens safe. We can not control when the next natural disaster will hit but we can control how we prepare for it. We must be ready," said Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD).

In the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks, Congress passed and the President signed legislation that established the 9-11 Commission. The Commission investigated the circumstances surrounding 9-11 and issued recommendations to help protect our country against future terrorist attacks. The 9-11 Commission worked and our country is safer because of it. Congressman Ruppersberger believes we need to do the same thing for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Congressman Ruppersberger is co-sponsoring legislation, H.R. 3656, that will remove the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and restore it to a fully independent agency headed by an emergency management professional reporting directly to the President. The Department of Homeland Security was established to keep our country safe from terror and to respond to emergencies. Congressman Ruppersberger believes this is an important goal but it has led to the reprioritizing of personnel and equipment away from addressing natural disasters to fighting terrorism.

"Securing our homeland is a priority, but Hurricane Katrina has shown us all that we can not lose our focus on natural disasters. FEMA needs the expertise and independence to address disasters without having to navigate through layers of bureaucracy. It needs its own authority to act quickly and not have to wait for Cabinet level approval," said Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD).

Congressman Ruppersberger sent a letter to President George W. Bush asking him to support this measure.


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