Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger Serving MD's Second District
For Immediate Release
September 6, 2006
Contact Information
Heather Moeder Molino
  From the Office of Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger
Maryland's 2nd District

Ruppersberger Calls for New Strategy in Iraq

   Ruppersberger Addresses International Defense Cooperation Group  

(Washington, D.C.)- Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) is calling for a new strategy in Iraq. The Congressman has created a plan that calls on the Iraqi security forces to take over more responsibility securing their own country so we can bring American troops home.  Congressman Ruppersberger outlined his “Perimeter Plan” during a speech to the International Defense Cooperation Group at the National Press Club on September 6, 2006. 

Congressman Ruppersberger serves on the House Intelligence Committee in Congress.  He has traveled to Iraq four times since the war began in 2003.  Each time he traveled to the war torn region, he met with members of the military from Maryland and other places across the country, American and Iraqi Generals, and Iraqi political and civic leaders. 

“Our ultimate goal in Iraq is to create a free, open, and democratic Iraqi government and bring our men and women in uniform home.  I believe the best way to do that is to have the Iraqi security forces take on more responsibility in securing their country.  American forces should stop patrolling the streets of the major Iraqi cities and should instead guard the perimeter.  The Iraqi military should take over responsibility for patrolling the urban areas where U.S. troops have been put most at risk.  American troops will still back up the Iraqis if needed and will only be a fifteen minute Blackhawk helicopter ride away in most circumstances,” Congressman Ruppersberger told the group.   

The Congressman presented his “Perimeter Plan” to President Bush and his Cabinet on two separate occasions at the White House.  During Congressman Ruppersberger’s most recent trip to Iraq this past May, the American Generals said they thought the United States could implement this strategy in large parts of the country now and in all parts of the country by the end of the year. 

“Changing the mission of U.S. forces, redeploying them to perimeter areas, and lowering the profile of the U.S. forces in urban areas will break the dependency the Iraqi military has on U.S. forces.  Our ultimate goal is to bring American troops home.  I believe this change in strategy will help us do that,” said Congressman Ruppersberger.  


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