Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger Serving MD's Second District
For Immediate Release
June 6, 2008
Contact Information
Heather Moeder Molino
  From the Office of Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger
Maryland's 2nd District

Ruppersberger Returns from Iraq and Jordan

   Congressional Delegation Met with
Combat Commanders and Intelligence Officials

(Washington, D.C.)- Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Maryland) recently returned from a trip to Iraq and Jordan where he met with combat commanders and intelligence officials to assess military, intelligence, and security issues in the region.  Progress has been made in Iraq, but Congressman Ruppersberger believes more must be done to turn security over to the Iraqis, encourage them to create their own government, and promote economic development so we can bring our troops home. 

“Coalition forces have been in Iraq for five long years.  I believe we need a new strategy in Iraq.  It is time for the United States to cut the apron strings.  The Iraqis must take control of their own security.  Iraqi leaders must focus on creating their own government, maintaining security, creating jobs, and improving the lives of the Iraqi people.  This will allow us to draw down our forces and bring them home,” said Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD).     

Congressman Ruppersberger calls his strategy for Iraq “The Perimeter Plan.”  The Congressman believes the Iraqis should patrol the streets of Iraq.  American troops should guard the perimeter areas and back-up the Iraqis in an emergency.  Redeploying troops to perimeter areas and lowering the profile of American forces will break the dependency the Iraqi military has on U.S. forces.  The Iraqis will gain more confidence in their own abilities to secure their own country allowing American troops to withdraw and return home.  The Congressman presented his “Perimeter Plan” to the President and members of his Cabinet at the White House on two occasions.   

“As a Congressman who serves on the Intelligence Committee, I am concerned that the war is costing us too much and straining our military compromising other intelligence missions.  The War in Iraq is forcing us to take our eye off the ball and the Global War on Terror.  We have lost focus in Afghanistan which is getting more dangerous.  In addition, our military is exhausted – both career and National Guard.  American troops are serving more tours deployed overseas than ever before in modern history,” said Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD).   

The Congressman also met with military personnel from Maryland.  Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes (D-Texas) and Ranking Member Peter Hoekstra (R-Michigan) also traveled to the region as part of the Congressional delegation.  When the delegation was in Iraq, a sandstorm grounded helicopter travel, requiring the delegation to move in a heavily armored ground convoy.  This is a rare move for a delegation because of the unsettling security situation.  An improvised explosive device (IED) was discovered in the area near the delegation’s travels through Baghdad.  No one was injured.


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