Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger Serving MD's Second District
For Immediate Release
May 29, 2006
Contact Information
Heather Moeder Molino
  From the Office of Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger
Maryland's 2nd District

Ruppersberger Honors Veterans on Memorial Day

   “We Must Honor our Veterans with Words and More Importantly Actions”  

(Timonium, MD)- Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) honored our country’s Veterans at a special ceremony at Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens in Timonium on Memorial Day on May 29, 2006.  Since the birth of our nation, millions of American men and women have answered the call to service and risked their lives on behalf of the United States of America for the protection of freedom and liberty.  In World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and now in Iraq and Aghanistan, the Members of our Armed Services have made their country proud.   

“I believe we must honor the service and sacrifice of our Veterans with words and more importantly actions.  We must keep our promises and provide our Veterans with the benefits they deserve.  In Congress, I am working for full funding for Veterans’ healthcare, for fair concurrent receipts, for a resolution to the survivor benefits plan, and much more,” said Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD).

This Memorial Day has extra special meaning for Congressman Ruppersberger.  The last time Congressman Ruppersberger attended the Memorial Day Service at Dulaney Valley Memorial Gardens, his father, Albert Ruppersberger, was with him.  Big Al, as he was called, was a World War II Veteran and served in the Army Air Corp while the Congressman’s mother went to work in the Domino Sugar Refining Company Factory in the Port of Baltimore.  Big Al passed away two months ago.  The Congressman honored his Dad’s memory at the service.   

The Congressman joined Maryland Governor Robert Ehrlich, Major General Bruce Tuxill of the Maryland National Guard and other elected officials at the ceremony.  Right now, over 4,000 men and women in uniform from Maryland are serving their country - 2,000 active duty servicemen and women and 2,000 National Guard and Reservists who have been called up to active duty.


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