
News Item

Latham Votes to Strengthen Rural Veterans’ Access to Health Care

TL on the floor

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Washington, Sep 15 -

Washington, D.C.—Iowa Congressman Tom Latham supported Iowa veterans in the United States Congress as he recently worked to pass H.R. 1527, the Rural Veterans Access to Care Act. The legislation, co-sponsored by Latham, requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to implement a three-year pilot program to pay for qualified veterans enrolled in the VA health care system to receive VA-financed medical care from non-VA medical facilities in their own communities.

"Rural health care for veterans needs to be improved," said Congressman Latham. "Veterans who live in rural parts of this nation oftentimes must travel long distances to VA medical facilities to receive the health care promised to them. Veterans have to wait months for an appointment and they are frequently forced to give up a full day to travel for care—sometimes in fragile condition. The fact remains that not all of America’s veterans have equal access to these services—and that is wrong."

Congressman Latham has been a champion of rural veterans’ access to care issues in Congress, providing support to a number of pro-veteran bills and introducing the Veterans Access to Local Health Care Options and Resources (VALOR) Act in the House of Representatives, a bill that would apply provisions similar to the Rural Veterans Access to Care Act on a permanent, nationwide basis.

The legislation passed the House of Representatives in a 418-0 vote and now moves to the United States Senate, where, if approved, would send the measure to the President for his signature enacting it into law.

"With large number of these veterans returning from combat, the need for VA health care in rural areas will increase dramatically in coming years. Our veterans deserve better, and the Rural Veterans Access to Care Act, and the VALOR Act, honors all of our veterans by giving them greater choice and access to health services."


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