Congressman Mark Udall
Serving Colorado's Front Range and Western Slope

September 11, 2008

Udall Statement on the Seventh Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks

Washington, D.C. U.S. Rep. Mark Udall, D-Eldorado Springs, released the following statement recognizing the seventh anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the Pentagon, World Trade Center and the intended third attack which was thwarted by the heroism of passengers on United Flight 93.  


“Seven years ago today, we were attacked on our home soil when terrorists based in Afghanistan violently and tragically ended the lives of thousands of Americans. Today we remember those killed at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and on United Flight 93, and we remember the brave first responders who saved so many and died trying to save more.


“It’s appropriate that the two presidential candidates will appear together at Ground Zero today to honor those who lost their lives. Partisan politics should never have anything to do with September 11th. This is a day when all Americans mourn those who died and when all Americans stop to reflect on the unbreakable American spirit and the values that make this country so great.


“But this is also a time to consider our strategic priorities. Although the 9-11 attacks came from Al Qaeda bases in Afghanistan, we haven’t given the war in Afghanistan the attention it deserves. Seven years ago Osama bin Laden and his top deputy planned and directed these horrific attacks on America, and today they are still at large. Al Qaeda is operating in relative freedom in the border regions between Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the Taliban is again flourishing. Attacks on our soldiers in Afghanistan have increased, and 2008 has already been the deadliest for American forces since the 2001 invasion.


 “I’ve argued for years that Afghanistan and Pakistan continue to be the central front of the fight against Islamic terrorism. The Administration has finally recognized the need for a greater focus on Afghanistan, yet it will not commit the resources to match the severity of the threat. On this seventh anniversary of the 9-11 attacks, we need to acknowledge where the real security threat lies – and commit our resources accordingly.


“As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I remain deeply committed to helping Colorado and our nation win the fight against the forces of terrorism. The attacks on America on September 11th united our country in recognizing the international security challenge posed by extremist Islamic groups like al Qaeda and sharply reminded us that we live in a dangerous world. As we reflect today on innocent lives lost seven years ago, we must renew our commitment to keep America safe and refocus on the international security challenges before us.”




To contact the Udall press office, call Heather Fox at 970-290-4653. 



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