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Outreach Evaluation Resource Center

Quarterly Report: May - July, 2005

Training and continuing education

No activity this quarter.

Consultation with Network members and NNO

Cathy Burroughs, Cindy Olney, and Susan Barnes presented reports about the Public Library and Public Health Outreach Initiatives, and the PubMed/MedlinePlus Followup Survey, at the RML Directors' Meeting in San Antonio.

Assistance with analysis, synthesis, and reporting of evaluation results

Aron Beal of Web-STOC began making upgrades to the PubMed/MedlinePlus Followup Survey results browser in preparation for its release to the RML staff.

Communications and collaboration

Susan Barnes participated as a member of the Effective Practices workgroup of the Tribal Connections Four Corners collaboration.

 Susan Barnes contributed an article about the Public Health and Public Library outreach initiatives to the NN/LM Midcontinental Region's newsletter, “Plains to Peaks Post.”

Utilization and promotion of the evaluation guide

Cindy Olney and Susan Barnes began work on booklets to condense and update the evaluation guide.


Susan Barnes became Acting Assistant Director of the OERC, following Cathy Burroughs' promotion to Associate Director, NN/LM Pacific Northwest Region.

 A proposal for the 2006-2011 OERC contract was completed and submitted to the National Library of Medicine.

 To increase her expertise in various areas of program evaluation, the assistant director of the OERC attended two full-day classes at the Claremont Graduate University's Professional Development Workshop Series: Hallie Preskill's “Strategies for Teaching the Ins and Outs of Evaluation” and Eusebio Alvaro's “Health Behavior Program Development & Evaluation" (July 14 and 15).