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Outreach Evaluation Resource Center

Quarterly Report: February - April, 2005

Training and continuing education

No activity to report.

Consultation with Network members and NNO

Based on a request by NNO, C. Burroughs and Cynthia Olney developed evaluation plans and questions to assess RML-wide progress on objectives of the Public Libraries and Public Health Outreach Initiatives. The underlying goals of these initiatives are to increase awareness, skill and access to NLM resources and needed health information by public librarians and the public health workforce. C. Olney and C. Burroughs developed a survey for distribution to RML staff, to assess progress on selected objectives included in the logic models developed for the Initiatives.

C. Olney also reviewed and downloaded data from PubMed/MedlinePlus Training Followup Survey results browser for statistical analysis and reporting.

Results from both surveys were compiled and reported, along with other evaluation data collected via the Outreach Activity Reporting Forms and the Participant Information Sheets, at the May RML Directors' in San Antonio.

Assistance with analysis, synthesis, and reporting of evaluation results

C. Burroughs provided input to NOMC about purpose and specifications of mapping to be presented at the RML Director's meeting in May.

Communications and collaboration

No activity to report.

Utilization and promotion of the evaluation guide

NN/LM PNR continued to distribute the evaluation guide based on request.

C. Olney developed concept outlines and drafts of booklets 1 and 2, part of a publication series to complement and update the current evaluation guide. NN/LM PNR staff reviewed and commented on the first booklet in the (to be named) series. C. Burroughs also asked Dr. Olney to consider co-developing a new evaluation workshop to pilot the new booklets.