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Outreach Evaluation Resource Center

Quarterly Report: February - April, 2004

Training and continuing education

Continued refining the hospital libary evaluation workshop with Betsy Kelly and Maryanne Blake. Received 6 hours of CE credit from the Medical Library Association.

April 2: Maryanne Blake and Betsy Kelly conducted the hospital library evaluation workshop as a pilot in Denver for the Colorado Council of Medical Libraries.

April 30: C. Burroughs and M. Blake conducted the outreach evaluation workshop for members of the GMR regional advisory committee via videoconference. It was a successful pilot for conducting the workshop via distance learning formats.

Consultation with Network members and NNO

C. Burroughs was involved in the following activities:

Attended and provided feedback on pilot modules for training public librarian, conducted at the GMR in Chicago.

Participated as an advisory member at the site visit of the Colonias Project: A Consumer Health Information Hispanic Outreach Project in Texas-Mexico Border Colonias, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Regional Academic Health Center Medical Library in Harlingen

Continued participation in the Hospital Internet Access Task Force.

Provided input about evaluation planning for Library Improvement Projects awarded in the SCR

Provided input about plans for context evaluation process with potential community based organization partners in the PNR.

Based on request, reviewed and provided input on evaluation sections of proposals to implement strategies developed in the first phase of the Community Outreach Partnership Planning Awards (COPPA).

Assistance with analysis, synthesis, and reporting of evaluation results

No activity

Communications and collaboration

C. Burroughs was involved in the following activities:

Served as a proposal reviewer for the "Partners in Public Health Information Outreach" funding award in the South Central Region.

Continued participation in the Technical Advisory Committee for the National Online Mapping Center.

Participated in a subcommittee of the TC4 Collaboration, with Claire Hamasu and Siobhan Blackwell, to develop methodology for sharing effective practices learned from tribal outreach experience. The committee was successful in collaborating with National Services Resource Center to post effective practices about working with tribal communities on their Effective Practice database:

Began discussions and planning to design a followup evaluation of RML outreach training sessions on PubMed and MedlinePlus.

As lead presenter of "Consumer Health Outreach Programs: A Tool for Public Libraries and Community Partners," C. Burroughs delivered the paper with Gail Kouame and Heidi Sandstrom at the NCNMLG/MLGSCA/PNC-MLA Joint Meeting, 2004 Jan 30, Sacramento, CA.

Submitted and published an article about evaluation in the field of medical libraries. Citation: Burroughs CM. Evaluation in health information outreach programs. In: Emerging roles of health sciences librarians. Edited by Shipman JP and Watstein SB. Reference Services Review 32 (1): 64-68, 2004

Continued participation as member of the steering committee for the upcoming Communtiy Based Outreach (CBO) Symposium Steering Committee.

Recruited 4 academics with expertise in evaluation for the Outcomes & Assessment Panel at the NLM CBO Symposium. Panelists include: Dr. Cynthia Olney, Dr. Lawrence Green, Dr. Judith Ottoson, and Dr. Charles Friedman.

Continued maintaining and updating the OERC website.

Utilization and promotion of the evaluation guide

NN/LM PNR continued to distribute the guide based on request.


Submitted and received approval for the OERC budget in Year 4.