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Outreach Evaluation Resource Center

Quarterly Report: August - October, 2002

Training and continuing education

C. Burroughs and M. Blake conducted the full day evaluation workshop on:

  • September 27 at the Rochester Regional Library Council, Rochester, New York, for health sciences and public library members.
  • October 17 at the Mid-Atlantic Chapter/Medical Library Association, Washington, DC

October 4:: C. Burroughs gave a presentation about the OERC at the Regional Advisory Council of the NN/LM, MCR in Kansas City, Kansas.

October 25-26: C. Burroughs attended "How Libraries and Librarians Help" workshop sponsored by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, University of Washington.

Web site development

Dr. Zoe Stavri, consultant, met with C. Burroughs on Sept 29-30 in Seattle to flesh out concept outline of a stand alone web-based toolkit for the evaluation guide on ways to develop useful research objectives and methodology for decision-based evaluation.

Consultation with Network members and NNO

C. Burroughs reviewed the projects currently funded by the NN/LM SCR to help provide suggestions on how the projects might evaluate their efforts.

As a resource to the evaluation consultant for Tribal Connections Phase 3 (TC3), C. Burroughs helped to develop TC3 pre-program interview questions. On Oct 7-8, Ms. Burroughs also traveled to one of the TC3 sites (the Confederated Tribe of the Umatilla Reservation in Oregon) and assisted in conducting the interviews with several key contacts at the tribe.

C. Burroughs consulted with Claire Hamasu in the NN/LM, MCR and Roy Sahali in the PNR about developing a proposal for a 2-year project to capture lessons learned by partners who are participating in tribal outreach in the Four Corners area of the United States. Ms. Burroughs assisted with outlining and reviewing the submitted proposal that was approved by NLM.

Betsy Kelly of the NN/LM, MCR asked C. Burroughs to review a network member survey that will collect baseline data about member's services, resources, and relationships.

Ms. Burroughs drafted a memo to initiate and provide specific charges to the public libraries and public health department outreach evaluation task forces. Neil Rambo and Debbie Sibley, task force chairs for the public libraries and public health outreach evaluation task forces, respectively, met by phone with Angela Ruffin, Keith Cogdill, Lalitha Kutty, and C. Burroughs to discuss strategy and timeline for the work of their groups. C. Burroughs participated in all task force conference calls that took place for the next 2 months, and assisted the chairs in managing, documenting, and reporting their progress.

Assistance with analysis, synthesis, and reporting of evaluation results

No activity in this time period.

Communications and collaboration

C. Burroughs continued working with the Technology Committee of the MLA/PNC chapter to administer the electronic document delivery survey and to analyze the results.

C. Burroughs continued maintaining and updating the OERC website.

Utilization and promotion of the evaluation guide

NN/LM PNR continued to distribute the guide based on request.


C. Burroughs submitted documentation to the University of Washington Libraries for consideration for continuing status as an Associate Librarian.