Effects of Nonpay Status on Employee Benefits

Determination Number of Days/Hours in Nonpay Status Allowed Without Penalty (See Note Below)
Initial Appointment Probationary Period Any nonpay time in excess of 22 workdays extends the probationary period by that number of days
Supervisory/Managerial Probationary Period
Career Tenure Any nonpay time in excess of 30 calendar days for each period of absence extends the service date for career tenure by that number of days.
Leave Earnings If employee is in nonpay status for an entire pay period, no annual or sick leave is earned for that period. If nonpay time occurs during part of one or more of a full-time employee's pay periods, the employee continues to earn leave until the nonpay time totals 80 hours. Then leave is reduced by the amount the employee earns during a pay period.
Service Compuatation Dates 6 months of nonpay time is creditable. The employee's service computation date must be adjusted by the amount of nonpay time in excess of 6 months in one calendar year. (Excess time is added to employee's service computation date.)
Within-grade Increase General Schedule
Waiting Period for Step Nonpay Time Allowed
2-3-4 2 workweeks
(80 hours for full-time employee)
5-6-7 4 workweeks
(160 hours for full-time employee)
8-9-10 6 workweeks
(240 hours for full-time employee)
Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Coverage continues without cost to the employee for up to 12 months in nonpay status. Coverage is terminated after employee has been in nonpay status for 12 months. (Previous time in nonpay status counts toward the 12 months if employee did not return to duty for at least 4 consecutive months.)
Federal Employees Health Benefits Unless employee cancels the enrollment, coverage generally continues for up to 365 days in nonpay status, and employee is liable for his or her full share of the premiums for this period. See 5 CFR 890.303 - 890.305 for information about exceptions to the general rule and for additional information.

NOTE: If absence is to perform duty with the uniformed services or because of compensable injury, there is no penalty for the nonpay status - the time is credited for length of service purposes just as though the employee had remained in pay and duty status.