Auto Air Pollution Reduction Tips

Aside from ridesharing there are many practical ways each of us can help to reduce pollution from our cars. Here are a few suggestions offered by the EPA and the NYSDOT.

Driving Tips

Drive at a Steady Pace - Fuel efficiency increases when you drive at an even speed. You can also improve your gas mileage by avoiding fast starts and quick stops.

Drive at Moderate Speeds - Most cars operate most efficiently between 35 and 45 miles per hour. Operating your car at lower and higher speeds reduces fuel efficiency. For highway driving, gas mileage can increase by as much as 15 percent if you drive at 55 miles per hour rather than 65 miles per hour.

Combine Your Trips – By combining your errands into one trip, you get things done faster and it helps reduce traffic congestion and air pollution. Starting a car after it has been sitting for more than an hour creates up to five times more pollution than when the engine is warm.

Avoid Unnecessary Idling - Contrary to popular belief, your car uses less fuel when you turn off and restart your engine than letting your engine idle for 30 or more seconds. To improve your fuel economy, try reducing engine warm-up time in the winter and turn your engine off in traffic jams. Idling for long periods in cold weather can lead to excessive engine wear.

Get Fuel When it’s Cool – Postpone refueling your vehicle until the cooler evening hours. Evaporative losses of gasoline from refueling are less when the temperature is lower.

Don’t Top Off the Tank - It releases gasoline fumes into air and cancels the benefits of the pump’s anti-pollution devices. Stop short of a full tank, it’s safer and reduces pollution.

Use an Energy Conserving (EC) Grade of Motor Oil - Look for the multigrade and EC grade labels the next time you purchase motor oil. An EC multigrade oil can improve your car’s mileage by as much as 1.5 percent while an EC II rated oil can boost mileage by as much as 2.5 percent.

Avoid Carrying Unneeded Items in the Trunk - Extra weight decreases gas mileage. Also, reduce drag by placing items inside the car or trunk rather than on roof racks.

Maintenance Tips

Keep Tires Properly Inflated and Wheels Aligned - Proper tire inflation and wheel alignment prevents excessive drag and can improve your fuel economy by up to one mile per gallon.

Get Regular Tune-ups and Maintenance Checks - A tune-up can improve your car’s performance and gas mileage. Poor starting, rough idling and lower gas mileage may be signals that your spark plugs are worn and need to be replaced. Also, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for replacing motor oil and air filters.

Use Your Air Conditioner Sparingly - Running the air conditioner places added drag on your car’s engine that can reduce gas mileage by up to 20 percent. Try rolling down the windows on those not-so-hot days or when you’re stuck in traffic.

Know Your Car - Check the tailpipe for signs that your car may be running inefficiently. Black smoke means there is too much gas in the air/fuel mixture and the fuel injection system should be checked. Blue smoke means the engine is burning oil and excess hydrocarbons are being released. Pay attention to flashing dashboard lights that warn of engine problems. A sudden drop in gas mileage may signal engine troubles and higher vehicle emissions. Get your vehicle to a skilled automotive technician for repairs when you notice any of these problem indicators.

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Last Modified: February 4, 2008