NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Presentations by NERSC Staff

Selected Presentations

  • "NERSC's Move Toward Petascale Computing with the Cray XT Architecture," William T. Kramer, SC2006. [PDF]
  • "Progress in Supercomputing: The Top Three Breakthroughs of the Last 20 Years and the Top Three Challenges for the Next 20 Years," Horst D. Simon, keynote address, ISC 2005, Heidelberg, June 22, 2005, and CITRIS Distinguished Speaker Series, UC Berkeley, November 2005. [PDF] [video]
  • "Towards Petascale Computing in Science," Horst D. Simon, The Salishan Conference on High-Speed Computing, April 18-21, 2005. [PDF]
  • "HPC Panel: Scientific Computing — Should the Tail Wag the Dog?" Horst D. Simon, 2005 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Orlando, February 2005. [PDF]
  • "What Supercomputers Still Can’t Do — A Reflection on the State of the Art in CSE," Horst D. Simon, CIS’04 Shanghai, P.R. China,
    December 16, 2004. [PDF]
  • "Team Based Approaches in Computational Science," Horst D. Simon, CSUPERB, San Jose, California, January 2004. [PDF]

Chronological List of Presentations

Also see past NERSC training class materials and NERSC Users' Group meeting presentations.
  1. “IO Library Benchmarking on GPFS,” Katie Antypas, SciComp, July 16–20, 2007. [PDF]
  2. “Application and System Memory Use, Configuration, and Problems on Bassi,” Richard Gerber, ScicomP, July 17, 2007. [PDF]
  3. “PERCU Results in a Reawakened Relationship for NERSC and Cray,” William T. Kramer, Cray User Group, May 7–10, 2007. [PDF]
  4. “Scaling into Tomorrow,” Nick Cardo, Cray User Group, May 7–10, 2007. [PDF]
  5. “The Performance Effect of Multi-Core on Scientific Applications,” Jonathan Carter, Helen He, John Shalf, Erich Strohmaier, Hongzhang Shan, and Harvey Wasserman, Cray User Group, May 7–10, 2007. [PDF]
  6. “Using IOR to Analyze the I/O Performance of XT3,” Hongzhang Shan and John Shalf, Cray User Group, May 7–10, 2007. [PDF]
  7. "NERSC's Move Toward Petascale Computing with the Cray XT Architecture," William T. Kramer, SC2006. [PDF]
  8. "Progress in Supercomputing: The Top Three Breakthroughs of the Last 20 Years and the Top Three Challenges for the Next 20 Years," Horst D. Simon, keynote address, ISC 2005, Heidelberg, June 22, 2005, and CITRIS Distinguished Speaker Series, UC Berkeley, November 2005. [PDF] [video]
  9. "Towards Petascale Computing in Science," Horst D. Simon, The Salishan Conference on High-Speed Computing, April 18-21, 2005. [PDF]
  10. "HPC Panel: Scientific Computing — Should the Tail Wag the Dog?" Horst D. Simon, 2005 SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Orlando, February 2005. [PDF]
  11. "Finding the Unknown in a Sea of Data: Leveraging Human Intuition with Scientific Visual Data Analysis," Wes Bethel, LBNL Projects Office,Washington, D.C., February 17, 2005. [PDF]
  12. "What Supercomputers Still Can’t Do — A Reflection on the State of the Art in CSE," Horst D. Simon, CIS’04 Shanghai, P.R. China,
    December 16, 2004. [PDF]
  13. "Team Based Approaches in Computational Science," Horst D. Simon, CSUPERB, San Jose, California, January 2004. [PDF]
  14. "Soft Computing and Current Trends in Supercomputing," Horst D. Simon, BISC Workshop, Berkeley, California, December 2003. [PDF]
  15. "CHOS - CHROOT OS," Shane Canon, presented at SC2004, PIttsburgh, PA, November 2004.
  16. "Comprehensive Scientific Support of Large Scale Parallel Computation," David Skinner, presented at SC2004, PIttsburgh, PA, November 2004.
  17. "The Return of the Cube: Spinning the Security of SCinet," Stephen Lau, presented at SC2004, PIttsburgh, PA, November 2004.
  18. "Scaling First Principles Materials and Nanoscience Codes to Thousands of Processors (and Thousands of Atoms)," Andrew Canning and Lin-Wang Wang, presented at SC2004, PIttsburgh, PA, November 2004.
  19. "Science-Driven Visualization: Research Challenges," Wes Bethel, presented at SC2004, PIttsburgh, PA, November 2004.
  20. "Twelve Ways to Fool the Masses: Back to the Future," David H. Bailey, presented at SC2004, PIttsburgh, PA, November 2004. [PDF]
  21. " A Project to Measure and Characterize Performance of the Heterogeneous Workload on NERSC's IBM SP , Richard Gerber, NERSC User Services, Presented at PERC HPC Performance Workshop, Oakland, CA, May 4, 2004.
  22. "New Computing Initiatives in the U.S.," Horst D. Simon, Directory, NERSC Center Division, LBNL, June 25, 2003. [PDF]
  23. "The Grand Challenge Question for Performance Evaluation of HPC Systems," Horst D. Simon, Director, NERSC Center and Computational Research Divisions, LBNL, May 5, 2003. [PDF]
  24. "Report on NERSC Upgrade and Plans," Horst D. Simon, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ASCAC Presenation, March 13, 2003. [PDF]
  25. "SciDAC at NERSC," Horst D. Simon, Director NERSC Center, March 6, 2003. [PDF]
  26. "NERSC Overview," Horst D. Simon, Directory, NERSC Center Division, LBNL, January 13, 2003. [PDF]
  27. "The Divergence Problem," Horst D. Simon, Director, NERSC Center Division, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, November 19, 2002. [PDF]
  28. "Facts and Wishful Thinking about the Future of Supercomputing," Horst D. Simon, Director, NERSC Center and Computational Research Divisions, SCICOMP 6, Berkeley, CA, August 2002. [PDF]
  29. "Five Trends in Supercomputing for the Next Five Years", Horst Simon, NERSC Director, Berkeley, CA, July 2002. [PDF ]

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