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Black Hole Merger Simulations

Physicists at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics are performing simulations of the spiraling coalescence of two black holes, a problem of particular importance for interpreting the gravitational wave signatures that will soon be seen by new laser interferometric detectors around the world. Detection of the first gravitational waves (or failure to do so) will strongly test Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, the results of which will have ramifications that extend throughout the world of physics. The Cactus simulation code is being used to perform the calculations. This is the first time ever that a spiraling merger of this type has been accurately simulated (Figure 5). The results so far indicate that the Meudon model for coalescence seems to match the simulation data more accurately than the competing Cook-Baumgarte model.

Visualization of binary black hole inspiral.
Figure 5   Visualization of binary black hole inspiral.

Collisions between black holes should theoretically create propagating gravitational waves, similar to the electromagnetic waves given off by distant stars. These ripples in space-time should be seen as subtle variations in the length of objects as they move through space. Recently built laser interferometric detectors such as LIGO and VIRGO are capable of measuring these subtle ripples in space. However, the gravitational wave signal that can be detected by these interferometers is so faint that it is very close to the level of noise in these devices. So simulations of the kinds of events that might produce gravitational waves can provide important insights into the gravitational wave signature produced by these events, potentially making the instruments more productive.

The Cactus code performs a direct evolution of Einstein’s equations, which are a system of coupled nonlinear elliptic hyperbolic equations that contain thousands of terms if fully expanded. Consequently, the simulation resource requirements are enormous just to do the most basic of simulations. The simulations have been limited by both the memory and CPU performance of supercomputers as they attempt to move from calibrating against analytic black hole solutions to non-analytic astrophysically relevant cases in full 3D. The spiraling merger is just such a non-analytic case.

These simulations must use more than one-third of the NERSC IBM SP’s available aggregate memory of 4.3 TB in order to achieve the resolution required to accurately simulate these phenomena. This simulation uses 1.5 TB of memory and more than 2 TB of disk space for each run. These runs typically consume 64 of the large-memory nodes of the SP (a total of 1,024 processors) for 48 wall-clock hours at a stretch. The simulation can use all 184 nodes, but this would only allow simulations that are fractionally larger than using the large-memory nodes due to memory/load-balancing issues.

NERSC provided access to a special queue to improve turnaround, opened ports to allow remote steering and Grid access, and provided consulting support for 64-bit integration and code debugging. In the space of two months, this simulation consumed 700,000 CPU hours, simulating three-fourths of a full orbit before coalescence. In the near future, this project could use 10 TB of disk for each run, 5 TB of uniform, user-available memory, and 15 million CPU hours.

E. Seidel, M. Alcubierre, G. Allen, B. Brügmann, P. Diener, D. Pollney, T. Radke, and R. Takahashi, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics; J. Shalf, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

M. Alcubierre, B. Brügmann, P. Diener, M. Koppitz, D. Pollney, E. Seidel, and R. Takahashi, “Gauge conditions for long-term numerical black hole evolutions without excision,” Phys. Rev. D (in press).
M. Alcubierre B. Brügmann, P. Diener, F. Guzman, S. Hawley, M. Koppitz, D. Pollney, and E. Seidel, “Dynamical evolution of binary black hole data,” in preparation (2002).


NERSC Annual Report 2002 Table of Contents Science Highlights NERSC Center