NERSC logo National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
  A DOE Office of Science User Facility
  at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

NUG / ERSUG Meeting Information

May 2003, at Argonne National Laboratory

November 2002, at SC2002 in Baltimore, Maryland

June 2002, at Berkeley Lab

November, 2001, at SC2001 in Denver, Colorado

February, 2001, LBL/Oakland Scientific Facility

June 5-6, 2000, Oak Ridge, TN

November 15, 1999, at Supercomputing'99, Portland, Oregon

April 26-27, 1999, Argonne National Laboratory, IL November 9, 1998, at Supercomputing'98, Orlando, Florida

April 6-7, 1998, at NERSC/LBNL, CA

June 5-6, 1997, at PPPL, NJ

January 28-29, 1997, at NERSC/LBNL, CA

June 25-26, 1996, at Germantown, MD

January 8-9, 1996 at LBNL, Berkeley, CA

June 13-14, 1995 at NERSC / LLNL, CA

January 12-13, 1995 at Richland, WA

July 11-12, 1994 at Rockville, MD

January 12-13, 1994 at UCLA

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