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Critical Dates

    Notice of Intent due date: 3/20/2008 [SPACER] [SPACER] [SPACER] [SPACER] [SPACER] [SPACER] Proposal due date: 5/15/2008

Data Sources

The ROSES 2008 Jupiter Data Analysis Program Appendix C.9, specifies that:

    [Proposers may use Jupiter science data obtained by the New Horizons Voyager, Galileo, and Cassini spacecraft]. "New Horizons data must be in the Planetary Data System archive at least 90 days prior to the proposal due date."

Finding Jupiter Data at the Rings Node

    The beta version of our Multi-Mission Search Tool allows a user to search for and obtain subsets of data based on a wide range of constraints. At this time the tool's support for Jupiter data is limited to searches of our Cassini ISS holdings. We plan to continue extending the scope of the tool to address all of the data held at the Rings Node.

    Mark Showalter presented a tutorial to the 2005 meeting of the Geological Society of America on how to find and obtain data from the PDS. While the examples he used are based on searches for Cassini data, the presentation gives good insights into general approaches for accessing PDS data. The presentation is available as a PDF file here (4.9 Mbytes).

    Mission Pages at the Rings Node

    The primary source of SPICE data for these missions is NAIF's anonymous FTP site.

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