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Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

"We will work closely with our coalition to deny terrorists and their state sponsors the materials, technology, and expertise to make and deliver weapons of mass destruction."


President George W. Bush
January 29, 2002

Nonproliferation and export controls provide a system of rules, norms, and behavior that help deny the transfer of proscribed dual-use items to undesirable or dangerous end-users.

UAE Delegation 2002 (Click for Larger Image)

UAE Delegation 2002



BIS established the Nonproliferation and Export Control (OIP) Cooperation Program to assist the countries in designing and implementing export control systems  tailored to individual country requirements.

To that end, the OIP Cooperation Team has hosted and participated in a number of educational and information forums with participating countries.

How the OIP judges its Measures of Effectiveness
OIP Team Accomplishments.




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