[design image slice] U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service on faded trees in medium light green background [design image slice] more faded trees

Bighorn National Forest

[design image] green box with curved corner
[design image] green and cream arch

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USDA Forest Service
Bighorn National Forest
2013 Eastside 2nd Street
Sheridan, WY 82801

Telephone for the
Hearing Impaired

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Projects & Plans

Recreation Facility Analysis

Background | Current Status | What is Next | Public Participation | Project Documents


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Many of the Bighorn’s developed recreation sites were built 30-50 years ago. Since then, visitor preferences and demographics have changed. Some sites no longer serve projected recreation demand; some facilities are in poor shape and do not meet visitors’ expectations. To respond to these conditions and national direction, the forest is working on the Recreation Facility Analysis (RFA), a Seven Step Process, for developed recreation sites. The result of RFA is a program of work with a list of prioritized actions to more effectively manage these recreation sites.

Current Status

The Forest’s inventory records of recreation sites, along with estimates of the costs for operation and maintenance for each recreation site have been updated.

Recreation-visitor use, market data, and other public input have been examined to determine the focus of the Forest’s recreation program. The result is a map of the forest’s recreation settings and a summary paragraph about recreation on the Forest describing what is unique or special.

The Forest recreation staff examined all of the developed sites included in the RFA process (see developed recreation site list) and identified strategies to maintain recreation opportunities while reducing site expenditures and deferred maintenance. The developed recreation sites were then rated through the use of a series of questions involving the site’s conformance with the forest recreation program niche (see About the Bighorn); their financial and operational efficiency; their effects on environmental sustainability; and their effects on community stability.

What is Next?

You, our Stakeholders, review a proposed 5-Year Program of Work

A summary of the draft Proposed Program of Work (PPOW) is available on the web. If you wish to view a hard copy of the full version of the draft Proposed Program of Work (PPOW) you may request one be mailed. We would like to hear from you regarding the results of the Bighorn National Forest Recreation Facility Analysis process and the Proposed Program of Work. Comments will be taken until March 15, 2008. Contact information is in the right sidebar.


Public Participation

We recognize the importance of these sites and welcome your comments and suggestions during this process.


Date Place
February 4, 2008 - Monday
5-7 pm
Medicine Wheel/Paintrock District Office,
604 East Main, Lovell, WY
February 5, 2008 - Tuesday
5-7 pm
Greybull Hot Shot Facility, 1220 N 8th, Greybull, WY
February 6, 2008 - Wed.
4-6 pm
USDA Worland Service Center, 208 Shilo St, Worland, WY
February 7, 2008 - Thursday
4-6 pm
Powder River District Office, 1415 Fort St,
Buffalo, WY
February 12, 2008 - Tuesday
5-7 pm
Tongue District Office, 2013 Eastside 2nd St,
Sheridan, WY


If you have specific questions, want to be put on the RFA mailing list for future notification, or wish to more actively participate, please feel free to contact Ruth Beckwith, Project Coordinator or Dave McKee. Contact information is in the right sidebar.


Project Documents

Note: Adobe Reader 5.0 or above is required to read the PDF documents. It is available as a free download from www.adobe.com.


Date Document
February 11, 2008 Summary - Proposed Program of Work (pdf) 74 kb
December 18, 2007 Seven Step Process (pdf) 6kb
December 18, 2007 Developed Recreation Site List (pdf) 79 kb
December 18, 2007 Recreation Setting Map (pdf) 1770 kb
December 18, 2007 About the Bighorn (pdf) 14 kb


USDA Forest Service, Bighorn National Forest
Website comments? Please let us know.
Last modified February 27, 2008

USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site.