Office of Human Capital Management - DHRD - Awards
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1. Coverage
2. Basic Policy
3. Basic Processing Requirements
4. Assistance
5. Basic Delegations
6. Limitations of Awards
7. Approvals and Justifications
8. Timing of Awards
9. Awards for Political Appointees



This fact sheet covers all types of monetary and time off awards for DHRD serviced employees:

  • performance bonus award - a lump sum cash award based on the annual performance rating; it rewards exceptional performance such as sustained high quality work, productivity, or outstanding customer service

  • quality step increase (QSI) - another type of performance award which increases annual salary by moving the employee's pay to the next pay step in the GS-grade; the employee must have an outstanding rating to be eligible for a QSI

  • extra effort award - a lump sum cash award that recognizes significant one-time contributions to the Office's mission or goals (e.g., special project, task force, etc.)

  • spot award - an immediate cash award for accomplishments that warrant a smaller dollar amount; the activity for this type of award is usually completed within 6 weeks

  • time off award - an extra effort award that grants the employee time off with pay, without charge to leave


The basic policy is that

  • awards are granted for excellent work which is linked as directly as possible to the accomplishment of Agency mission, strategic plans, and other organizational goal.

  • awards are to be granted fairly and equitably.

The Department sets overall policy, procedures, and limitations on awards in these issuances:  GUIDE FOR EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION (09-29-06)


All awards are recommended, approved, and processed for payment using form AD-287-2, Recommendation and Approval of Awards (WORD) (FILL IN PDF). After being recommended and approved by program mangers, all awards forms are processed by DHRD's Staffing and Placement Services Branch. 


Your resource manager or administrative officer can help you with awards and may also provide an administrative review of your awards to ensure that the employee is eligible for the award and that limitations on awards would not be exceeded. In all cases, DHRD will review the award for employee eligibility and award limitations before it is processed.


Departmental Staff Officers have delegated authority from the Department to approve cash awards up to $5,500 per person, as well as to approve time off awards and QSI's.  Departmental Administration office heads must obtain approval from the Assistant Secretary for Administration.

DA office heads and Departmental Staff Officers typically re-delegate awards authorities to managers and supervisors, but delegations will vary. If you are recommending or approving an award, you should make sure that you are aware of the delegated authority in your organization.  Ask your supervisor or resource manager/administrative officer.


The limitations on awards are set in government-wide regulations and USDA policy:

  • performance awards are limited to one per year.  An employee may not be granted more than one performance bonus award/QSI in any 52 week period; the amount of a performance bonus award may not exceed 10 percent of the employee's annual salary

  • extra effort award amounts range from $50 - $10,000 and above, depending on the contribution to the Government

  • spot award amounts range from $50 to a maximum of $750 (the amount of the award is the net amount to the employee after tax deductions)

  • time-off award.  The maximum amount of a single time-off award is 40 hours.  An employee may not be granted more than 80 hours time-off in a leave year.

  • Career Senior Executive Service (SES) employees can receive performance bonuses, Presidential Rank and Extra Effort Awards (excluding spot and time-off awards); SES non-career employees are only eligible for Extra Effort Awards. 

Note: Awards should be distributed fairly; guidance for award amounts can be found in the time-off scale or measurable and non-measurable benefits scale located in the Department's Guide for Employee Recognition.


USDA policy provides that all monetary awards be approved by a management level higher than the recommending individual.  Time-off awards of 10 hours or less may be approved by a supervisor without a higher level signature.

All recognition for individuals or an individual as a member of a group up to $5,500 per person requires approval as follows:


Approval Authority

Departmental Administration

Assistant Secretary for Administration

Office of Adjudication and Compliance

Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights


Departmental Staff Offices

Appropriate Departmental Staff Officer

Office of the Secretary (career employees)

Appropriate Under or Assistant Secretary

The Secretary of Agriculture approves all awards in excess of $5,500 and not greater than $10,000, and all Senior Executive Service awards.

Awards in excess of $10,000 per individual must be approved by the Secretary of Agriculture and the Office of Personnel Management.

All monetary awards require written justification as do time-off awards greater than 10 hours.  For a quality step increase award, the written justification of performance accomplishments for an outstanding performance rating is sufficient.

Helpful hints on preparing justification can be found in the Department's Guide for Employee Recognition. The justification should be attached to form AD-287-2.


It is important to recognize employee's accomplishments in a timely manner, general recommendations for the timing of awards are:

  • spot award - recognition should occur within 3 but no later than 30 days after completion of the accomplishment

  • performance bonus award - lump sum bonus awards generally should be given within 90 days of the end of the performance cycle

  • quality step increase - When a QSI moves an employee to step 4 or to step 7, the waiting period for the next regular within-grade increase (WGI) is increased by 52 weeks.  Depending on the timing, in some situations the QSI should be delayed until after the WGI is effective, to give maximum benefit to the employee. 



By memorandum from the Secretary's Chief of Staff effective February 28, 2003, USDA established the policy that political appointees, to include non-career Senior Executive Service and Schedule C employees, should not receive performance-based or other awards except for case-by-case exceptions to be determined by the Chief of Staff.

Non-career Senior Executive Service employees and Schedule C employees at GS-13, GS-14 and GS-15 grade levels will not be eligible for USDA performance-based awards.

Non-career Senior Executive Service employees and Schedule C employees at GS-13, GS-14 and GS-15 grade levels will not be eligible for USDA incentive awards unless an exception to this policy is specifically approved by the Secretary's Chief of Staff.

Schedule C appointees at the GS-12 level and below are eligible for case-by-case considerations to receive monetary and non-monetary performance-based awards. All such awards, including cash, quality-step increases and time-off awards, are subject to the following approval process:

Any award nomination for political appointees will follow the normal procedure for awards but will be subject to the following approvals before the award can be granted.

  • Review and Approval. The AD-287-2, Recommendation and Approval of Awards requires the signature of the immediate supervisor, the Senate confirmed appointee for whom the employee works and the Secretary's Chief of Staff.

  • Submission of Forms. If approval is granted, the completed and approved form should be forwarded to DHRD, Office of the Secretary Support Staff for processing.


See Also
    About DHRD
    Contact Us (All DHRD) (PDF;660Kb)
    DHRD’s Serviced Organizations
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    Employee Relations
    Executive Resources
    HR e-Gov Initiatives
    Human Capital Planning
    Information for New Employees
    Performance Management
    Senior Executive Service (SES)
    Work Life Programs
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