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Dec. 17, 2007

Council approves plan to preserve affordable housing at Lora Lake Apartments in Burien

County to purchase land, work with Burien officials on community development

The Metropolitan King County Council today approved a plan that saves 162 units of living wage apartments in south King County that had been under the threat of demolition. The agreement reached between King County, the Port of Seattle, the King County Housing Authority, and the cities of Seattle and Burien preserves the Lora Lake Apartments for affordable housing while assisting Burien in the redevelopment of its downtown retail core.

“This agreement will save 162 units of affordable housing from the wrecking ball, while furthering the economic development plan for Burien’s downtown area,” said Councilmember Dow Constantine, whose district includes the Lora Lake Apartments. “I commend the cities of Burien and Seattle, the King County Housing Authority, and the Port of Seattle for their willingness to stay at the table and work with Executive Sims to craft an agreement that preserves this scarce housing resource by placing it in public ownership.”

“We need to thank Burien officials for their willingness to amend their comprehensive plan to accommodate the Lora Lake complex,” said Councilmember Julia Patterson. “The next step is to work together toward the economic development that will benefit all residents of Burien—including the people who will live at Lora Lake.”

The Port of Seattle owns the Lora Lake complex, which had been slated for demolition and replaced by retail development because of its proximity to the third runway of Sea-Tac Airport. Housing activists and the King County Housing Authority, which manages the Lora Lake complex, objected to the proposed destruction of living wage housing.

The agreement adopted by the Council today calls for the purchase of Lora Lake Apartments by the King County Housing Authority, which will continue to operate the units. The County will purchase property adjacent to the complex from Seattle City Light and the Port and work with the city of Burien to develop the parcel for municipal use.

The agreement also calls for King County and the Housing Authority to provide funds toward the Transit Oriented Development project in downtown Burien designed to increase retail and housing options around public transportation hubs.

The agreement also calls for King County and the Housing Authority to provide funds toward the Transit Oriented Development project in downtown Burien designed to increase retail and housing options around public transportation hubs.

In support of the Lora Lake agreement, State Rep. Dave Upthegrove told the Council today that he and State House Speaker Frank Chopp are committed to advocate in the upcoming 2008 legislative session for: 

  • A pilot program to create incentives for affordable housing for teachers, as part of the mixed-use housing that will be part of the Transit Oriented Development project for Burien;
  • $1.5 million in state capital funds for West Seattle Mental Health, to help relocate its treatment facility that will be adversely impacted by new airport construction; and 
  • $500,000 for the city of Burien to conduct economic development planning in Burien’s North East Redevelopment Area.

    Read more about this legislation on the King County Council’s LEGISEARCH system.  Type in “2007-0669”