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Research Highlights

Real Time Mission MonitorThe Storm Trooper
Software developers at the ITSC, working with atmospheric scientists at NASA / MSFC, have developed the Real Time Mission Monitor (RTMM), a tool that uses Google Earth to combine up-to-the-minute weather imagery with live aircraft flight data. During a past hurricane mission near Cape Verde, Africa, RTMM allowed scientists on the ground to keep the aircraft away from dangerous lightning while the researchers gathered data. In addition, RTMM is used to ensure that scientists stay near the action. Michael Goodman, an atmospheric scientist at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, states, "These are dynamic weather situations, so we are much better able to coordinate our assets if we know where a plane is in relation to the weather." More>>
View article on the Popular Science website

Matt HeNASA Launches Airborne Study of Arctic Atmosphere, Air Pollution
This week, NASA began ARCTAS (Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites), the most extensive field campaign ever to investigate the chemistry of the Arctic's lower atmosphere. The mission is poised to help scientists identify how air pollution contributes to climate changes in the Arctic. The campaign began in Fairbanks, Alaska the week of March 30, 2008, and Dr. Matt He of the ITSC will be working with scientists to gather this information. More>>
View article on the NASA website

Sandra HarperITSC in the News
UAH dramatically expanded its research network capabilities with a deal giving it 20 years of access to its own fiber optic cable. The deal gives the university the ability to manage multiple high-speed computer and communications networks and links it to a national fiber optic network connecting the country's leading research universities. Our own Sandra Harper helped coordinate the project, purchasing optical equipment and working with the schools, NASA, and vendors. She said that the project will allow UAH and other parties to do "big science," data-intensive projects such as climate modeling, grid computing, and visualization systems. More>>
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Mining Web ServicesMining Web Services
Web services and service-oriented architectures (SOA) provide a standard web-based software framework to support distributed data processing solutions. The merging of these technologies with the robust and versatile Algorithm Development and Mining (ADaM) toolkit has produced a suite of easily deployable Mining Web Services that provide the scientific community with powerful data mining capabilities. More>>

A meta search engine and resource aggregator, Noesis is designed specifically for atmospheric science. It uses ontologies to guide users to refine their search query, producing better search results and reducing the user’s burden to experiment with different search strings. More>>

The SCOOP program is helping to create an Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) for the nation by providing IT applications that will help unite the distributed coastal science community. The ITSC is responsible for two main SCOOP tasks. More>>

Cape Verde Islands from spaceNAMMA
Based in the Cape Verde Islands, the NASA African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses (NAMMA) campaign, sponsored by the Science Mission Directorate of NASA, is a field research investigation into the birthing process of tropical hurricanes. The major research topics of this mission examine the formation and evolution of tropical hurricanes in the eastern and central Atlantic and their impact on the U.S. east coast, and the composition and structure of the Saharan Air Layer, and whether aerosols affect cloud precipitation and influence cyclone development. More>>

GoMRC EstuaryThe Gulf of Mexico Regional Collaborative (GoMRC) focuses on environmental monitoring of seagrasses, wetlands, algal blooms, estuaries, coastal restoration, and protected areas in the Gulf of Mexico. More>>

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Information Technology and Systems Center
Dr. Sara J. Graves, Director and University Professor
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, AL 35899, (256) 824-6868, info @





Data Mining
The ITSC data mining research areas include machine learning, phenomena detection, knowledge discovery, and streaming data. Particular emphasis is given to large heterogeneous spatial data sets that are common in both Earth science and other real-word problems. ADaM, The Algorithm Development and Mining System, developed by the ITSC, is a widely used data mining application with over 100 components that can be configured to create customized mining processes. ADaM Version 4.0.2 is now available for download. More>>

Earth Science Markup Language
ESML is an elegant solution to the problem of using Earth science data that is archived and distributed in many different formats. It enables data interoperability with applications without requiring modifications to the application code or data. More>>

Semantic Web and Ontologies
The ITSC is a partner in the NSF information technology research project LEAD (Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery). For this project we created an ontology that provides semantic metadata for data sets and serves as an educational service, knowledge resource and community reference. More>>

Artificial Intelligence for Wargames
The ITSC is doing artificial intelligence research and development for commercial wargames. ITSC has partnered with John Tiller Software and HPS Simulations to produce the award winning "Total War In Europe: The First Blitzkrieg". In addition, ITSC has developed customizable AI components for John Tiller's "Modern Air Power" game, which is being used by the United States Air Force in the Air and Space Basic Course. More>>

Sensor Network Simulations
The ITSC is developing real time data fusion and target tracking algorithms for very large sensor networks. Networks consisting of over one million heterogeneous sensors are being used to track hundreds of targets over a simulated theater of battle. More>>

High Performance Computing and Advanced Networks
The ITSC is performing research to create a national cyber infrastructure to enable large-scale scientific research and engineering. In partnership with academia, government and industry, ITSC is establishing a regional optical network with connectivity to national and international research and education networks. ITSC research in high performance computing includes parallel algorithm development and performance evaluation and tuning of computational clusters and parallel file systems. More>>

Distributed Information Systems
By utilizing emerging standards and approaches the ITSC has developed state-of-the art distribution systems for data, information, and knowledge.
One example is the GHRC Data Pool which provides online access to Passive Microwave data through conventional FTP and user customizable capabilities. More>>