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![]() Organizational Structure of the
S7 I. Mission The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources (ODCHR) directs the administration of comprehensive SSA human resources programs including: human capital and planning initiatives, personnel management, labor management relations, employee relations, civil rights and equal opportunity, and training. II. Organization A. The Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources (S7). B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources (S7). C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources (S7A). D. The Human Capital Staff (S7J) E. The Executive and Special Services Staff (S7K) F. The Office of Personnel (S7B). G. The Office of Labor-Management and Employee Relations (S7C). H. The Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity (S7E). I. The Office of Training (S7G). III. Functions A. The Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources (DCHR) (S7) is directly responsible to the Commissioner for carrying out the ODCHR mission and providing general supervision to major components of ODCHR as well as guidance, support and technical assistance to the SSA regional personnel administration operation and policy and direct service support to the Agency’s executive personnel activities and other high level special categories. B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources (S7) assists the Deputy Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Deputy Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources (S7A). 1. Provides the Deputy Commissioner and the Assistant Deputy Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities. 2. Develops and implements all SSA policies and activities relating to the Agency's executive level personnel management program. 3. Recruits for and places individuals in positions in the Senior Executive Service (SES) in accordance with OPM regulations. 4. Provides staff support to the Executive Resources Board in administering a systematic program to manage SSA's executive and professional resources and ensuring the appropriate selection of candidates to participate in official executive development programs. 5. Provides staff support to the Performance Review Board in reviewing performance plans and subsequent appraisals of career and non-career executives in SES and employees in equivalent level positions. D.
The Human Capital Planning Staff (S7J) provides
leadership within DCHR for the Agency in broad human resources policy
areas related to workforce planning and management. The Staff ensures
that the Agency's human resources policies and practices are aligned
to support the accomplishment of the Agency's mission, vision, goals
and strategies; improve hiring and retention strategies to ensure a
E. The Executive and Special Services Staff (S7K) develops and implements all SSA policies and activities relating to the Agency's executive level personnel management program. Recruits for and places individuals in positions in the Senior Executive Service (SES) in accordance with OPM regulations. Provides staff support to the Executive Resources Board in administering a systematic program to manage SSA's executive and professional resources and ensuring the appropriate selection of candidates to participate in official executive development programs. Provides staff support to the Performance Review Board in reviewing performance plans and subsequent appraisals of career and non-career executives in SES and employees in equivalent level positions. F. The Office of Personnel (OPE) (S7B) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources for carrying out OPE's mission and for providing general supervision to the major components of OPE. The Office directs a comprehensive SSA personnel management program. It develops, implements and maintains a fully integrated and coordinated personnel management program responsive to the needs of SSA. The Office manages personnel programs in the following areas: personnel policy and research, personnel data, position classification and organization management, recruitment and placement, employee counseling, personnel management evaluation, employee assistance services, personnel information planning, employee recognition, health services, and employee benefits including health and retirement. The office develops and implements an SSA-wide program of Personnel Security and Suitability for employees and contractors and administers the SSA Drug Free Workplace program. It directs the development and operation of SSA's Workers' Compensation program, including SSA's Workers' Compensation Return to Work, Controversion and Investigations programs. G. The Office of Labor-Management and Employee Relations (OLMR) (S7C) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources for carrying out OLMER 's mission and for providing general supervision to the major components of OLMER. The Office manages the SSA labor management relations program, including the development and evaluation of the program and the formulation of SSA-wide labor management relations policy. H. The Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity (OCREO) (S7E) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources for carrying out OCREO's mission and for providing general supervision to the major components of OCREO. The Office provides overall management of the SSA-wide programs of civil rights and equal opportunity, including the development of SSA-wide civil rights and equal opportunity policy. I. The Office of Training (OT) (S7G) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner for Human Resources for carrying out OT's mission and for providing general supervision to the major components of OT. The Office manages and administers a national training program to enhance SSA's capability of providing effective and efficient service to the public. It develops and issues Agencywide policies, procedures and operational guidelines for the design, development, implementation, maintenance and evaluation of all SSA training activities. It directs the financial management of training monies to ensure accountability of money spent to train and develop the Agency's employees.
Subchapter S7B I. Mission The
Office of Personnel (OPE) directs a comprehensive program designed to
provide the full range of personnel management programs, including personnel
management evaluation, recruitment and placement, employee counseling,
personnel policy and research, personnel data, employee assistance services,
personnel information planning, employee recognition, health services
and classification and organization management. It administers
and provides counseling for retirement, health and other employee benefits
programs. The Office develops policy and guidelines for the SSA-wide
management of those programs and evaluates the manner in which they
are carried out. The Office of Personnel also develops and implements
an SSA-wide II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner, Office of Personnel (S7B). B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Personnel (S7B). C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Personnel (S7B). D. The Center for Employee Benefits (S7BL). E. The Center for Personnel Security and Project Manaagement (S7BH). F. The Center for Personnel Management Information Systems and Payroll (S7BJ). G. The Center for Classification and Organization Management (S7BK). H. The Center for Personnel Policy and Staffing (S7BE). I. The Center for Employee Services (S7BG). III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner, Office of Personnel (S7B) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources for carrying out the Office of Personnel's mission and for providing general supervision to the major components. B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Personnel (S7B) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Personnel (S7B) provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities. D.
The Center for Employee Benefits (S7BL) directs the Social Security
Administration's Retirement and Health Benefits programs. The Center
develops the agency's policy on these programs and provides interpretation
and guidance to SSA's managers nation-wide. Expertise is provided to
managers and employees on all Federal Benefit's Programs, including
the Civil Service and Federal Employees' Retirement Systems, Thrift
Savings Plan, Federal Employees' Health Benefit Plans, Federal Employees'
Group Life Insurance, Flexible Spending Accounts and Long E. The Center for Personnel Security and Project Manaagement (S7BH).
Develops and implements an SSA-wide program of Personnel
2. Directs
the development and operation of SSA's Workers' Compensation program.
Provides assistance to employees regarding claims 3. Provides assistance to employees regarding claims for lost wages, settlement awards, notices of injury and required medical reports.
Directs the development and operation of SSA's Workers'
Designs national policies for the SSA Drug-Free Workplace Program.
Manages the day-to-day operations of the Agency’s drug program.
6. Conducts administrative surveys, special studies and projects of SSA-wide significance F. The Center for Personnel Management Information Systems and Payroll (S7BJ). 1. Plans and directs ongoing development, analysis and evaluation of SSA's personnel systems; develops general objectives and performance standards for automated systems and detailed specifications for development or modification of computer programs used in automated systems; and proposes changes in these systems to meet SSA's human resources data, statistics and information needs. 2. Coordinates, with SSA's Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Systems, the planning, development, modification and evaluation of automated systems.
3. Designs
business applications and administrative systems in the
4. Evaluates,
tests, installs and maintains agency applications
5. Develops
and provides guidance to SSA's managers, timekeepers 6. Coordinates
with the National Business Center in Denver, SSA's 7. Conducts
research on HR modernization, providing recommendations 8.
Represents the Agency on interagency workgroups to resolve 9. Directs
the design and development of and manages day-to-day G. The Center for Classification and Organization Management (S7BK). 1. Develops and implements SSA-wide programs of position classification and position management within SSA headquarters. Directs position classification and position management activities having SSA-wide significance. 2. Provides advice and assistance to all SSA components on activities and issues that involve position classification and position management; serves as the central SSA referral point on these programs; and acts as SSA liaison with OPM and other non-SSA entities and organizations with respect to assigned areas of responsibility. 3. Formulates and oversees the implementation of policies, procedures, standards, directives and objectives which assure that position structure and management promote cost-effective operations and the efficient use of employee skills. 4. Provides leadership and coordination in the formulation of SSA policies, directives and programs relating to the Fair Labor Standards Act and to salary and wage surveys; conducts a continuing review of the applicability of classification standards; and, as appropriate, negotiates with OPM for the revision of such standards or the development of single Agency standards. 5. Authorizes the establishment of positions and organizations, providing advice and guidance to managers on organizational structure and preparing Federal Register and Organization Manual material. H. The Center for Personnel Policy and Staffing (S7BE). 1. Directs the formulation and issuance of SSA personnel policies and directives. Provides guidance on matters pertaining to such areas as staffing,employment and performance management and awards, pay and compensation, personnel information disclosure and personnel delegations, and ensures that guidance is consistent with pertinent laws, regulations and policies. Oversees the dissemination and implementation of SSA-wide policies and directives pertaining to personnel management areas. Directs the development and maintenance of the SSA personnel manual system, reviewing all issuances under this system. 2. Develops and implements SSA employee incentive and honor awards programs and administers the performance management systems. 3. Develops policies and implementing guidance pertaining to SSA recruitment and placement. Initiates and all processes personnel actions for SSA Headquarters employees; participates with office managers and staffs in assessing placement actions; and directs the administration of all Merit Promotion Plans applicable within Baltimore/Washington/Falls Church Headquarters components. Processes necessary administrative actions required for new employees entering on duty. 4. Implements policies, regulations and programs pertaining to special recruitment and staffing activities for SSA Headquarters and field organizations. Develops and implements student employment programs. 5. Directs the development and administration of SSA services concerning employee benefit programs which include the Civil Service Retirement System, The Federal Employee Retirement System, the Thrift Savings Plan and the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program. Serves as the focal point for unemployment compensation activities. 6. Establishes and maintains the Official Personnel Folders for SSA headquarters employees. I. The Center for Employee Services (S7BG). 1. Provides professional counseling and referral services for employees with mental health problems and for employees with alcohol or drug problems. Provides technical advice and guidance to SSA management officials on matters related to these functions. 2. Develops, implements and evaluates SSA's employee health services programs in conformance with appropriate laws, policies and regulations. 3. Directs the administration of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program for SSA employees. 4. Provides overall coordination and direction to work environment improvement efforts within SSA. Coordinates a variety of studies throughout SSA designed to improve the work environment. 5. Plans, develops and implements a variety of employee and family-oriented programs and services in the areas of Child Care, Elder Care, fitness and wellness, Career/Life Planning and financial counseling. 6. Directs the development and operation of the SSA employee suggestion program. Subchapter
S7C I. Mission The Office of Labor-Management and Employee Relations (OLMER) provides overall management of an SSA-wide program of labor-management and employee relations. The mission includes the development and evaluation of the programs and the formulation of SSA-wide labor-management relations policy. The office provides services to SSA components on labor relations issues and on employee relations issues relating to disciplinary and adverse actions and employee grievances. II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner, Office of Labor-Management and Employee Relations (S7C). B. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Labor-Management and Employee Relations (S7C). C. The Center for Program Policy, Automation and Training (S7CC). D. The Center for Operations (S7CE). E. The Center for Negotiations and Litigation. (S7CG). F. The Center for Disability Adjudication and Review (S7CH). III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner, Office of Labor-Management and Employee Relations (S7C) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources for carrying out OLMER's mission and for providing general supervision to the major components of OLMER. B. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Labor-Management and Employee Relations (S7C) provides the Associate Commissioner and the Deputy Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities. C. The Center for Program Policy, Automation, and Training (S7CC ). 1. Formulates SSA program policy, guidance, and direction in the development, administration and evaluation of a comprehensive national program in the areas of labor-management relations, performance-management, disciplinary and adverse actions, and SSA grievances. 2. Designs and implements processes to monitor and evaluate implementation of government-wide and SSA priorities relative to SSA’s national labor and employee relations programs. 3. Develops and evaluates SSA policies and programs involving labor-management relations, disciplinary and adverse actions, performance-based actions, grievances, and appeals. 4. Researches, compiles, and analyzes information on the granting and usage of union official time, grievances, adverse and disciplinary actions, and third party proceedings. Establishes and maintains automated data bases for information management to monitor and analyze emerging trends and compliance with SSA policy, laws, rules and regulations relating to labor and employee relations. 5. Conducts statutory review of all Memoranda of Understanding negotiated Agency-wide. D. The Center for Operations (S7CE). 1. Provides technical guidance in developing, implementing and administering cooperative labor- management and employee relations programs throughout SSA. 2. Administers SSA employee relations programs involving disciplinary and adverse actions, performance-based actions, SSA grievances, and appeals. 3. Provides technical and advisory services to management for exercising management rights and discharging SSA’s obligations under labor and employee relations statutes, laws, executive orders, regulations and negotiated agreements. 4. Works with managers, labor organizations, and union officials throughout SSA to develop and maintain plans, programs, and procedures necessary to institutionalize sound labor-management relations and more effective and efficient dealings between the parties. 5. Provides training, advice, and direction to supervisors, managers, and other management personnel in SSA components on the proper interpretation and application of negotiated agreements, 5USC71, and employee relation’s laws and regulations. 6. Coordinates activities of field and component labor relations staffs to ensure uniform implementation of national labor and employee relations policies. E. The Center for Negotiations and Litigation (S7CG). 1. Negotiates, administers, interprets, and implements SSA national labor agreements, which include pre-negotiation activities, team preparation, advisory services, and problem resolution. 2. Negotiates national midterm contractual issues with the recognized bargaining unit(s). 3. Provides technical and advisory services and expertise to management in establishing management negotiating positions and for representation in third-party proceedings. 4. Maintains files of case law which effect contracts and researches bargaining history relevant to establishing management’s position at third-party proceedings and negotiations. 5. Represents or coordinates SSA representation in unfair labor practice complaints before the Federal Labor Relations Authority, bargaining matters before the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, impasse proceedings before the Federal Services Impasses Panel, national-level grievances before arbitrators, management-initiated actions under appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board and employee claims before unemployment compensation boards. 6. Provides technical advice and assistance to SSA management on non-bargaining unit SSA grievances. 7. Facilitates issues and generates guidance at the national, regional and local levels. Provides training and assists in resolving issues at all levels. 8. Administers and maintains arbitration panels. F. The Center for Disability Adjudication and Review (S7CH). 1. Administers, interprets, and implements SSA national labor agreements that include pre-negotiation activities, team preparation, advisory services, and problem resolution for components involved in administering Agency disability review programs . 2. Develops operating policy and furnishes guidance and direction in the evaluation, administration, and improvement of a comprehensive program of labor-management relations, performance-management, disciplinary and adverse actions, and DCDAR grievances . 3. Provides technical and advisory services to management for exercising management rights and discharging SSA's obligations under labor and employee relations statutes, laws, executive orders, regulations, and negotiated agreements . 4. Coordinates the activities of DCDAR component and field labor relations staffs to ensure uniform implementation of national labor and employee relations policy/procedure . 5. Coordinates SSA/DCDAR representation in unfair labor practice complaints before the Federal Labor Relations Authority, bargaining matters before the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, impasse proceedings before the Federal Services Impasses Panel, national-level grievances before arbitrators, management-initiated actions under appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board and employee claims before unemployment compensation boards . 6. Provides technical advice and assistance to SSA management on non-bargaining unit SSA grievances .
S7E I. Mission The Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity (OCREO) provides overall management of the SSA-wide programs of civil rights and equal opportunity. II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity (S7E). B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity (S7E). C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity (S7E). D. The Center for Cultural Diversity (S7EC). E. The Center for Complaints Processing (S7EE). F. The Center for Disability Services (S7EG). III. Function A. The Associate Commissioner, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity (S7E) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Human Resources for carrying out OCREO's mission and for providing general supervision to the major components of OCREO. B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity (S7E), assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner prescribes. C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity (S7E) provides the Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of his/her responsibilities. D. The Center for Cultural Diversity (S7EC).
E. The Center for Complaints Processing (S7EE).
1. Directs implementation and evaluation of the SSA Equal
Employment Opportunity (EO) Discrimination Complaints Program and
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program for both Headquarters and
2. Provides leadership, guidance and direction in implementing SSA
3. Provides overall direction regarding all aspects of SSA's
4. Receives and conducts inquiries and attempts resolution of informal
complaints of discrimination. Advises complainants of their rights
regarding the discrimination complaints process, ADR process and
5. Receives and acknowledges formal complaints of discrimination
6. Prepares final Agency decisions on complaints of discrimination
against SSA. Ensures compliance with any corrective or remedial action
7. Develops litigation information and documentation for the Office of
the General Counsel and the United States Attorney's Office in
8. Directs special projects and studies of the various aspects of SSA's
nationwide discrimination complaints process and ADR process to
9. Provides the authoritative interpretations on legal, regulatory and
technical information regarding discrimination complaints to SSA
10. Reviews non-SSA EO issuances, EEOC and court decisions for F. The Center for Disability Services (S7EG). 1. Provides program direction and guidance on a variety of issues pertaining to reasonable accommodation for employees with disabilities. 2. Evaluates and interprets policies and procedures and develops and recommends a range of alternatives for the solution of policy issues.
3. Directs and implements an SSA-wide program for providing
readers, sign language interpreters, personal assistants, specialized
4. Provides advice and assistance to all SSA components on agency-
5. Plans, conducts and coordinates multidisciplinary projects to resolve
EO problems of a broad scope and provides leadership in the
6. Administers the Program for Employees with Disabilities.
S7G I. Mission The Office of Training (OT) directs a nationwide program designed to assure that all levels of SSA employees receive the training necessary to provide effective and efficient service to the public. II. Organization
III. Functions
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