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SSA ORGANIZATION MANUAL Chapter TB THE OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, LEGISLATION AND CONGRESSIONAL AFFAIRS I. Mission The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Legislation and Congressional Affairs develops and conducts the legislative program of SSA, serves as the focal point for all legislative activity in SSA, analyzes legislative and regulatory initiatives and develops specific positions and amendments. The Office evaluates the effectiveness of programs administered by SSA in terms of legislative needs, and analyzes and develops recommendations on related income maintenance, social service and rehabilitation program proposals, particularly those which may involve coordination with SSA-administered programs, and on other methods of providing economic security. It provides advisory service to SSA officials on legislation of interest to SSA pending in Congress. It also provides legislative drafting to officials within the Executive Branch, congressional committees, individual Members of Congress and private organizations interested in Social Security legislation. It establishes and maintains a working relationship with all Members of Congress. It serves as SSA's information gathering and dissemination staff on congressional activities affecting SSA programs and handles certain claims and administrative matters that are particularly urgent or sensitive to Members of Congress. II. Organization A. The Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs (TB). B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs (TB) C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs (TBA). D. The Office of Legislative Development (TBJ).
E. The Office of Legislative Relations (TBK). F. The Legislative Research and Congressional Constituent Relations Staff (TBC). III. Functions A. The Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs (TB) is directly responsible to the Commissioner for carrying out DCLCA's mission and providing general supervision to the major components of DCLCA. B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs (TB) assists the Deputy Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Deputy Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Legislation and Congressional Affairs (TBA) provides the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Deputy Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities. D. The Office of Legislative Development (TBJ) develops and evaluates legislative proposals for changes in the Social Security program. Reviews regulations dealing with the Social Security program including inter-program relationships to assure cross-program consistency with policy requirements and decisions. Provides technical and advisory services to other agencies within the Executive Branch, congressional committees, State officials and private organizations having an interest in Social Security programs or emerging legislative issues. Provides analytical support on broad programmatic issues. Identifies and analyzes far-reaching economic, political and societal issues that impact/influence the development and modification of Social Security program policies and procedures. Recommends methods for coordinating the protection afforded under Social Security with that afforded under other public and private benefit programs. Within the Office of Legislative Development, Social Security topics are divided among five staffs: 1. The Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Benefits Staff (TBJ-1) handles issues relating to earnings, computations, solvency, and factors of entitlement to benefits. 2. The Disability Insurance Program Staff (TBJ-2) handles issues relating to the medical definition of disability and continuing entitlement. 3. The Supplemental Security Income Staff (TBJ-3) handles issues relating to the Supplemental Security Income program and other needs-based programs. 4. The Program Administration Staff (TBJ-4) handles issues related to the level of service provided by SSA offices including computer systems issues. 5. The Records and Services Staff (TBJ-5) handles all issues relating to Social Security Numbers and cards and citizenship status. E. The Office of Legislative Relations (TBK). Serves as consultant to the Deputy Commissioner, DCLCA with regard to establishing and maintaining effective congressional relationships. Focuses on legislative relationships for planning and coordination among Executive Branch offices/Agencies and Hill components. Establishes and maintains liaison functions with the White House, other Executive Branch Agencies, and with the Hill office. Networks with counterparts in other agencies to foster a coordinative approach to legislative strategy. Directs the activities of the Washington, D.C., DLCA staff in carrying out activities related to liaison with the hill and coordination with other Agencies. F. The Legislative Research and Congressional Constituent Relations Staff (TBC). 1. Maintains productive relationships with all members on behalf of the Agency. Conducts dialogue on a routine basis, and participates in negotiations on highly sensitive constituent matters with members. 2. Develops and preserves working relationships with Members of Congress covering the full range of constituent matters. 3. Tracks legislative bills, highlights items of interest from the Congressional Record and other publications for DCLCA and SSA's Executive Staff and provides support for other DCLCA and SSA components at congressional hearings. Assists individual Members of Congress and their staffs and congressional committee staffs by responding to requests for information on pending and proposed Social Security legislation, related legislative proposals and the legislative history of the Social Security program. Reviews legislative proposals for consistency with existing program goals, philosophy and program requirements. |
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