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SSA Organization Manual Subchapter TK The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Quality Performance I. Mission The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Quality Performance directs the development of innovative changes to the current Agency quality management program, including the program’s initiatives and mechanisms when they are not clearly delineated by statutory authority. Such changes may impact quality management Agency-wide in terms of its programs, policies, and procedures. The Office of Quality Performance is responsible for rendering formal advice and recommendations to Agency executives on a range of issues relating specifically to in-line and end-of-line quality performance management in each of the Agency's core business areas. It works with Deputy Commissioner-level components to direct the Agency-wide quality performance management program, its policies and initiatives involving one or more components of SSA. It also provides oversight for SSA’s computer matching operations. II. Organization
1. Division of Title II Quality (TKBA). 2. Division of Title XVI Quality (TKBC). 3. Division of Disability Initial (TKBE). 4. Division of Disability Appeals (TKBG). 5. Division of Public Service Evaluation (TKBH). 6. Division of Special Studies (TKBJ). E. The Office of Quality Improvement (TKC). 1. Performance Analysis Staff (TKCA). 2. Division of Continuous Improvement Programs (TKCB). 3. Division of Automated Solutions (TKCC). 4. Division of Management Analysis (TKCE). F. The Office of Quality Data Management (TKE). 1. Division of Data Management (TKEA). 2. Division of Network Engineering (TKEC). 3. Division of Modeling (TKEE). 4. Division of Software Engineering (TKEG). 5. Division of Continuing Disability Reviews Support (TKEH). G. The Office of Quality Performance Field Sites. (TKG-F1 to TKG-FX and TKGA). 1. Boston (TKG-F1). 2. New York (TKG-F2). 3. Philadelphia (TKG-F3). 4. Atlanta (TKG-F4). 5. Chicago (TKG-F5). 6. Dallas (TKG-F6). 7. Kansas City (TKG-F7). 8. Denver (TKG-F8). 9. San Francisco (TKG-F9). 10. Seattle (TKG-FX). 11. Baltimore (TKGA) III. Functions
1. The Division of Title II Quality (TKBA) reviews, evaluates and assesses the integrity and quality of the administration of Social Security’s Title II program. The division recommends corrective changes in programs, policies, procedures or legislation aimed at quality and productivity based upon the results of the reviews. The key functions include conducting quality reviews and analyses of the non-medical aspects of Title II programs and (providing support and guidance to quality assurance staff in the field; conducting quality reviews and special studies of the full range of legal requirements, policies, procedures, systems and operations for the Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance program; providing quality review feedback to Operating components; and transmitting quality review data to appropriate parties. 2. The Division of Title XVI Quality (TKBC) reviews, evaluates and assesses the integrity and quality of the administration of the Supplemental Security Income program. The division recommends corrective changes in programs, policies, procedures or legislation aimed at quality and productivity improvement based upon the results of the reviews. The key functions include conducting quality reviews, special studies and analyses of the full range of legal requirements, policies, procedures, systems and operations for the non-medical aspects of the Supplemental Security Income program and provide support and guidance to program and integrity field staff; ensuring proper case documentation; providing quality review feedback to Operating components; and transmitting quality review data to appropriate parties. 3. The Division of Disability Initial (TKBE) develops disability quality review policy, procedures, forms and instructions for use by State and Federal components in payment and adjudicative process consistency and preeffectuation reviews. The key functions include developing disability quality review policy and procedures; analyzing data to identify significant errors to determine their causes and costs, and to target areas needing study to determine corrective action; developing and modifying sampling techniques for quality review to insure validity of data and to respond to disability program and quality review program changes; and issuing periodic reports related to the Preeffectuation and Quality Reviews. 4. The Division of Disability Appeals (TKBG) has overall responsibility for the design, development, coordination, analysis and reporting of quality review and feedback data at the Federal Reviewing Official level. The reporting of these data may be conducted via written reports and/or executive-level briefing. The Division may also address similar tasks at the Administrative Law Judge and Decision Review Board levels. The Division also conducts ad hoc analyses to address specific issues and/or requests for data and/or findings. 5. The Division of Public Service Evaluation (TKBH) key functions are to conduct an ongoing quality review of SSA's telephone service, monitoring both SSA’s national 800 number and local field offices, to measure the accuracy and courtesy of incoming business calls; and perform customer surveys that measure the public’s perceptions of SSA's service delivery and provide insights for Agency planning, evaluating both ongoing services and new Agency initiatives. 6. The Division of Special Studies (TKBJ) is responsible for studies of special workloads. The key functions include reporting on the prescription drug (Medicare D) subsidy program; and conducting an independent review of initial entitlements and redeterminations of eligibility to subsidies.
1. The Performance Analysis Staff (TKCA) tracks and measures the success of quality performance across Agency components and identifies emerging quality issues based on longitudinal data analysis; participates in discussions about priorities, focusing on potential opportunities to enhance Agency processes through Quality Improvement initiatives; works with Agency components to identify quality measures and data sources; and provides analytical support for the component based Quality Performance Measurement System used to monitor the five dimensions of quality (productivity, accuracy, cost, timeliness and service). 2. The Division of Continuous Improvement Programs (TKCB) is dedicated to fostering excellence in quality performance across the agency by continually evaluating processes, policies and procedures to identify opportunities for improvement. In collaboration with other operating components and Subject Matter Experts, DCIP through an effective and dynamic methodology including root cause analysis evaluates existing processes, identifies Problem Indicators, develops and tests innovative solutions options and identifies measurable performance goals all of which maximize the five dimensions of quality (productivity, accuracy, cost, timeliness and service). 3. The Division of Automated Solutions (TKCC) develops software and techniques to evaluate quality, identify errors, process actions to change SSA records, and provide automated assistance to operations technicians and managers; collaborates with operating, policy and systems components during problem identification and the development of solutions designed to increase accuracy, productivity and timeliness while reducing costs and improving service; and works with the Application Development group (ADG) in the development of assistive tools and utilities resulting in new information used to address issues that affect the quality. 4. The Division of Management Analysis (TKCE) directs, develops and implements a comprehensive program of management studies, research and analysis to evaluate and determine the feasibility of implementing major changes affecting the SSA organization, its administrative practices and its methods of operation. Studies and analyses are Agency-wide, frequently deal with issues of a sensitive nature and may involve other Government agencies. It uses a variety of analytical methodologies to identify alternatives and develop administrative strategies for consideration by the SSA Executive Staff in responding to Agency-wide problems and issues. It develops SSA-wide workforce management policies, procedures and guidelines; determines resource requirements, conducts trend analysis; and makes recommendations regarding management options, transition alternatives, etc., as appropriate. It develops and implements comprehensive workforce utilization and planning programs to improve productivity and the use of the SSA workforce. It conducts studies and analyses of work processes and procedures, workflow and workload processing positions; applies a variety of disciplines and techniques, including management analysis and model building to assure best workforce utilization; and recommends action to top SSA executives for improving the effectiveness of the SSA workforce. It directs, develops and conducts Agency-wide reviews and studies, using industrial engineering, model building and other scientific approaches and methodologies. The results of its studies on workforce effectiveness will allow Agency executives to evaluate competitive sourcing efforts that may result in new planning strategies.
1. The Division of Data Management (TKEA) has the responsibility for conducting broad-based studies and analyses of SSA’s RSI, SSI, Disability Insurance and 800 number operations and policies; conducts an ongoing quality assurance review of SSA’s enumeration process; and performs ad hoc special studies of all of SSA’s programmatic areas. These include cost-benefit analyses of ongoing and proposed computer matches and of other SSA payment safeguards, including SSI Redeterminations. The division also maintains OQP’s work measurement system. 2. The Division of Network Engineering (TKEC) is responsible for directing the operation and continued improvement of OQP's network infrastructure and data processing systems nationwide; procures necessary ITS hardware and software; oversees and ensures the health of the OQP national network; maintains the OQP Web Development and Production Platforms; distributes OQP National Software Applications and Studies; serves as liaison with DCS on national network infrastructure projects; provides LAN infrastructure services and problem resolution; performs OQP Outlook Administration, maintains OQP ITS Assets Inventory; develops and maintains OQP ITS and systems Other Objects acquisitions; and serves as OQP component security office ensuring the security and integrity of OQP data nationwide. 3. The Division of Modeling (TKEE) creates and maintains statistical profiles that allow SSA resources to be cost-effectively targeted, involving such workloads as SSI Redeterminations, disability pre-effectuation reviews, and SSI alerts generated through computer matches of both the Office of Child Support and Enforcement’s wage data and the Internal Revenue Service’s 1099 files. Operations research studies of SSA programs and management issues, designed to improve the efficiency of SSA’s operations workloads, are also conducted in this office. The division also provides statistical consultation for OQP components and SSA. 4. The Division of Software Engineering (TKEG) coordinates the OQP IT Planning process to identify and prioritize OQP IT initiatives; develops Cost Benefit Analyses and Special Expense Items; serves as liaison with the Office of Systems for the allocation and/or acquisition of development and production resources; provides direction and technical support in the establishment, management and execution of OQP’s internal and external application development initiatives; and leads software development initiatives and is responsible for OQP information delivery via the OQP national web sites. 5. Division of Continuing Disability Reviews Support (TKEH) develops guidelines and technical procedures for the continuing disability review (CDR) process and oversees this process. Estimates the number of CDRs that must be processed on an annual basis for SSA to be current in its review responsibilities. Develops and implements processing strategies based on the currency estimates. The processing strategies include establishing the schedules and processes for CDRs directly released as full medical reviews and those released as mailers to determine if a full medical review is required. Coordinates with all appropriate operational components. Applies sophisticated profiling methodology to “score” every Social Security disability and SSI beneficiary on the rolls for potential CDRs. On an ongoing annual basis, selects individuals for a CDR medical review or mailer. Designs and maintains databases and extracts in support of the continuing disability review process. Tracks and reports on all medical CDRs and mailers to ensure yearly currency and to meet the requirement for yearly reports to Congress. Conducts yearly integrity checks of the CDR mailer process for Title II and Title XVI.
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