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SSA ORGANIZATION MANUAL Chapter TE THE OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, COMMUNICATIONS I. Mission The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Communications (ODCComm) is the SSA component responsible for the conduct of the Agency's national public information/public affairs (PI/PA) programs. Performs SSA Press Office function to ensure a unified and consistent message to SSA's many publics. Provides guidance and direction from a PI/PA standpoint to the development of Agency policies and decisions and assesses their potential impact on the public and SSA employees. Creates, develops, facilitates, implements, oversees and evaluates all SSA communications and PI/PA activities, both internal and external. Cultivates and maintains effective working relationships with a wide range of national organizations, advocacy groups, other Federal agencies, State and local governments, the White House, and the media. Promotes full and open participation in the communications process between and among the public and SSA employees at all levels. Coordinates the non-English communications activities within SSA. Additionally, responds to high priority correspondence and public inquiries; maintains an evaluation program that measures efforts to meet the communications needs of the public and SSA employees; produces PI/PA material designed to provide SSA's various audiences with timely information about Social Security programs, protections, rights and responsibilities and related issues; utilizes state-of-the-art media, methods and technology in product development and dissemination and fully supports headquarters and field employees who are directly or indirectly involved in SSA PI/PA activities nationwide. II. Organization A. The Deputy Commissioner, Communications (TE). B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications (TE). C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Communications (TEA). D. The Office of Communications Planning and Technology (TEB). 1. The Office of Media Development (TEBA). 2. The Office of Media Technology (TEBB). 3. The Office of Electronic Communications (TEBC). E. The Office of Public Inquiries (TEH). 1. The Office of Policy, Procedures and Operations Support (TEH1). 2. The Office of Inquiries Manaement, Analysis and Response (TEH2). F. The Office of External Affairs (TEG). 1. The Office of National Affairs (TEGA) 2. The Office of Intergovernmental and Community Affairs (TEGB) 3. The Office of Measurement and Evaluation (TEGC) III. Functions A. The Deputy Commissioner, Communications (TE) is directly responsible to the Commissioner for carrying out ODCCOMM's mission and providing managerial direction to the major components of ODCCOMM. B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Communications (TE) assists the Deputy Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Deputy Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Communications (TEA) provides the Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Deputy Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities. D. The Office of Communications Planning and Technology (TEB) directs the Agency’s overall information and communications technology activities to ensure full public knowledge and understanding of the programs administered by SSA. Formulates SSA’s measures, objectives, policies, standards and guidelines for public information programs and related communications technology applications designed to inform the general public of the provisions of the programs administered by SSA. Prepares and disseminates a wide variety of internal and external PI/PA materials ranging from program pamphlets and information packets to broadcast quality video productions. Provides direct and indirect programmatic support through the use of state-of-the-art media, methods and technology. Evaluates the quality of all information materials used within and external to SSA to ensure a uniformly high-quality product and assists in the design, development and delivery of PI/PA training in SSA. Serves as a focal point for all issues involving the development, clearance and placement of content material on SSA’s official Internet/Intranet websites. Responsible for the development, content, and coordination of SSA’s internal and external Web marketing activities. 1. The Office of Media Development (TEBA). a. Directs the Agency’s overall internal and external communications and public information activities. b. Oversees the development, implementation and monitoring of national policies, standards, guidelines, objectives and measures related to all SSA PI/PA activities. c. Directs a comprehensive program of internal SSA communication activities for employees at all levels in all headquarters and field locations. d. Directs the dissemination of PI/PA material ranging from program pamphlets and information packets to broadcast quality video productions for external consumption. e. Provides Agency leadership in the identification of the special communications needs of the non-English speaking population and directs and/or coordinates related PI/PA activities for this population. f. Provides ongoing consultative advice and support to other SSA headquarters and field components regarding program specific, regional and/or local PI/PA activities. 2. The Office of Media Technology (TEBB). a. Directs the Agency’s overall communications technology design, development, procurement and implementation activities and applications. b. Directs the development of Agency-level strategies and policies for the effective use of a wide variety of communications technologies in support of SSA-wide PI/PA activities. c. Directs the design, development, production and distribution of all PI/PA audiovisual and graphics material within and external to SSA. d. Evaluates media proposals, products or productions intended for internal or external use in SSA’s PI/PA activities. 3. The Office of Electronic Communications (TEBC). a. Directs the Agency’s internal and external communications activities as disseminated via the Internet/Intranet. b. Provides ongoing technical advice and support to all SSA Headquarters and field components on the full range of PI/PA issues as they relate to the Internet/Intranet. c. Develops, implements and monitors national policies, standards, guidelines, objectives and measures of PI/PA as they relate to the Internet/Intranet. d. Develops strategies to address PI/PA issues, such as special communications needs of the non-English speaking population through the use of the Internet/Intranet. e. Consults and negotiates with key Agency officials and leaders of other public and private organizations to achieve desired outcomes. f. Directs and coordinates content management activities requiring cross-component cooperation. g. Provides guidance on organization, clarity and audience focus of content submitted for placement on SSA’s internal and external websites. h. Directs, coordinates and develops internal and external web marketing activities and materials. E. The Office of Public Inquiries (TEH) provides a central receipt, control, acknowledgment, response and referral program for high priority and other inquiries addressed to SSA Headquarters. Develops correspondence policy and procedure and guide language on recurring topics and issues for use throughout the Agency. 1. The Office of Policy, Procedures and Operations Support(TEH1) a. Develops policy and procedures concerning the style, control, workflow and signature of correspondence and disseminates the information to headquarters components. b. Performs a pre-release quality review of final replies prepared in the Office of Public Inquiries (OPI) to ensure that they are well-written, accurate and responsive. c. Designs and administers OPI's electronic correspondence management system and provides support to system users. d. Directs the use of surveys and analyses to increase the effectiveness of the correspondence workflow process throughout SSA. 2. The Correspondence Analysis and Response Group (TEH2) a. Collects, stores and maintains information needed to respond to congressional, White House and public inquiries. b. Prepares responses in conformance with SSA standards, policies and procedures c. Performs correspondence receipt, screening, imaging, routing and letter-writing functions. d. Identifies sensitive inquiries and trends and reports them to appropriate officials. e. Receives and responds to telephone inquiries. F. The Office of External Affairs (TEG) implements PI/PA programs and activities designed to develop, enhance and preserve good working relationships with the general public and a wide variety of national organizations, advocacy groups and other governmental organizations with an interest in SSA programs. Manages SSA-wide communications initiatives through a national framework of headquarters, regional and local PI/PA delivery strategies and processes. Deals directly with SSA employees and major customer/stakeholder groups promoting a meaningful exchange of ideas, opinions and points of view. Facilitates the ongoing operational dealings between these external organizations and SSA headquarters and field components involved in local PI/PA activities. Conducts evaluation and assessment of the results and effects of PI/PA material produced by the Office of Communications and other SSA components. Provides operational oversight over the activities of the Regional Public Affairs Officers and all other national and local communications and public contact activities. 1. The Office of National Affairs (TEGA). a. Plans, directs and implements a program designed to develop and preserve working relationships with a wide variety of national organizations, special interests and advocacy groups in order to secure understanding, cooperation and acceptance of SSA programs, policies and procedures. b. Provides overall direction in the development of a liaison program with national special interest and advocacy groups through their leaders to elicit their concerns and reactions to SSA initiatives. Directs the design and development of SSA's regional external affairs program, including liaison with outside groups and organizations; Federal/State interface; and preparation and dissemination of information through the media. c. Oversees the monitoring of plans, administrative and policy proposals, and work products of other SSA components in headquarters and the regions to assess their impact on institutions, public and private organizations and special interest groups. d. Initiates short- and long-range projects or assignments of substantial importance to the Office of Communications. The projects are initiated to solve problems resulting from adverse impacts of SSA programs and program service delivery on special groups or the general public. e. Provides leadership in advising Agency component management on the interests of groups and organizations and their potential reaction to administrative and policy proposals and work products. f. Identifies techniques and strategies that assist in implementing SSA's Communication Plan initiatives; analyzes and identifies target markets; plans, promotes, and distributes ideas, products and services to create exchanges that satisfy customer and organizational goals. 2. The Office of Intergovernmental and Community Affairs (TEGB). a. Directs the design and development of SSA's intergovernmental program including liaison with outside groups and organizations; Federal/State interface; and preparation and dissemination of information . b. Serves as SSA liaison to the greater Baltimore community through contacts with community leaders, private businesses and local government agencies and ensuring that their opinions and expectations are relayed to the Agency . c. Represents SSA on boards of Federal and local agencies and communicates with the appropriate offices of major businesses, the Mayor, County Executives and the Governor . d. Coordinates special Agency initiatives and special observances . 3. The Office Measurement and Evaluation (TEGC). a. Develops, manages and/or performs qualitative measurement and evaluation activities of communications initiatives and products to assess their impact on the public, external organizations and Social Security employees. b. Develops and manages quantitative measurement and evaluation activities and processes designed to measure Agency-level communications-related objectives c. Ensures that SSA communication plans contain measurable objectives that optimize the value of SSA’s communication activities in support of the Agency’s mission. d. Conducts demographic and market research to assist in the development of effective communications products and services. e. Serves as a focal point for Agency activities regarding public insight to proposed/ongoing electronic government products/initiatives.
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