Jane Hague
Council District 6  
516 Third Ave., Rm. 1200
Seattle, WA 98104
Phone: 206-296-1006
Toll Free: 800-325-6165
TTY/TDD: 206-296-1024
Fax: 206-296-0398
Jane Hague at Marymoor Park

Hague Supports the King County Parks Legacy Fund

By taking a leadership role in a new initiative to promote public/private partnerships, Councilmember Hague is seeking to help reduce the County's reliance on taxpayer funding for our wonderful regional park facilities. Hague spoke out in favor of this innovative new funding program at the campaign's kick-off at Marymoor Park, one of the natural park treasures the County preserves and maintains for its citizens. View kick-off ceremony

electric car

County plugs into next-generation hybrid vehicles

Council approves study to explore charging stations at Metro Park and Rides. Park and Rides may become “Plug and Rides.” In a move to reduce the county’s carbon footprint and assist in a new wave of transportation options, the Council requested a study on ways King County can provide charging stations for the next generation of hybrids called Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) and Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs). Unlike existing gas-electric hybrids like the Toyota Prius, PHEVs have much larger electric storage capacity to allow the cars to run much longer using less fuel. The power for BEVs is supplied by batteries that need regular recharging. Read more... Read the legislation on this initiative.

In the news: Hague wants County plugged into next generation of vehicles, Bellevue Reporter.

Jane Hague speaking at Eastside Rail Corridor signing ceremony.

Council preserves options for rail and trail in historic agreement with Port to bring Eastside Rail Corridor into public ownership

Purchase of 26-mile easement authorized for interim trail to promote dual use. Options for both a public trail and a rail line will be preserved with unanimous approval today by the Metropolitan King County Council of an historic agreement with the Port of Seattle that will bring the BNSF Eastside Rail Corridor into public ownership. Read more...

In the news: Agreement brings rail corridor into public ownership, Bellevue Reporter.


signature on paper

Legislative update

See recent legislation I have sponsored on: green initiatives and performance management

Green initiatives: PHEV legislation (2008-0222), and Green Cleaning products legislation (2008-0235) 
Performance management: Accountability Act (2008-0221) & Transparency Act (2008-0223)

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In the community

Bellevue Farmers Market
Farmers markets are opening throughout the Eastside. Read page 2 of my newsletter and learn more.

Hot Topics

Read my Seattle Times OpEd:
"Let the sheriff manage the office"

Live Green Town Hall meeting agenda with resources

Council recognizes exemplary effort by "Save Juanita Woodlands" team (video of recognition ceremony)

"Senate should pass global warming bill" —Ballard News-Tribune OpEd by Councilmembers Jane Hague, Larry Phillips and  Dow Constantine 

Urgent Action Needed for 520 Bridge Replacement  

"Passenger ferries: a moblie solution" --Seattle Times OpEd by Councilmembers Jane Hague and Dow Constantine

King County Council leadership takes shape

District 6 Map

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Video Screen
Watch: Environmentally-friendly car washing
Watch: Juantia Woodlands
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