The Purpose of AgrowKnowledge:

"Grow educational and business partnerships that strengthen math, science and technology skills of college agriculture students by delivering high quality professional development workshops and curriculum to secondary and postsecondary educators that incorporate new and emerging technologies into agriculture, food and natural resources programs; responsive to agriculture industry employment opportunities."

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Agrowknowledge Cited as National Award Finalist


AgrowKnowledge highlighted for being “change agent” in agricultural education.
A creative educational initiative based at Kirkwood Community College has made it to the finalist category in a national competition. The AgrowKnowledge center at Kirkwood is one of ten finalists for the Bellwether Awards from the Community College Futures Assembly.
The national consortium of colleges and universities draws from the expertise of educators, researchers and business partners alike to build new course materials, teaching methods and innovative instructors to advance improvements in agriculture teaching at the high school, two-year college and university levels.

AgrowKnowledge Director and Co-Principal Investigator Rick Parker says the national consortium is based on shared information and new ideas. 

“Kirkwood had the foresight and benefit of widespread support to launch AgrowKnowledge seven years ago. As a group of educators and industry partners, we have learned a lot and had great opportunities since 2001. We appreciate the vote of confidence of the Futures Assembly by choosing us as a finalist from so many good programs and projects in the U.S.,” he said.

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