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Chapter S1 THE OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, BUDGET, FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT I. Mission The Office of the Deputy Commissioner Budget, Finance and Management (ODCBFM) directs the administration of comprehensive SSA management programs including budget, acquisition and grants, facilities management and publications and logistics. The Office directs the development of Agency policies and procedures as well as the management of the Agency financial management systems. II. Organization A. The Deputy Commissioner, Budget, Finance and Management (S1). B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Budget, Finance and Management (S1). C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Budget, Finance and Management (S1J) 1. The Audit Management and Liaison Staff (S1J-3). 2. The Human Resources and Program Management Staff (S1J-4). 3. The Budget Coordination and Management Staff (S1J-5). D. The Office of Financial Policy and Operations (S1N). E. The Office of Budget (S1P). F. The Office of Acquisition and Grants (S1Q). G. The Office of Facilities Management (S1R). H. The Office of Publications and Logistics Management (S1S). III. Functions A. The Deputy Commissioner, Budget, Finance and Management (S1) is directly responsible to the Commissioner for carrying out the ODCBFM mission and providing general supervision to the major components of ODCBFM. The Deputy Commissioner also is the SSA Chief Financial Officer (SSACFO) and is directly responsible to the Commissioner for carrying out the SSACFO mission. B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Budget, Finance and Management (S1) assists the Deputy Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Deputy Commissioner may assign. C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Budget, Finance and Management (S1J) provides the Deputy Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of his/her responsibilities. It reviews and analyzes existing and proposed formal delegations of program and administrative decisionmaking authorities within SSA. It includes: 1. The Audit Management and Liaison Staff (S1J-3) plans and directs SSA's participation in the audit programs conducted by the U.S. Government Accounting Office (GAO), the Office of Inspector General (OIG) and other external organizations. Develops Agency position on issues presented in the audits. Reviews and evaluates audit reports and monitors and evaluates the implementation of GAO and OIG audit reports and internal survey recommendations. 2. The Human Resources and Program Management Staff (S1J-4) provides analytical support for a wide range of Agency-wide and/or Office-wide administrative program activities related to program administration, operations and policy. 3. The Budget Coordination and Management Staff (S1J-5) is responsible for the formulation, presentation and execution of OBFM's ITS and administrative budgets. 4. The Strategic Management Staff (S1J-6) is responsible for the coordination and preparation of reports on a variety of projects. This Staff is responsible for Agency compliance with legislation, OMB Directives and GAO guidance concerning strategic planning. It directs the development of the Agency’s tactical and strategic planning process, the Agency Strategic Plan, Annual Performance Plan, Annual Performance Report and tracks Agency performance in relation to established performance measures. It works with all components to identify those priority initiatives needed to meet Agency goals, objectives and outcomes and how to link these to budget inputs so that they can be funded and the outcomes achieved. This Staff also supports an ongoing market measurement program that collects and assesses feedback to be used and provides staff support to Deputy Commissioner-level components on strategic initiatives. D. The Office of Financial Policy and Operations (S1N) has operational responsibility for SSA's accounting and payment operations and establishes requirements for all SSA financial systems and processes to ensure Agency compliance with accounting principles and standards as prescribed by the Comptroller General and Chief Financial Officer of the United States; fiscal policies and procedures prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury; and management integrity and control standards prescribed by the Office of Management and Budget under the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act and the Federal Information Security Management Act. E. The Office of Budget (S1P) provides overall management of the planning, development and execution of the SSA budget. The Office develops policies and guidelines for the exercise of SSA-wide budget responsibility and evaluates and appraises the manner in which this responsibility is carried out. It directs the Agency's policies and procedure as well as the management of the Agency competitive sourcing program. F. The Office of Acquisition and Grants (S1Q) is responsible for the SSA-wide acquisition and grants programs in support of the Agency mission and strategic goals. OAG directs the business management aspects of these activities and develops and implements applicable policies, procedures and directives. G. The Office of Facilities Management (S1R) directs the national SSA real property program including short- and long-range facilities planning: design, construction and leasing of central office and large field facilities and maintenance, repair and construction projects and policy development related to these operations and facilities. It acquires, utilizes and manages space at SSA headquarters and develops a comprehensive space inventory and utilization system. The Office of Facilities Management develops, implements and evaluates SSA's environmental protection, safety and protective services programs. It ensures that these programs are responsive to the needs of the Agency and serves as a focal point for inquiries and guidance concerning these programs. H. The Office of Publications and Logistics Management (S1S) directs a comprehensive SSA printing, publications and distribution management program and develops pertinent policies, standards, and procedures for SSA's forms and publications management, printing, reprographics and distribution programs. It directs the administration and maintenance of the SSA library, the SSA History Room, the historical research program and records management program. It administers the SSA logistics management program, directs the SSA property and supply management programs and manages the operation of SSA warehousing facilities including receipt, storage and issuance of forms publications, supplies and equipment for SSA-wide use. The Office directs activities related to employee transportation including providing headquarters passenger, mail and freight transportation services. The Office directs the SSA mail management program. Subchapter S1N OFFICE OF FINANCIAL POLICY AND OPERATIONS I. Mission The Office of Financial Policy and Operations (OFPO) has operational responsibility for SSA's accounting and payment operations and establishes requirements for all SSA financial systems and processes to ensure Agency compliance with accounting principles and standards prescribed by the Comptroller General and Chief Financial Officer of the United States; fiscal policies and procedures prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury; and management integrity and control standards prescribed by the Office of Management and Budget under the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act and the Federal Management Improvement Act and the Federal Management Improvement Act. OFPO also is responsible for program policy and procedures and implementation of initiatives concerning payment delivery and recovery of overpayments from SSA beneficiaries and enforcing compliance with Federal information systems security policies governing SSA's programmatic, administrative and financial systems; and the Agency's data exchange and computer matching agreements. II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner for Financial Policy and Operations (S1N). B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Financial Policy and Operations (S1N). C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Financial Policy and Operations (S1N). D. The Office of Financial Policy and Integrity (S1NA). 1. The Division of Financial Policy and Reporting (S1NA1). 2. The Division of Financial Integrity (S1NA4). E. The Office of Finance (S1NC). 1. The Division of Central Accounting and Reporting (S1NC1). 2. The Division of Administrative Payments (S1NC2). 3. The Division of Travel Management (S1NC3). F. The Office of Program Accounting Operations (S1NE).
G. The Office of Systems Security Operations Management (S1NH)
III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner for Financial Policy and Operations (S1N) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Budget, Finance and Management for carrying out OFPO's mission and provides general supervision to the major components of OFPO. B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Financial Policy and Operations (S1N) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Financial Policy and Operations (S1N) provides the Associate Commissioner and the Deputy Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities. D. The Office of Financial Policy and Integrity (S1NA) develops Agency-wide financial accounting policies and financial integrity/internal control programs and guidance. It directs the preparation and publication of SSA's annual Performance and Accountability Report, which includes audited financial statements, and coordinates the annual audit engagement with all SSA components. It develops and executes Agency policies, procedures and programs for financial integrity/internal control including compliance with the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act, the Federal Management Improvement Act and Office of Management and Budget guidance. 1. The Division of Financial Policy and Reporting (S1NA1) directs the development of Agency-wide financial accounting policies and procedures in compliance with accounting principles and standards prescribed by the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, the Comptroller General and Chief Financial Officer of the United States and fiscal policies prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. It manages the preparation of SSA's Annual Performance and Accountability Report, which includes audited financial statements and related financial performance reports. 2. The Division of Financial Integrity (S1NA2) develops and executes the Agency's financial integrity/internal control procedures and programs to comply with the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act, the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act and Office of Management and Budget guidance. It oversees the Agency's executive assurance process including monitoring the status of corrective action plans. It serves as the Agency liaison with auditors for the annual financial statement audit and coordinates the process with all SSA components. E. The Office of Finance (S1NC) directs SSA's central accounting and financial reporting activities and provides financial, fund control, cash management services that include administrative payments, administrative debt collection and travel management. It plans and directs the development of operating policies and procedures related to financial operations and evaluates these activities to ensure they are responsive to the needs of the Agency. 1. The Division of Central Accounting and Reporting (S1NC1) directs SSA's central accounting and reporting operations and develops related Agency operating procedures. It monitors and reports on the status of Agency spending and maintains control over Agency assets, liabilities and appropriations; manages the Agency's cash position and flow including coordination with trust fund investment activities and with fund balances at the U.S. Treasury; manages SSA's financial reporting activities, including preparation of all Agency financial reports to higher monitoring authorities; and serves as the Agency's obligations control point assuring and certifying the legality and propriety of proposed and incurred obligations. Serves as the Agency's focal point for administrative debt management ensuring the billing and collection of fees charged by SSA for reimbursable services. 2. The Division of Administrative Payments (S1NC2) directs SSA's administrative payment and collection operations and develops related operating policies and procedures. It examines and certifies SSA's administrative payments; administers SSA's third party draft program, providing both administrative and benefit payment delivery service to SSA FOs nationwide. 3. The Division of Travel Management (S1NC3) directs SSA's travel management operations and develops related operating policies and procedures. It serves as the Agency's focal point for travel management, ensuring the propriety of travel payments; examines and certifies SSA's travel payments; administers commercial travel agent, charge card, traveler's checks and automated teller machine services; and manages SSA's nationwide relocation services program. F. The Office of Program Accounting Operations (S1NE) directs SSA's program accounting operations including the processes which determine trust fund revenues, certify recurring and daily benefit payments and determine the administrative expenses to be borne by each trust fund and the general fund for administration of Titles II, XVI and XVIII of the Social Security Act and other Federal programs. It plans and directs the formulation of SSA's operating policies and procedures in these areas and provides a wide range of management information and analysis of SSA workloads, workyears, productivity and costs. It also oversees the development of financial and accounting requirements for SSA's program accounting systems to ensure compliance with accounting principles and standards prescribed by the Comptroller General and the Chief Financial Officer of the United States. 1. The Division of Benefit Certification and Accounting (S1NE1) directs SSA's benefit payment and earnings certification operations and develops related operating policies and procedures. It certifies and accounts for all benefit payments authorized under the Social Security Act; interacts with the Department of the Treasury to ensure accurate and timely issuance of benefit entitlements and accounting for all related cash activity, including proper charges and credits to the Agency's trust funds and general fund appropriations and master beneficiary records. As necessary, directs parallel actions by SSA's FOs and processing centers. 2. The Division of Cost Analysis (S1NE2) directs SSA's cost accounting and analysis operations and the development of related Agency operating procedures; develops Agency workload measurement policy and labor distribution requirements; manages SSA's Cost Analysis System which supports the Agency's budget formulation and execution processes; and satisfies the statutory requirements for attribution of costs to all Agency workloads, functions, business processes and programs. Provides a wide range of management information and analysis on the Agency's administrative costs, workloads, labor utilization and productivity. 3. The Division of Systems Requirements and Earnings Analysis (S1NE3) provides overall leadership, direction and oversight of SSA's program accounting systems and earnings certification operations. It oversees the Agency's earnings records maintenance operation and maintains accounting controls necessary for interim and final certifications to the Secretary of the Treasury which determine revenues paid to the Social Security and Medicare trust funds. Oversees the development of accounting and management information requirements for SSA's program systems to ensure compliance with accounting and reporting standards prescribed by the Comptroller General and the Chief Financial Officer of the United States.
Interprets administrative budgetary policies and limitations, and develops and issues guidelines and instructions to SSA components for budget formulation and execution. Executes the total administrative and program budgets for SSA through issuance of workyear and dollar controls, budgetary allotments/allowances for administrative and program expenditures and employment ceilings to SSA components, coordinating with OB's Office of Administrative Budget and the Office of Program Budget as appropriate. Coordinates and analyzes SSA administrative budget totals including the Information Technology Systems Budget.
Subchapter S1Q OFFICE OF ACQUISITION AND GRANTS I. Mission The Office of Acquisition and Grants (OAG) is responsible for the SSA-wide acquisition and grants programs in support of the Agency mission and strategic goals. OAG directs the business management aspects of these activities and develops and implements applicable policies, procedures and directives. II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner, Office of Acquisition and Grants (S1Q). B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Acquisition and Grants (S1Q).
The Immediate
Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Acquisition
D. The Office of Information Technology Acquisition (S1QA). E. The Office of Operations Contracts and Grants (S1QB). F. The Office of Acquisition Support (S1QC). III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner, Office of Acquisition and Grants (S1Q) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Budget, Finance and Management for carrying out OAG's mission and provides general supervision to the major components of OAG. B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner, Office of Acquisition and Grants (S1Q) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner, Office of Acquisition and Grants (S1Q) provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities.
D. The Office of Information Technology Acquisition (S1QA). 1. Responsible for planning, solicitation, award and administration of contracts, purchase orders, delivery orders or other contractual instruments for the entire range of automatic data processing equipment, software and services; voice-grade telecommunications equipment and services; and specialized training and computer support equipment. 2. Provides coordination, assistance and guidance in the development of complex procurement requirements and translates these needs into comprehensive solicitation packages to assure the maximum use of full and open competition. 3. Provides procurement advice, guidance and support for the development of acquisition strategies, evaluation techniques and negotiation of business and technical terms and conditions. E. The Office of Operations Contracts and Grants (S1QB). 1. Responsible for planning, solicitation, award and administration of contracts, purchase orders, delivery orders or other contractual instruments for specialized program needs (e.g., program research, development and demonstration through studies and surveys, consultants, systems designs and evaluations and facilities construction and alterations) and procurement of administrative supplies, equipment and services in support of SSA's overall operational mission (e.g., technical and professional services, office equipment, moving services, film processing, translations and transcription services). Responsible for contracts for construction and facilities management and operations. 2. Provides coordination, assistance and guidance in the development of complex procurement requirements and translates these needs into comprehensive solicitation packages to assure maximum use of full and open competition. 3. Provides procurement advice, guidance and support for the development of acquisition strategies, evaluation techniques and negotiation of business and technical terms and conditions. 4. Responsible for planning, placement and administration of grants under all SSA discretionary grants programs (including guidance and support in the selection strategy, evaluation process, budget negotiation, planning and development of policies, procedures, regulations and directives). F. The Office of Acquisition Support (S1QC). 1. Responsible for the development, evaluation and implementation of comprehensive SSA-wide acquisition policies, procedures, regulations and directives. 2. Performs acquisition management reviews of SSA activities with delegated procurement authority. 3. Manages SSA's acquisition planning and tracking processes. 4. Responsible for SSA's acquisition information collection, analysis and reporting activities. 5. Responsible for the planning, designing, developing and administering of automated systems to support SSA's acquisition and grant processes. 6. Provides audit, accounting and financial advisory services in support of the negotiation, administration, settlement and closeout of SSA contracts.
Subchapter S1R OFFICE OF FACILITIES MANAGEMENT I. Mission The Office of Facilities Management (OFM) manages SSA-wide material management and facilities management programs. It directs SSA’s national real property program including short- and long-range facilities planning; design, construction and leasing of central office facilities; and maintenance, repair and construction projects and policy development related to the operation of delegated buildings. It acquires, utilizes and manages space at SSA headquarters and develops a comprehensive space inventory and utilization system. It develops, implements and evaluates SSA's national environmental protection, safety and protective services programs. It ensures that these programs are responsive to the needs of the Agency and serves as a focal point for inquiries and guidance concerning these programs. II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner for Facilities Management (S1R). B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Facilities Management (S1R). C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Facilities Management (S1R). D. The Office of Realty Management (S1RE). 1. Division of Architectural and Engineering Services (S1RE1). 2. Division of Field Support and Delegated Programs (S1RE4). 3. Division of Project Management (S1RE3).
1. Division of Environmental Services (S1RG1).
Division of
Industrial Hygiene (S1RG3). F. The Office of Buildings Management (S1RM). 1. Division of Main Complex Management (S1RM1). 2. Division of Outlying Buildings Management (S1RM2).
Division of
the National Computer Center (S1RM3). G. The Office of Protective Security Services (S1RL). 1. Division of Security Services (S1RL1). 2. Division of Security Operations and Policy (S1RL3).
Division of Systems and Credential Management (S1RL4). H. The Office of Long-Range Facilities Planning (S1RN). 1. Division of Information Systems Management (S1RN1).
I. The Office of Emergency Preparedness (S1RP). III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner for Facilities Management (S1R) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance and Management for carrying out OFM's mission and provides general supervision to the major components of OFM. B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Facilities Management (S1R) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Facilities Management (S1R) provides the Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of his/her responsibilities. D. The Office of Realty Management (S1RE) directs SSA’s national real property program, including short- and long-range capital planning and budgeting, building management, cost savings initiatives and asset management. 1. The Division of Architectural and Engineering (A/E) Services (S1RE1) manages SSA’s A/E and fire protection programs including A/E service contracts, and provides planning, investigation, technical consultation and design support, as well as facilities graphic database and document management. 2. The Division of Field Support and Delegated Programs (S1RE4) oversees SSA’s energy management, recycling, and building delegation’s programs, as well as portfolio management, including space acquisition, use and budget, and provides technical assistance for site preparation in support of the Agency’s automation initiatives. 3. The Division of Project Management (S1RE3) oversees SSA prospectus and non-prospectus level construction and renovation projects in the Agency’s major GSA delegated government owned buildings nationwide, and completes SSA’s facilities capital planning and budgeting activities. E. The Office of Environmental Health and Occupational Safety (S1RG) directs SSA’s national environmental health and occupational safety programs. Functions include long- and short-range planning, managing the Agency’s national asbestos management program, managing national programs for water and indoor air quality, developing and implementing policies, procedures and technical assistance to support these national programs, and conducting comprehensive assessments of these programs. 1. The Division of Environmental Services (S1RG1) directs various SSA environmental health and safety programs and participates with the Division of Industrial Hygiene to implement national industrial hygiene programs. 2. The Division of Industrial Hygiene (S1RG3) directs the Agency’s Industrial Hygiene Programs and participates with the Division of Environmental Services (DES) to implement various SSA national environmental health and safety programs and conducts comprehensive assessments of the DES programs. F. The Office of Buildings Management (S1RM) directs facility operations for SSA Headquarters Operations. Functions include long- and short-range planning, construction, and lease management, maintenance, repair, preventive maintenance, space planning and the development and implementation of policies, procedures and technical assistance to support these programs. 1. The Division of Main Complex Management (S1RM1) directs the day-to-day support of building operations at the East, Operations, Annex, West, Child Care Center, Supply and Altmeyer Buildings. Responsibilities include long- and short-range planning, maintenance, repair, and development and implementation of policies and technical assistance to support these programs. 2. The Division of Outlying Buildings Management (S1RM2) directs the day-to-day support of building operations at the Metro West Building and all leased headquarters facilities in Baltimore and Washington, D.C. Responsibilities include long- and short-range planning, maintenance repair, and development and implementation of policies and technical assistance to support these programs. 3. The Division of the National Computer Center (S1RM3) directs the day-to-day support of building operations at the National Computer Center and the Utility Building. Responsibilities include long- and short-range planning, maintenance, repair, and development and implementation of policies and technical assistance to support these programs. G. The Office of Protective Security Services (S1RL) directs SSA’s nationwide physical and protective security program. Functions include formulating and administering physical security policies and procedures, providing physical security operations and policies, designing and maintaining the agency’s national Personal Identity Verification process and data bases, issuing and controlling secure credentials for SSA personnel and property Agency-wide. 1. The Division of Security Services (S1RL1) develops and issues policy, procedures and guidance for SSA facilities nationwide for the property pass program, the Agency-wide physical access program, and support for the agency-wide issuance of secure credentials as required by HSPD-12 for Headquarters components. Other functions include administering the parking and commuter support programs for Headquarters facilities. 2. The Division of Security Operations and Policy (S1RL3) provides physical security services at SSA facilities nationwide including developing and issuing policy and procedural guidance, conducting physical security reviews to identify vulnerabilities and recommend remedial actions, providing contract security guard oversight, establishing security action/emergency response plans, recommending and funding alarm systems/electronic security devices, designing space configurations and locking mechanisms to secure property and records and analysis of incident information. 3. The Division of Systems and Credential Management (S1RL4) develops and maintains the credential issuance and management system nationwide required by HSPD-12, including maintenance of the Identity Management System (IDMS) and the issuance and tracking of secure credentials and electronic certificates (PKI certificates). Other functions include the design, installation and maintenance of physical security equipment/systems nationwide for the agency’s enterprise security system linking physical access, alarm monitoring and closed circuit television monitoring for SSA facilities nationwide. H. The Office of Long-Range Facilities Planning (S1RN) develops, implements, and guides the strategic direction of Agency space, building and realty management programs, including the maintenance of the Agency’s Master Plan. 1. The Division of Information Systems Management (S1RN1) supports OFM components by planning, designing, developing, maintaining and improving OFM's information management infrastructure. Functions also include providing LAN/WAN administration, network and data security, IT project management and direct support for OFM’s computer users. I. The Office of Emergency Preparedness (S1RP) develops and issues security policy, procedures and guidance for SSA facilities nationwide regarding the Occupant Emergency Operations (OEO) and Continuity of Operations (COOP) programs. The office is responsible for ensuring the safety of Agency employees during emergencies. The office trains and coordinates the Emergency Response Team and Agency employees in emergency evacuation procedures and regulations, specifically those regarding employees with disabilities. Maintains the Continuity of Operations plans for the Agency and is responsible for ensuring that the Agency has a prepared response to a wide range of potential disasters. Leads SSA’s participation in interagency training events, including Forward Challenge and Pinnacle exercises.
Subchapter S1S OFFICE OF PUBLICATIONS AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT I. Mission The Office of Publications and Logistics Management (OPLM) manages the SSA logistics and publications programs. It directs the comprehensive SSA printing, publications and distribution management program and develops pertinent policies, standards, and procedures for SSA's forms and publications management, printing, reprographics and distribution programs. It administers and maintains the SSA library, the SSA History Room, the historical research program and records management program. It administers the SSA logistics management program, directs the SSA property and supply management program, manages the operation of SSA warehousing facilities including receipt, storage and issuance of forms publications, supplies and equipment for SSA-wide use. The Office manages employee transportation including providing headquarters passenger, mail and freight transportation services. It directs the SSA mail management program. II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner for Publications and Logistics Management (S1S). B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Publications and Logistics Management (S1S). C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Publications and Logistics Management (S1S). D. The Office of Supply and Warehouse Management (S1SH). E. The Office of Property Management (S1SN). F. The Office of Publications Management (S1SJ). G. The Office of Document Management (S1SP) III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner for Publications and Logistics Management (S1S) reports directly to the Deputy Commissioner for Budget, Finance and Management in carrying out widelly varied OPLM's mission and provides general supervision to the major components of OPLM. B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Publications and Logistics Management (S1S) is the alter ego to the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs duties the Associate Commissioner prescribes . C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Publications and Logistics Management (S1S) provides the Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of his/her responsibilities. D. The Office of Supply and Warehouse Management (S1SH). 1. The Office of Supply and Warehouse Management (OSWM) develops policies, procedures, and directives in support of the Agency’s nationwide supply, warehouse and transportation systems and operations. 2. OSWM ensures the Agency’s printing requests and justified requisitions are processed timely and oversees the replenishment of warehouse stock for Headquarters’ use and ensures delivery of major use forms and publications to the field. 3. OSWM provides transportation services as needed. E. The Office of Property Management (OSPM) (S1SN). 1. The Office oversees all policy and procedures pertaining to the acquisition, utilization, accountability, transfer and disposal of SSA personal property. Represents SSA’s interest as liaison to HHS, GSA and other Federal, State and Local Government and private sector organizations and vendors in the acquisition, transfer and disposal of personal property. Oversees the acquisition and disposal of personal property. Oversees the acquisition and installation of modular/systems furniture in SSA offices nationwide. Acts as technical expert and plans, coordinates and implements studies and surveys related to providing necessary ergonomic furniture and equipment to support SSA employees. 2. Oversees the acquisition and installation of modular furniture in SSA offices. Plans, coordinates and implements studies and surveys to access the variety of ergonomic furniture previously purchased and new furniture available to SSA offices. Maintains audit trails for both normal and special expense incurred during and after furniture installation. Responsible for all financial management and contracting activities performed within the scope of the Interagency Agreement with the Federal Prison Industries. F. The Office of Publications Management (OPUM) (S1SJ). 1. The Office of Publications Management (OPUM) directs a comprehensive SSA-wide forms control, publication and distribution management program, including forms and publications design, photocomposition and electronic information dissemination (electronic publishing, on-line publishing/services, electronic reference materials and CD-ROM and multimedia production and delivery). It also provides SSA-wide special media services for visually impaired employees. The Office also coordinates the Agency Administrative Instructions Manual System (AIMS) for printing, clearance and issuance of policy, standards and procedural instructions. 2. The Office coordinates and directs a comprehensive printing management program and procures all SSA printing needs. It prepares the Agency's Comprehensive Printing Program Plan report for the Joint Committee on Printing (JCP) and provides liaison with the JCP and the Government Printing Office on policy and procedural issues. OPUM plans, directs and administers the SSA mail policy program, including developing methodologies (e.g., presorting, barcoding, direct accountability, etc). It provides liaison with the United States Postal Service in all national level mail management and operational policy negotiations and activities. It also administers agencywide mail management contracts. 3. The Office plans, directs and coordinates the SSA mail handling program, including the receipt, processing, and dispatch of all incoming and outgoing United States Postal Service mail for SSA headquarters. It provides inter-office mail service for SSA headquarters and priority delivery service in Washington, D.C. It administers oversight of necessary contracts such as the internal mail messenger service. It consolidates and processes outgoing mail from headquarters to District Offices, Branch Offices, Program Service Centers and Regional Offices, etc. It also processes computer-generated priority notices to SSA beneficiaries nationwide, using high-speed equipment to fold, insert and label mailings. 4. The Office provides SSA duplicating services for short turnaround work and for developing metal photo requests for Commissioner’s citations, award plaques, signs, etc.
G. The Office of Document Management (ODM) (S1SP). 1. The Office of Document Management develops, recommends and implements SSA policies and standards for library and information services of the SSA Headquarters Library and for SSA employees nationwide. The Office manages the physical and digital Library which serves as a centralized repository of information resources for employees throughout SSA. It provides a collection of information on subjects related to SSA programs and their operation. 2. The Office administers the regulatory and procedural requirements governing SSA's collection of information from the public, stemming from the Paperwork Reduction Act and providing liaison service with the Office of Management and Budget. It works with customers on the Office of Management and Budget clearances of forms or other ways of collecting information from the public 3. The Office of Document Management facilitates the management, control, storage and disposition of all records through a nationwide network of SSA Record Management Coordinators. It provides guidance and policy for the effective and efficient management of SSA's records from the point of a record's initial creation to final disposition. It serves as liaison with the National Archives and Records Administration and the General Services Administration on records issues. 4. The Office of Document Management manages, coordinates and directs the SSA Historian. Historian researches and provides answers to history related internal and external inquires and is responsible for the history archives, operation of the History Room. |
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