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SSA ORGANIZATION MANUAL Chapter S4 OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, SYSTEMS I. Mission The Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Systems (ODCS) directs the conduct of systems and operational integration and strategic planning processes, and the implementation of a comprehensive systems configuration management, data base management and data administration program. Initiates software and hardware acquisition for SSA and oversees software and hardware acquisition procedures, policies and activities. Directs the development of operational and programmatic specifications for new and modified systems, and oversees development, validation and implementation phases. II. Organization A. The Deputy Commissioner, Systems (S4). B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Systems (S4). C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Systems (S4C). 1. The Budget Staff (S4C-1) 2. The Planning Staff (S4C-2) 3. The Systems Acquisition and Contract Management Staff (S4C-3)
III. Functions A. The Deputy Commissioner, Systems (S4) is directly responsible to the Commissioner for carrying out the ODCS mission and providing general supervision to the major components of ODCS. B. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Systems (S4) assists the Deputy Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities, and performs other duties as the Deputy Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Systems provides the Deputy Commissioner with management support on the full range of his/her responsibilities to include budget, planning, systems acquisition, audit liaison, and recruitment, administrative, and senior technical support. 1. The Budget Staff (S4C-1) develops the Information Technology systems Budget for Systems, prepares the detailed budget submission and develops monitoring and tracking systems. 2. The Planning Staff (S4C-2) directs and conducts comprehensive integration and systems planning processes and is responsible for long-range planning and analyses to define new and improved systems processes in support of Agency requirements and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system requirement specifications. 3. The Systems Acquisition and Contract Management Staff (S4C-3) is responsible for the technical and business review of Information Technology acquisitions and for the management of major Information Technology support service contracts for the Deputy Commissioner for Systems. D. The Office of Telecommunications and System Operations (OTSO)(S4E) directs, manages and coordinates the planning, acquisition, implementation, security, operation and maintenance of SSA's computer systems operations, and plans, implements and evaluates SSA’s communications technology and systems. It directs and coordinates the transition, implementation and operation of current/ongoing operating systems support software, including diagnostic software. It is responsible for evaluating current and emerging communications technologies and for designing, acquiring, implementing, operating and maintaining new integrated telecommunications systems combining voice, data, video, facsimile and other SSA communications requirements. OTSO directs, manages and coordinates the planning, analysis, design, acquisition, implementation, operation and maintenance of SSA's existing telecommunications systems. It manages the telecommunications operations complexes located at the Central Office, Regional Offices and field sites. It is responsible for SSA's comprehensive voice communication management program. OTSO interfaces with other systems components in the transition and implementation of redesigned programmatic and administrative systems to progressively replace existing application systems. It manages the computer operations complex which processes SSA's programmatic support, administrative, management information and statistical application systems. OTSO conducts continuing assessments and engineering analyses of the computer operations, as well as equipment performance analyses and coordinates the implementation of necessary improvements to existing resources. It directs and coordinates the activities associated with the planning, management, acquisition, procurement and renewal of ADP equipment, software and technical services for SSA to maintain operational systems and to prevent progressive deterioration. OTSO develops, controls and implements operational plans which include the preparing of technical specifications, evaluation criteria, acceptance test criteria, facilities engineering plans and budget estimates to maintain operational systems. It advises the Deputy Commissioner, SSA Executive Staff and external monitoring authorities such as the General Services Administration, the General Accounting Office, the Office of Management and Budget and Congress on SSA's computer systems operations. E. The Office of Systems Electronic Services (OSES) (S4M) directs the development of the SSA-wide mission critical software applications that support the Agency’s Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) initiatives. It performs long range planning and analysis, and the design, development, implementation and maintenance of eGovernment solutions in support of SSA's social insurance and income maintenance programs. These applications will provide access to SSA services over such service delivery channels as the Internet, Extranet, 800# and direct service data collection channels. It provides a means for the public to have direct access to selected SSA services. It participates in the coordination of general systems requirements definition among key SSA stakeholders, and representatives of the user community. It maintains a comprehensive software engineering program that provides tools, and a software infrastructure in support of SSA's eGovernment development goals. It defines the agency standards for Internet software development. It conducts software validation and testing for all Internet software solutions required to run on, or extract data from, any of SSA's host processor's or its mission critical systems and creates the necessary ESD management information to satisfy SSA’s global management information requirements. F. The Office of Applications and Supplemental Security Income Systems (OASSIS) (S4R) directs, develops and coordinates information technology requirements, application programs and management information systems for new and modified systems in direct support of the SSI, Quality Assurance, Customer Help Information and Representative (Rep) Payee programs. OASSIS is responsible for most phases in the systems development life cycle. These responsibilities include determining automation solutions for user needs, developing software systems specifications, analyzing existing computer applications, preparing recommendations (including costs and benefits of alternatives), software design and development, testing and validating systems, implementing security standards, documenting systems, accepting systems on behalf of SSA's user community and conducting post-installation evaluation. OASSIS is responsible for long-range planning and analyses to define new and improved systems processes for OASSIS in support of Agency needs and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system requirement specifications and software programs. OASSIS implements systems required by new legislation, regulations and SSA policy directives. Based on input from users, OASSIS translates organizational information requirements and priorities into plans and, develops and maintains systems plans. OASSIS validates computer programs that are part of SSA's large, integrated, programmatic systems against user-defined requirements and performance criteria, and approves the resulting system for operational acceptance. It develops procedures and instructions to support user needs in effective implementation of all systems. G. The Office of Earnings, Enumeration and Administrative Systems (OEEAS) (S4S) designs, develops, and maintains SSA’s earnings, enumeration and administrative systems. Responsibilities include the development of functional requirements for new systems and modifications to existing systems. The office evaluates the effect of proposed legislation, policies, regulations and management initiatives to determine the impact on these systems and develops information requirements and procedures as they relate to such legislation, regulations and SSA policy directives. It directs the coordination of user requirements with SSA central and regional operations to ensure that user needs are accurately captured and defined. The office develops automated solutions, including the procurement of commercial software products. It tests and validates software to assure that user requirements have been met, and conducts post-implementation reviews of new systems. The broad systems areas for which OEEAS is responsible include: enumeration (SSN) and verification, earnings establishment and employer data, integrity review and audit, work measurement, financial processing and accounting, human resource and payroll, a variety of workload control and tracking applications, and data exchanges with external entities. H. The Office of Enterprise Support, Architecture and Engineering (OESAE) (S4V) identifies the strategic information technology resources needed to support SSA business processes and operations and the transition processes for researching, demonstrating and implementing new technologies in response to the Agency’s strategic vision. The office develops policies and procedures to implement Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Agency-wide. It incorporates user-centered design principles and techniques, accessibility requirements, inclusion of assistive device technology and standards and usability testing and accessibility testing as an integral part of the systems development life cycle to ensure that the requirements of SSA’s customers and users are being met. It directs the design, development and maintenance of SSA’s information technology architecture program and directs SSA’s data base integration activities to improve the administration of SSA’s Programmatic and Management Information/Administrative data bases and to implement modern data base management systems technology. The office directs a comprehensive information technology architecture program, including the SSA notices architecture, to modernize the Agency’s infrastructure and establishes enterprise policies for the management of all hardware and software. The office designs, develops and implements the architectures used to manage the storage and routing of document images along with the retention information for these electronic images as they relate to official Agency records. OESAE reviews legislative proposals and monitors the implementation of legislation for the Office of Systems. The office serves as the Systems’ lead for Continuity of Operations Planning, Federal Information Security Management Act, Financial Management System Reviews and Data Protection activities and coordinates Executive Assurance processes and procedures. It is the external liaison with the National Institute of Standards and Technology. OESAE manages the development and implementation of standards, methods and procedures for software planning, tracking, requirements, design, development, validation and change control. OESAE plans and directs multi-platform enterprise software development facilities to support applications development and validation personnel. The office designs, develops, implements and maintains automated test methods, test data systems and test utilities for systems-level functional and user acceptance testing of programmatic, administrative and management information systems. It provides support for program/project management and control and resource management. OESAE develops the requirements for security, functional security, and access control and conducts independent validation testing to ensure that the requirements have been properly integrated with SSA’s programmatic systems. The office plans for, acquires and administers project management and information technology training for systems and non-systems personnel and manages the Systems’ recruitment initiative. I. The Office of Retirement and Survivors Insurance Systems (ORSIS) (S4W) is responsible for programmatic and management information systems which support the Nation’s Retirement and Survivors Insurance program and Medicare enrollment, including initial claims, post-entitlement, payments, audit, integrity review, Treasury operations and notices. ORSIS designs, develops, coordinates and implements new or redesigned software to meet SSA’s automation needs in the broad area of title II programmatic processes for such areas as earnings, eligibility/entitlement, pay/computations and debt management. The Office is responsible for long-range planning and analysis to modify existing systems and define new systems for ORSIS in support of the Agency’s mission and operational and management information needs. It evaluates the effect of proposed legislation, policies, regulations and management initiatives to determine the impact on these systems and develops requirements and procedures to implement required changes. ORSIS is responsible for both programmatic and management information applications through each stage of the systems lifecycle, including: determining automation solutions for user needs; developing software specifications; designing and developing software programs; testing and validating systems against user-defined requirements; conducting post-implementation reviews; implementing security standards; and maintaining a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of systems requirements, specifications and software documentation. Procedures and instructions are developed to support users in effectively implementing all systems. J. The Office of Disability Systems (S4X) directs, develops, implements and maintains systems that support the agency’s new and modified Disability and health insurance programs. In addition, ODS supports the Increase Employment Opportunity effort by maintaining and enhancing the Ticket to Work Program automation. ODS is responsible for all phases in the systems development life cycle. These responsibilities include determining automation solutions for user needs, developing software systems specifications, analyzing existing computer applications, preparing recommendations (including costs and benefits of alternatives), designing and developing software, testing and validating systems, implementing security standards, documenting systems, accepting systems on behalf of SSA's user community, implementing and installing new and modified systems and conducting post-installation evaluation. ODS is responsible for long-range planning and analyses to define new and improved systems processes in support of Agency needs and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system requirement specifications and software programs. ODS implements systems required by new legislation, regulations and SSA policy directives. Based on input from users, ODS translates organizational information requirements and priorities into plans and, develops and maintains systems plans. ODS validates computer programs that are part of SSA's large, integrated, programmatic systems against user-defined requirements and performance criteria, and approves the resulting system for operational acceptance. It develops procedures and instructions to support user needs in effective implementation of all Disability systems.
Subchapter S4E OFFICE OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND SYSTEMS OPERATIONS I. Mission The Office of Telecommunications and Systems Operations (OTSO) (S4E) directs, manages and coordinates the planning, acquisition, implementation, security, operation and maintenance of SSA's computer systems operations and the telecommunications systems. It directs and coordinates the transition, implementation and operation of current/ongoing operating systems support software, including diagnostic software. It is responsible for evaluating current and emerging communications technologies and for designing, acquiring, implementing, operating and maintaining new integrated telecommunications systems combining voice, data, video, facsimile, and other SSA communications requirements. OTSO designs and implements the critical interface between telecommunications facilities and teleprocessing complexes. OTSO manages the telecommunications operations complexes located at the Central Office, Regional Offices and field sites. It is responsible for SSA's comprehensive voice communication management program. OTSO manages the implementation of production application software at all network platforms and interfaces other systems components in the transition and implementation of redesigned programmatic, and administrative systems to progressively replace existing application systems. OTSO administers all activities pertaining to configuration management, change management and problem management with respect to ongoing and telecommunications operations. It manages the computer operations complex which processes SSA's programmatic support, administrative, management information and statistical application systems. OTSO conducts continuing assessments and engineering analyses of the computer operations, as well as equipment performance analyses and coordinates the implementation of necessary improvements to existing resources. It directs and coordinates the activities associated with the planning, management, acquisition, procurement and renewal of all ADP equipment, software and technical services for SSA to maintain operational and telecommunications systems and to prevent progressive deterioration. OTSO develops, controls and implements operational plans which include the preparing of technical specifications, evaluation criteria, acceptance test criteria, facilities engineering plans and budget estimates to maintain operational and telecommunications systems. It advises the Deputy Commissioner, SSA Executive Staff and external monitoring authorities such as the General Services Administration, the General Accounting Office, the Office of Management and Budget and Congress on SSA's computer systems operations. II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner for Telecommunications and Systems Operations (S4E). B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Telecommunications and Systems Operations (S4E). C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Telecommunications and Systems Operations (S4E). 1. The Distributed Data Processing Management Staff (S4E-1). D. Division of Systems User Services and Facilities (S4EE). E. The Division of Computer Operations Production Control (S4EG). F. The Division of Operational Support Software (S4EH). G. The Division of Operational Capacity Performance Management (S4EJ). H. The Division of Telecommunications Security and Standards (S4EK). I. The Division of Resource Management and Acquisition (S4EL). J. The Division of Integration and Environmental Testing (S4EM). K. The Division of Monitoring and Online Systems (S4EN) L. The Division of Integrated Telecommunications Management (S4EP). M. The Division of National Network Services and Operations (S4EQ). N. The Division of Network Engineering (S4ER). O. The Division of Client/Server Configuration (S4ES). P. The Division of Internet/Intranet Application Services (S4ET). III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner for Telecommunications and Systems Operations (S4E) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Systems, for carrying out the OTSO mission and providing general supervision to the major components of OTSO. B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Telecommunications and Systems Operations (S4E) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Telecommunications and Systems Operations (S4E) provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with staff assistance on the full range of their responsibilities. 1. Distributed Data Processing Management Staff (S4E-1). a. Directs the plans and activities to implement distributed data processing systems across SSA. b. Initiates major program, subprogram, project and task activities in support of the implementation of Distributed Data Processing Management Staff (DDPMS) plans outlined in the Integrated Systems Plan and the Agency Strategic Plan. c. Oversees/coordinates all DDPMS implementation activity among all systems components including the incorporation of office automation, programmatic systems, existing distributed-type systems, stand-alone personal computer-based systems, pilot systems and user-developed systems into a unified distributed processing environment d. Develops and manages the DDPMS procurement plan, outlining all acquisitions related to the project. Manages the development of distributed data processing acquisitions in the Intelligent Workstation/Local Area Network (IWS/LAN) areas. e. Develops and manages the delivery, implementation and acceptance plans for DDPMS acquisitions. f. Manages the evaluation process for all technology substitutions, technology refreshments, upgrades and unsolicited proposals for DDPMS. Manages the administration of DDPMS contracts to include amendments, cancellations and renewals. g. Establishes and maintains the coordination and liaison interfaces to all other systems components, all SSA central office and field components and external committees, conferences and organizations involved in and affected by DDPMS. h. Approves technical specifications, technical evaluation criteria, technology substitution specifications for DDPMS-related workstation, network and application acquisitions. i. Directs project activities to ensure that SSA-level DDPMS initiatives maintain compatibility with Governmentwide Information Technology Systems (ITS) standards. D. Division of Systems User Services and Facilities (S4EE). 1. Provides all data center computer hardware implementation support for OTSO and coordinates the installation of all major hardware and software. Provides technical evaluation support for the procurement, acceptance, testing, installation and implementation of equipment and software. 2. Plans and coordinates computer facility environmental systems requirements. Provides computer facilities support for all Agency computer processing centers. 3. Provides a centralized contact for the management of all online storage media resources in the National Computer Center (NCC) and the Program Service Centers (PSC). Manages enterprise-level data storage resources in both mainframe and open systems environments to maintain the integrity, reliability, and performance of state-of-the-art storage technology. Responsible for all business critical data backup and recovery planning and operation. Advises Agency management on all aspects of data and storage media management. 4. Provides technical oversight for the Agency on high volume, enterprise-class printing technology and hardware. Responsible for reengineering SSA print workloads to take advantage of new print technology and automated mail insertion technology. 5. Provides all electronic scanning and imaging computer hardware and software implementation support for SSA. Coordinates the installation of all major scanning and imaging hardware and software. Provides technical evaluation support for the procurement, acceptance, testing, installation and implementation of scanning and imaging equipment and software. 6. Responsible for the design, development, acquisition, implementation and management of automated data center operations management hardware and software tools for OTSO. E. The Division of Computer Operations Production Control (S4EG). 1. Manages and processes all of SSA's program/mission-oriented and MI batch and online batch production workloads and administers effective resource utilization. 2. Manages and directs the automated magnetic media processes and directs the activity of the magnetic tape library function. Serves as the focal point for management of all magnetic tape storage resources, both internal and external to the Agency. 3. Participates in the design reviews of proposed application systems to assure operational support and control aspects are being considered. Analyzes applications systems to assure compliance with systems standards. Approves applications systems for production status and incorporates them into the production library. Before acceptance of any new batch applications, performs preproduction testing to minimize unexpected impacts to existing schedules and to ensure the most optimum use of existing data center resources. 4. Manages all incoming and end-deliverable products of data processing operations within both the test and production environments. Responsible for the operations and control of the print and punch products produced in the NCC. Ensures the quality, timeliness and accurate delivery of all distributed information, including transmitted data. 5. Represents OTSO and Systems in the preparation and revision of Service Level Agreements between Systems and its users. F. The Division of Operational Support Software (S4EH). 1. Directs the analysis, design, development, implementation and maintenance of computer operating systems and locally prepared subroutines in support of programmatic workloads for SSA's central data processing center. 2. Designs, develops, implements and maintains production control ADP systems which supervise media library controls and automates the scheduling of the production workload. 3. Directs the analysis, evaluation, selection, implementation and maintenance of a wide variety of vendor proprietary and locally provided utility software to support the programmatic production and MI workloads of the central and remote data centers. 4. Supports other SSA components with user liaison, systems development, technical and operational problem resolution. G. The Division of Operational Capacity Performance Management (S4EJ). 1. Evaluates computer performance and monitors resource utilization to ensure that OTSO's operational computer systems capacity is utilized effectively and efficiently. Ensures that OTSO's systems performance objectives are being met and that databases are efficiently implemented. Prepares recommendations to OTSO management and as directed, performs similar functions for other SSA components. 2. Ensures that sufficient IT capacity is available to process present and future workloads, coordinating decisions on target systems for new/modified workloads and systems configuration changes. 3. Serves as the Office of Systems resource and repository for Enterprise Capacity Planning data and reporting. 4. Provides recommendations and services to other OTSO components in the interpretation of reports and data resulting from evaluation and utilization studies. 5. Uses operational research tools to investigate operational efficiency problems and develop workload and utilization relationships. 6. Responsible for analysis of configuration, topology, connectivity, automation and availability of SSA’s national network in support of performance management, resource utilization and capacity planning. Responsible for long-term network management resource utilization reporting and problem management reporting. 7. Performs modeling and analysis of new applications and designs to determine performance impacts. Projects future capacity requirements for Enterprise Systems components and continually monitors performance to validate projections. 8. Collects data necessary to measure operations performance in providing timely output services as delineated in the Service Level Agreements (SLA). Prepares periodic reports on SLA compliance. 9. Identifies the cause of Enterprise performance problems and reports the findings. 10. Directs the design, development and implementation of software to gather and report statistical information on the functioning of SSA Enterprise Systems. Evaluates and implements COTS performance management software, and designs, develops and implements custom capacity performance data collection and reporting system. Distributes the information to other SSA components to report on performance and utilization. 11. Responsible for 800 number voice utilization data collection and reporting. H. The Division of Telecommunications Security and Standards (S4EK). 1. Develops, publishes and implements standards and operating procedures within OTSO. Develops and controls enforcement mechanisms to ensure adherence to operational standards. Administers the Federal systems standards program within OTSO. 2. Directs the planning, implementation and evaluation of the systems security program in OTSO and SSA privacy and security policies. 3. Serves as OTSO liaison with other SSA components in matters of privacy and security. Provides for the security of all OTSO resources in the centralized OTSO computer boundaries established by the Deputy Commissioner for Finance, Assessment and Management. 4. Provides planning, evaluation and oversight on disaster recovery capabilities in order to maintain continuity of data center operations. Develops, implements and evaluates systems and procedures for the security and protection of data. Directs the continuity of operations program for OTSO. I. The Division of Resource Management and Acquisition (S4EL). 1. Directs OTSO's participation in the Information Technology Systems (ITS) procurement process. Manages, plans, and coordinates the activities relating to business and financial planning of SSA’s telecommunications needs. 2. Performs technical and cost reviews of all OTSO/ITS procurements. Performs technical review of procurement proposals for ITS resources, network hardware, software and related services. 3. Provides support for ITS Technical Evaluation Committees. 4. Supports contract administration for all OTSO/ITS contracts. 5. Provides technical support to Project Officers in the development, modification and administration of ITS contracts. 6. Directs the renewal process for existing lease and maintenance contracts for ITS and telecommunications equipment and services. 7. Manages the fiscal administration of ITS contracts, collecting, analyzing and reporting performance data to support required fiscal and other contractual proceedings. 8. Provides for the centralized certification and authorization for the lease and maintenance of SSA's ITS and telecommunications equipment. 9. Provides necessary staff support to users within OTSO for the development of procurement documents and documentation. 10. Develops short-term and long-range tactical and strategic planning and maintains the OTSO macro-procurement plan which relates to planned acquisitions of ITS and telecommunications equipment, software, system design and system support services and implementation of telecommunication expansion. 11. Serves as Project Officer for ITS re-competition/ongoing maintenance contracts. 12. Provides technical support to OTSO and other SSA components during major procurement activities. Ensures that procurement documentation complies with directives published by SSA and higher monitoring authorities. Provides recommendations for disposition of procurement proposals for ITS resources. 13. Formulates an OTSO-wide Systems Plan and assigns responsibility to OTSO components for various parts of the Plan. Works with OTSO components to evaluate their proposed systems objectives in terms of technical feasibility, availability of resources and systems costs. Identifies the major OTSO activities and resources needed to support these objectives. Directs and coordinates the OTSO technical work-power, equipment and other special costs for the SSA budget process and justifies these on the basis of the President's Management Agenda and the Commissioner's priorities. 14. Directs the preparation of detailed project plans, including resource estimates for projects of which OTSO has the lead. Monitors progress and use of work-power and equipment resources by OTSO components against their approved plans. Develops standard methods for project management and assists OTSO components in their use. 15. Manages a centralized inventory of all SSA ITS and telecommunications equipment, and manages the ITS excess equipment process. J. The Division of Integration and Environmental Testing (S4EM). 1. Directs and controls all activities with the release of new or enhanced versions of host, client/server, and web (internet/intranet) programmatic and telecommunications-related software. Enforces software acceptance and certifications standards. Directs the staging of program modules to be tested. 2. Develops and maintains extensive test databases for use in the acceptance, integration and environmental testing processes. Develops and incorporates the use of software simulators and emulators in software acceptance testing. 3. Directs the integration testing of new or enhanced communications host, client/server, and web (internet/intranet) software, and network communications software. Participates in the movement and/or migration of software systems and associated files between complexes and processing components. Directs the migration of web software. 4. Directs environmental testing to ensure that all new or enhanced software is compatible with changing hardware configurations. Directs the integration of new or enhanced SSA programmatic software. Administers the generation of finalized testing results for evaluation. Directs software performance evaluations, parallel testing, timing studies, inter/intra-system relationship and testing trend analysis. 5. Responsible for administering integration and acceptance testing for production IT hardware. 6. Provides the checks and balances on SSA's production IT systems and equipment procurement for complying with contractual performance requirements throughout the life cycle of the procurement. 7. For all host, client/server, and web (internet/intranet) application software, manages and controls libraries, controls and migrates software into the production environment. For host implementations, designs and develops backup and recovery procedures. For client/server, develops installation scripts for migration of software to production. 8. Administers all activities pertaining to configuration management for the OTSO change management system. 9. Responsible for SSANet software distribution and version management. 10. Serves as the focal point for release coordination activities for the integration and production phases of the life cycle for host, client/server and web (internet/intranet) applications. 11. Develops and maintains pristine workstation images for the configurations/builds in the production environment. K. The Division of Monitoring and Online Systems (S4EN). 1. Procures, installs, modifies and tunes all online/batch teleprocessing monitor systems software, vendor support products, data base management systems, web based and middle-ware solutions. Designs, modifies, implements and installs specialized teleprocessing system software to support new teleprocessing application software including in-house modifications. 2. Directs the continuous monitoring of all teleprocessing, data base and middle-ware system software and performs problem determination and resolution. 3. Participates in the establishment of teleprocessing software standards for application design and for the use of data base packages within the SSA network environment. Formulates policy for data base applications software systems and monitors and optimizes performance of that software. 4. Develops teleprocessing software procedures for computer operations components. 5. Manages all online teleprocessing and data base management systems. 6. Installs and manages Unix operating systems on distributed data base and data base backup servers. L. The Division of Integrated Telecommunications Management (S4EP). 1. Plans and manages the strategic and tactical direction of the SSA voice communications and voice-data integration programs. 2. Provides technical and analytical support for the National 800 Number and other communications initiatives and programs. 3. Provides and manages voice communications systems hardware, software, services and ancillary equipment for SSA nationwide. 4. Directs the acquisition, operations, maintenance, retention and disposal of voice communications systems and services SSA-wide. Develops and administers voice communications ITS contracts. 5. Administers Federal Telecommunication System (FTS) 2000 services SSA-wide and supports OTSO in representing SSA in all related negotiations within SSA and with GSA and FTS vendors and carriers. 6. Directs the evaluation, acquisition, installation, operation and disposal of voice communications systems and services for SSA nationwide. 7. Serves as the SSA focal point for voice communications capacity planning. 8. Manages SSA-wide programs for imaging, video, facsimile, satellite, radio and emergency communications. 9. Manages SSA headquarters voice communications systems. 10. Serves as SSA-level liaison with Federal, State and other government and private-sector entities on voice communications and voice-data integration. 11. Manages within SSA the development and application of emerging voice communications technology. 12. Manages technical solutions for "800" and other toll-free services SSA-wide. 13. Manages the acquisition of data circuits. M. The Division of National Network Services and Operations (S4EQ). 1. Manages the installation, relocation and operation of SSA's telecommunications network facilities for the transmission of program and management data over SSA established networks. 2. Monitors telecommunications operations, analyzes equipment problems and effects proper maintenance and repair. 3. Develops and directs the implementation of new procedures and updates existing procedures for network node operations. 4. Reports outages to vendor management for prompt resolution and is responsible for the repair of advanced communications electronics equipment. 5. Provides emergency support services for equipment reconfiguration as well as repair, assembly/ disassembly and installation of advanced telecommunications electronics. 6. Serves as the initial point of contact for user and technical problem determination for telecommunications. Diagnoses data-center hardware and network problems and coordinates network operations issues with applications and systems support staff. 7. Monitors and controls functions for the nationwide telecommunications system. Develops operational procedures to modernize and streamline network operation and develops plans for automation. 8. Manages traffic flow between telecommunications complexes and other SSA complexes. 9. Communicates status of the network to other network nodes and advises users of abnormal or extraordinary situations affecting network operations. 10. Monitors voice communications operations, analyzes equipment problems and effects proper maintenance and repair. 11. Directs all teleprocessing system software problem determination and resolution. 12. Coordinates with other OTSO components in addressing teleprocessing software concerns regarding system capacity issues and system configuration proposals. 13. Operates and maintains an integrated systems and technical coordination control center and help desk to coordinate problem identification and resolution activities. 14. Operates large scale computer resources providing level 3 monitoring and problem determination for large scale operations, online teleprocessing regions and data base management systems. 15. Provides operational status and workload information to field offices using the SSA telecommunications network. Provides statistical analyses of, and reports on, operations performance at meeting both user and computer center management service objectives. 16. Serves as focal point for all user systems problems, questions, complaints and corrective actions regarding the full range of production services. N. The Division of Network Engineering (S4ER). 1. Directs the design, development, implementation, maintenance and support of specialized data communications software to support SSA's international network (SSANet). 2. Researches network prototypes and performs testing of new network technologies and implements and monitors network standards. 3. Supports SSA components as well as other Government agencies to provide optimum network interface design, management capabilities, connectivity, availability and response time. 4. Integrates and validates new network hardware such as bridges, routers, switches, firewalls, software products, versions and maintenance levels into SSANet and SSANet connectivity management. 5. Manages and coordinates all change management system control relating to network hardware and software changes to SSANet under the auspices of the change management facility. 6. Performs Level 3 network monitoring and problem determination for the SSANet. 7. Develops and implements a network backup recovery. 8. Performs network software planning, installation and management at all remote sites. 9. Serves as the SSA-level liaison with Federal, State, and local Government agencies and with the private sector to integrate them into the SSA network. 10. Interfaces with SSANet users to determine the impact of new applications and workloads and supports user liaison and systems development activities of other SSA components in the resolution of network technical and operational problems. 11. Manages communications software changes to ensure compatibility with hardware modifications at Central Office and all remote network platform locations. 12. Directs the planning, analysis and design of specialized network software systems for providing information relevant to the development of existing and proposed data communications systems. 13. Responsible for all aspects of engineering, design, configuration, implementation and support of Network Operating System (OS) software, telecommunications and connectivity service functions at SSA. 14. Responsible for telecommunications and connectivity projects, including acquisition, implementation, integration and control. 15. Develops, disseminates and enforces standards and policies relating to bridges, routers, switches, firewalls, communication processors, and related customer support and service. 16. Works with SSA users to provide solutions to WAN telecommunications needs that are consistent with SSA-network architecture policies; determines network and interfacing hardware needs, implementing solutions, planning and expansion; and determines staff hardware training needs. It assists SSA telecommunications users in determining and refining services and support requirements, configuration and engineering solutions, planning for future needs, coordinating implementation and evaluating effectiveness. 17. Provides a full range of initial and followup telecommunications and connectivity services and support for SSA users in network requirements analysis, system design, WAN needs determination, engineering, implementation, network control, Network OS software support and training. 18. Develops and distributes research papers on applied technology and its relationship to existing and future telecommunications and connectivity requirements. It also develops alternate systems configurations to meet specific alternative requirements (non-traditional technology approaches). 19. Solves network problems by applying information on state-of-the-art OS, telecommunications and connectivity software and hardware currently available in the marketplace. It develops turn-key telecommunications systems to meet unusual customer requirements. 20. Responsible for all aspects of network design, network engineering, network connectivity, development and customization of network management processes/tools, network automation processes and network performance. O. The Division of Client/Server Configuration (S4ES) 1. Develops, implements, manages and supports the desktop configuration for all Agency-supported personal computers, including laptops and workstations for employees with disabilities (EWD). Develops and distributes an up-to-date image of this configuration for applying to workstations as needed. Tests and modifies configurations to meet new hardware and software requirements of the Agency. 2. Implements and supports a variety of desktop tools, such as office automation products, communications software, and a web browser. In addition, develops and maintains, and/or supports, a number of enterprise client-server software tools. Provides software engineering support for the tools developed in-house as well as vendor liaison for those that are Commercial/Government Off-the-Shelf (COTS/GOTS). Researches and incorporates new products/versions into the configurations so as to ensure continuity and provide enhanced functionality of the end user experience. 3. Develops, implements, manages and supports the base configuration for all Agency-supported managed member servers, application member servers and specialized enterprise application servers. Develops and distributes an up-to-date image of this configuration for applying to servers as needed. Tests and modifies configurations to meet new hardware and software requirements of the Agency. 4. Inventories and tracks the applications and configuration settings that make up the desktop and client-server images. Works with application developers and software distribution staff to ensure images remain current and inventories/documents additions/changes applied to them. 5. Implements, manages and maintains the enterprise servers, operating system and software services required to manage all users and resources within the enterprise SSANet infrastructure. Implicit in this activity is the ongoing management and support of enterprise directory services. 6. Develops, implements and supports hardware and software configurations for all remote access/mobile/wireless computing solutions for the Agency. Ensures compatibility of remote devices with SSANet and desktop configurations. Tests new technologies and equipment, and modifies existing configurations, to meet ongoing end user requirements. 7. Researches, develops and supports special hardware and software configurations needed to address Section 508 considerations for all employees with disabilities working in the SSA environment. 8. Provides direct desktop and server, hardware and software, configuration support to a wide variety of SSA components including Headquarters, Regional Office, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review, Office of Inspector General, Office of General Counsel and the Agency’s Foreign Service Posts. Provides similar support to all of the States’ Disability Determination Services. Additionally, for certain of these offices, provides planning support for implementation of new hardware and software and/or coordination with other Office of Systems components. 9. Manages and supports the local area network (LAN) environment within the Office of Telecommunications and Systems Operations (OTSO). This includes direct hardware and software support for OTSO’s desktops and departmental servers, as well as management of the OTSO end user computing environment. Also manages the secure client-server testing lab within the National Computer Center (NCC). 10. Develops all plans and documentation necessary to ensure available resources for execution of the Division’s responsibilities. These include but are not limited to: the Client-Server and Desktop Enterprise Architecture, OMB 300s, special expense items for ITS acquisitions, requisitions and staffing/contractor plans. P. The Division of Internet/Intranet Application Services (S4ET). 1. Directs the design, development, implementation, maintenance and support of specialized data communications software (e.g., electronic messaging and file transfer) to support SSA’s international network (SSANet). 2. Manages and coordinates all change management system control relating to hardware and software changes in support of inter/intranet application hosting, electronic messaging and data exchanges with entities outside the Social Security Administration. 3. Performs Level 3 inter/intranet application, electronic messaging and data exchange monitoring and problem determination for SSANet. 4. Develops business and network linkages with external trading partners among other government agencies, businesses and individuals for the purposes of exchanging data and electronic messages. 5. Develops, disseminates and enforces standards and policies relating to electronic messaging, data exchange and inter/intranet application configurations, protocols and behaviors. 6. Works with SSA users and system developers to provide solutions to electronic messaging, data exchange and inter/intranet application needs that are consistent with SSA network policies; analyzes and procures sufficient hardware and software to meet those needs. 7. Develops and distributes research papers on applied technology and its relationship to existing and future requirements. Also develops alternate system configurations to meet specific alternative requirements. 8. Performs systems analysis, configuration design and software selection, as well as implementation and procurement support for inter/intranet application support, electronic messaging and data exchange for the Agency. Provides state-of-the-art technical expertise, including the evaluation of new and existing systems and provides support for enhancements, modifications, design and redesign. Researches and tests current off-the-shelf products for their applicability to and feasibility within SSA’s network architecture.
Subchapter S4M OFFICE OF SYSTEMS ELECTRONIC SERVICES I. Mission The Office of Systems Electronic Services (OSES) directs the development of the SSA-wide mission critical software applications that support the Agency’s Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) initiatives. It performs long range planning and analysis, and the design, development, implementation and maintenance of eGovernment solutions in support of SSA's social insurance and income maintenance programs. These applications will provide access to SSA services over such service delivery channels as the Internet, Extranet, 800# and direct service data collection channels. It provides a means for the public to have direct access to selected SSA services. It participates in the coordination of general systems requirements definition among key SSA stakeholders, and representatives of the user community. It maintains a comprehensive software engineering program that provides tools, and a software infrastructure in support of SSA's eGovernment development goals. It defines the Agency standards for Internet software development. It conducts software validation and testing for all Internet software solutions required to run on, or extract data from, any of SSA's host processor's or its mission critical systems and creates the necessary ESD management information to satisfy SSA’s global management information requirements.
Organization B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Systems Electronic Services (S4M). C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Systems Electronic Services (S4M). 1. The Project Support Staff (S4M-1) D. The Division of Architecture and Support Software Development (S4MA). E. The Division of Quality, Testing and Validation (S4MC). F. The Division of Benefits Software Development (S4MG). G. The Division of Non-Benefits Software Development (S4MH). III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner for Systems Electronic Services (S4M) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Systems, for carrying out the OSES mission and providing general supervision to the major components of OSES. B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Systems Electronic Services (S4M) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Systems Electronic Services (S4M) provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with administrative staff assistance, technology leadership, planning and customer relations support on the full range of his/her responsibilities. 1. The Project Support Staff (S4M-1) a. Analyzes eGovernment requirements and needs of other OSES components, and provides appropriate project support capability. b. Provides standards, procedures, systems support and technical assistance to OSES project managers to facilitate preparation of work plans. c. Directs review of project work plans to ensure completeness, compatibility with standards and managerial directives, and requirements and conformity to the ADP Plan and other management decisions. d. Monitors OSES workloads, resource estimates and resource usage for eGovernment applications. Provides comprehensive resource information to DCS management to support workload priority decisions. Directs resource estimation and reporting processes for OSES. e. Coordinates OSES input to Agency and DCS planning processes and provides IT budget acquisition and contract support for OSES divisions. f. Provides network software development tool and components security support for the OSES organization. D. The Division of Architecture and Support Software Development (S4MA). 1. Develops and maintains the software engineering architecture appropriate for delivering eGovernment services to SSA's customers in accordance with the Agency's Electronic Service Delivery (ESD) Strategy. 2. Designs, develops and maintains eGovernment framework components of the architecture for data interface, security, authentication, management information, audit and messaging objects. 3. Researches, evaluates and analyzes current and emerging technologies relevant to SSA's eGovernment architecture. 4. Plans, designs, develops and maintains registration and authentication internet software integral to SSA's eGovernment Internet strategy. 5. Defines functional specifications in support of SSA's registration and authentication eGovernment applications. 6. Coordinates SSA's registration and authentication Internet applications development with legacy and management information. E. The Division of Quality, Testing and Validation (S4MC). 1. Develops project specific test plans for applications developed in support of SSA's eGovernment strategy. 2. Performs front-end systems validations as necessary to support implementation of eGovernment software. 3. Develops, maintains, and implements quality control and usability standards in support of the development of eGovernment software. 4. Designs, develops and maintains software for the testing, validation and quality control of eGovernment applications. 5. Incorporates user input into the design of eGovernment software prior to implementation. F. The Division of Benefits Software Development (S4MG). 1. Plans, designs, develops and maintains benefits Internet, extranet and telephone software integral to SSA's eGovernment strategy which includes supporting Government-to-Client, Government-to-Government and Government-to-Business initiatives. 2. Defines functional specifications in support of benefits internet, extranet and telephone eGovernment applications to support Government-to-Client, Government-to-Government and Governmnet-to-Business initiatives. 3. Coordinates benefits eGovernment applications development with legacy and management information systems to support Government-to-Client, Government-to-Government and Government-to-Business initiatives. G. The Division of Non-Benefits Software Development (S4MH). 1. Plans, designs, develops and maintains non-benefits internet, extranet and telephone software integral to SSA's eGovernment strategy which includes supporting Government-to-Client, Government-to-Government and Government-to-Business initiatives. 2. Defines functional specifications in support of non-benefits internet, extranet and telephone eGovernment applications to support Government-to-Client, Government-to-Government and Government-to-Business initiatives 3. Coordinates non-benefits eGovernment applications development with legacy and management information systems to support Government-to-Client, Government-to-Government and Government-to-Business initiatives.
Subchapter S4R OFFICE OF APPLICATIONS AND SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME SYSTEMS I. Mission The Office of Applications and Supplemental Security Income Systems (OASSIS) directs, develops and coordinates information technology requirements, application programs and management information systems for new and modified systems in direct support of the SSI, Representative (Rep) Payee and Quality Assurance programs. In addition, OASSIS is responsible for development and maintenance of management information systems for SSI, Rep Payee and Disability programs. OASSIS is responsible for most phases in the systems development life cycle. These responsibilities include determining automation solutions for user needs, developing software systems specifications, analyzing existing computer applications, preparing recommendations (including costs and benefits of alternatives), software design and development, testing and validating systems, implementing security standards, documenting systems, accepting systems on behalf of SSA's user community and conducting post-installation evaluation. OASSIS is responsible for long-range planning and analyses to define new and improved systems processes for OASSIS in support of agency needs and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system requirement specifications and software programs. OASSIS implements systems required by new legislation, regulations and SSA policy directives. Based on input from users, OASSIS translates organizational information requirements and priorities into plans and develops and maintains systems plans. OASSIS validates computer programs that are part of SSA's large, integrated, programmatic systems against user-defined requirements and performance criteria, and approves the resulting system for operational acceptance. It develops procedures and instructions to support user needs in effective implementation of all systems. II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner for Applications and Supplemental Security Income Systems (S4R).
B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Applications and Supplemental Security Income Systems (S4R).
C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Applications and Supplemental Security Income Systems (S4R).
D. The Division of SSI Processing Systems (S4RA).
E. The Division of SSI Management Systems (S4RB).
F. The Division of Management Information Systems (S4RC).
G. The Division of Applications Development. (S4RH). III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner for Applications and Supplemental Security Income Systems (S4R) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Systems, for carrying out the OASSIS mission and providing general supervision to the major components of OASSIS. B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Applications and Supplemental Security Income Systems (S4R) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe. C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Applications and Supplemental Security Income Systems (S4R) provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with administrative staff assistance, technology leadership, planning and customer relations support on the full range of their responsibilities. D. The Division of SSI Processing Systems (S4RA) 1. Plans, analyzes, designs, develops, tests, validates, implements and evaluates programmatic data requirements, functional specifications, software, procedures, instructions and standards (including security and fraud detection) in conformance with SSA’s software engineering environment for title XVI (SSI) and title XVIII processes. Edits new records and transactions; maintains and updates the SSI Master File to reflect changes; computes both the Federal SSI benefit and State supplementary payments; identifies and controls overpayment activity; and controls diaries. 2. With the technical assistance of the Office of Enterprise Support and Architecture Engineering (OESAE), plans and conducts unit and system-wide functional validation tests of newly-developed systems and modifications to existing systems against user-defined requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that the changes are in conformance with functional specifications and with Agency regulations, policies, and procedures. 3. Participates in the development, maintenance and coordination of the overall approved SSA plans for fulfilling short-term and long-term SSI programmatic initiatives for Initial Claims and Post-entitlement Updates and Computations. 4. Develops and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system documentation and requirements specifications and validation tests of systems changes against user requirements and performance criteria and certifies that changes are in conformance with specifications for assigned areas of responsibility. 5. Performs requirement analyses, defining SSA-approved user needs and requirements for automated data processing services for SSI initial claims and post-eligibility operations, computation and record balancing operations. 6. Evaluates legislative proposals, regulations and policy changes affecting SSI and title VIII processes. Reports on the impact to those processes as well as on the short- and long-range plans. 7. Intercedes on behalf of users in resolving system discrepancies and errors relating to the existing SSI and title VIII process with representatives of other Office of Systems components. 8. Coordinates user requirements with SSA central and field offices and Federal and State agencies to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of program information needs and overall systems support. E. The Division of SSI Management Systems (S4RB) 1. Plans, analyzes, designs, develops, tests, validates, implements and evaluates programmatic data requirements, functional specifications, software, procedures, instructions and standards (including security and fraud detection) in conformance with SSA’s software engineering environment for title XVI (SSI) and title XVIII processes including payment, interfaces, due process, notices, queries and redetermination operations. This includes updates to and selections from the Supplemental Security Income Record (SSR). 2. With the technical assistance of OESAE, plans and conducts unit and system-wide functional validation tests of newly developed systems and modifications to existing systems against user-defined requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that the changes are in conformance with functional specifications and with Agency regulations, policies, and procedures. 3. Participates in the development, maintenance and coordination of the overall approved SSA plans for fulfilling short-term and long-range programmatic systems. Develops plans as they relate to SSI and title VIII redeterminations, interfaces, notices, queries, due process and payments. 4. Develops and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system documentation and requirements specifications and validation tests of systems changes against user requirements and performance criteria and certifies that changes are in conformance with specifications for assigned areas of responsibility. 5. Performs requirement analyses, defining SSA-approved user needs and requirements for automated data processing services for SSI redeterminations, interfaces, queries, due process and payments. 6. Evaluates legislative proposals, regulations and policy changes affecting SSI and title VIII processes. Reports on the impact to those processes as well as on the short- and long-range plans. 7. Intercedes on behalf of users in resolving system discrepancies and errors relating to the existing SSI and title VIII process with representatives of other Office of Systems components. 8. Coordinates user requirements with SSA central and field offices and Federal and State agencies to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of program information needs and overall systems support. 9. Coordinates the development and testing of Continuity of Operation Plans (COOP). 10. Manages routine and complex security-related compliance activities and develops sensitive standardized security profiles procedures. 11. Grants and approves the administrative and physical controls to SSA systems to prevent unauthorized access and physical damage, disclosure and destruction to SSA’s system of records. 12. Develops and maintains system security risk assessments and security plans implementing security standards, regulations, requirements and any additional changes in legislative policy or procedure. F. The Division of Management Information Systems (S4RC) 1. Plans, analyzes, designs, develops, tests, validates, implements and evaluates programmatic data requirements, functional specifications, procedures, instructions and standards (including security and fraud detection) in conformance with SSA’s software engineering environment, for titles XVI (SSI) and VIII Special Veterans Benefits (SVB), Disability, Appeals and Representative Payee Management Information Systems. 2. With the technical assistance of OESAE Validation staff, plans and conducts unit and system-wide functional validation tests of newly-developed systems and modifications to existing systems against user-defined requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that the changes are in conformance with functional specifications and with Agency regulations, policies, and procedures. 3. Participates in the development, maintenance and coordination of the overall approved SSA plans for fulfilling short-term and long-range programmatic system development as they relate to SSI Disability, Appeals and Representative Payee and SVB Management Information. This includes determining, classifying and ranking systems needs of all SSA components, and recommending final priorities for approval. 4. Develops and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system documentation and requirements specifications and validation tests of systems changes against user requirements and performance criteria and certifies that changes are in conformance with specifications for assigned areas of responsibility. 5. Produces automated solutions that provide management information (MI) supporting the Agency’s Supplemental Security Income program. Designs, develops and maintains computer systems that collect, process and distribute SSI MI. 6. Produces automated solutions that provide management information (MI) supporting the Agency’s Special Veterans Benefits program. Designs, develops and maintains computer systems that collect, process and distribute SVB MI. 7. Produces automated solutions that provide MI supporting the Agency’s Disability Insurance program. Designs, develops and maintains computer systems that collect, process and distribute Disability MI. 8. Produces automated solutions that provide MI supporting the Agency’s Hearings, Appeals and Litigation workloads. Designs, develops and maintains computer systems that collect, process and distribute Title II and Title XVI Hearings, Appeals and Litigation MI. 9. Produces automated solutions that provide MI supporting the Agency’s Representative Payment program. Designs, develops and maintains computer systems that collect, process and distribute Representative Payment MI. 10. Evaluates legislative proposals, regulations and policy changes affecting SSI Disability, Appeals, and Representative Payment Management Information. Reports on the impact to those processes as well as on the short- and long-range plans. 11. Intercedes on behalf of users in resolving system discrepancies and errors relating to the existing SSI Disability, Appeals and Representative Payment Management Information systems processes with representatives of other Office of Systems components. 12. Coordinates user requirements with SSA central and field offices and Federal and State agencies to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of program information needs and overall systems support. G. The Division of Applications Development (S4RH) 1. Plans, analyzes, designs, develops, tests, implements and maintains new or redesigned quality assurance systems in support of the Office of Quality Assurance. These systems support Title II, Title XVI and disability workloads and monitor all levels (initial, reconsideration and hearing) of Social Security program administration, including the federally legislated pre-effectuation (PER) review. 2. Plans, analyzes, designs, develops, tests, validates, and implements new or redesigned software to meet the needs of the SSA Rep Payee Program and the Customer Help and Information Program (CHIP). Also, evaluates programmatic information and data requirements, writes functional specifications, procedures, instructions and standards (including security and fraud detection) for the disability program. 3. With the technical assistance of the OESAE, plans and conducts unit and system-wide functional validation tests of newly-developed systems and modifications to existing systems against user-defined requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that the changes are in conformance with functional specifications and with Agency regulations, policies, and procedures. 4. Participates in the development, maintenance and coordination of the overall approved SSA plans for fulfilling short-term and long-range programmatic system development as they relate to Rep Payee, Quality Assurance and CHIP. This includes determining, classifying and ranking systems needs of all SSA components, and recommending final priorities for approval. 5. Develops and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system documentation, source code for programmatic software and requirements specifications and validation tests of systems changes against user requirements and performance criteria and certifies that changes are in conformance with specifications for assigned areas of responsibility. 6. Performs requirement analyses, defining SSA-approved user needs, determines system design alternatives and documents requirements for automated data processing services for Rep Payee, Quality Assurance and CHIP. 7. Evaluates legislative proposals, regulations and policy changes affecting Rep Payee, Quality Assurance and CHIP. Reports on the impact to those processes as well as on the short and long-range plans. 8. Intercedes on behalf of users in resolving system discrepancies and errors relating to the existing Rep Payee, Quality Assurance and CHIP processes with representatives of other Office of Systems components.
Subchapter S4S OFFICE OF EARNINGS, ENUMERATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEMS I. Mission The Office of Earnings, Enumeration and Administrative Systems (OEEAS) is responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of SSA’s earnings, enumeration and administrative systems. Responsibilities include the development of functional requirements for new systems and modifications to existing systems. The office evaluates the effect of proposed legislation, policies, regulations and management initiatives to determine the impact on these systems and develops information requirements and procedures as they relate to such legislation, regulations and SSA policy directives. It directs the coordination of user requirements with SSA central and regional operations to ensure that user needs are accurately captured and defined. The office develops automated solutions, including the procurement of commercial software products. It tests and validates software to assure that user requirements have been met, and conducts post-implementation reviews of new systems. The broad systems areas for which OEEAS is responsible include: enumeration (SSN) and verification, earnings establishment and employer data, integrity review and audit, work measurement, financial processing and accounting, human resource and payroll, a variety of workload control and tracking applications, and data exchanges with external entities. II. Organization A. The Associate Commissioner for Earnings, Enumeration and Administrative Systems (S4S).
B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Earnings, Enumeration and Administrative Systems (S4S).
C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Earnings, Enumeration and Administrative Systems (S4S).
D. The Division of Measurement and Control Systems (S4SA).
E. The Division of Information and Integrity Systems (S4SB). F. The Division of Financial and Human Resource Systems (S4SC). G. The Division of Enumeration and Death Alerts (S4SE).
H. The Division of Annual Wage Reporting and Balancing (S4SG).
I. The Division of Earnings Correction and Use (S4SH).
The Division of Information, Verification and
Exchange Services (S4SJ).
K. The Division of Business Services and Technology Support (S4SK). III. III. Functions A. The Associate Commissioner for Earnings, Enumeration and Administrative Systems (OEEAS) (S4S) is directly responsible to the Deputy Commissioner, Systems for carrying out OEEAS’ mission and provides general supervision to the major components of OEEAS.
B. The Deputy Associate Commissioner for Earnings, Enumeration and Administrative Systems (S4S) assists the Associate Commissioner in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties as the Associate Commissioner may prescribe.
C. The Immediate Office of the Associate Commissioner for Earnings, Enumeration and Administrative Systems (S4S) provides the Associate Commissioner and Deputy Associate Commissioner with administrative staff assistance, planning and customer relations support on the full range of his/her responsibilities.
D. The Division of Measurement and Control Systems (S4SA).
1. Performs requirements analyses and software development activities for control and tracking systems, and other administrative support systems.
2. Develops functional requirements and validations for audit and integrity review systems within programmatic applications and for SSA-wide work measurement systems.
3. Performs requirements analyses, defining SSA-approved user needs and requirements for automated data processing services. Evaluates legislative proposals, regulations and policy changes and reports on the impact on existing processes and systems. Evaluates the need to develop new software.
4. Develops design specifications and software programs to satisfy user needs as defined in requirements documentation.
5. Plans and conducts unit and system-wide functional validation tests of newly-developed systems and modifications to existing systems against user defined requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that the changes are in conformance with functional specifications.
6. Develops and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system documentation, requirements specifications and validation tests of systems changes against user requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that changes are in conformance with specifications for assigned areas of responsibility. E. The Division of Information and Integrity Systems (S4SB) 1. Designs, develops, and implements application systems and enhancements to existing systems to support work measurement, quality assurance, integrity reviews and audit and internal controls.
2. Responsible for data warehouse development and maintenance in support of Agency systems. Maintains the data warehouse repository which houses data definition, calculations, and transformation and business rules in support of performance measures. Runs data mining software to identify patterns for potential fraud.
3. Performs requirements analyses, defining SSA-approved user needs and requirements for automated data processing services. Evaluates legislative proposals, regulations and policy changes and reports on the impact on existing processes and systems. Evaluates the need to develop new software.
4. Develops design specifications and software programs to satisfy user needs as defined in requirements documentation.
5. Plans and conducts unit and system-wide functional validation tests of newly-developed systems and modifications to existing systems against user defined requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that the changes are in conformance with functional specifications.
6. Develops and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system documentation, requirements specifications and validation tests of systems changes against user requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that changes are in conformance with specifications for assigned areas of responsibility. F. The Division of Financial and Human Resource Systems (S4SC). 1. Designs, develops, and implements administrative application systems and enhancements to existing systems in the broad areas of financial/budget, human resources and payroll processes.
2. Performs requirements analyses, defining SSA-approved user needs and requirements for automated data processing services. Evaluates legislative proposals, regulations and policy changes and reports on the impact on existing processes and systems. Evaluates the need to develop new software. Evaluates the potential application of Commercial-off-the-Shelf and Government-developed-off-the-Shelf software.
3. Develops design specifications and software programs to satisfy user needs as defined in requirements documentation.
4. Plans and conducts unit and system-wide functional validation tests of newly-developed systems and modifications to existing systems against user defined requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that the changes are in conformance with functional specifications.
5. Develops and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system documentation, requirements specifications and validation tests of systems changes against user requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that changes are in conformance with specifications for assigned areas of responsibility. G. The Division of Enumeration and Death Alerts (S4SE). 1. Designs, develops and implements new or redesigned software to meet SSA’s automated data processing needs in the broad area of enumeration.
2. Performs requirements analyses, defining SSA-approved user needs and requirements for automated data processing services for enumeration. Evaluates legislative proposals, regulations and policy changes and reports on the impact on existing processes and systems. Evaluates the need to develop new software.
3. Develops design specifications and software programs to satisfy user needs as defined in requirements documentation.
4. Plans and conducts unit and system-wide functional validation tests of newly-developed systems and modifications to existing systems against user defined requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that the changes are in conformance with functional specifications.
and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system
documentation, requirements specifications and validation tests of systems
changes against user requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that
changes are in conformance with specifications for assigned areas of
responsibility. 6. Performs requirements analyses and develops earnings enumeration management information application systems and enhancements to existing systems. H. The Division of Annual Wage Reporting and Balancing (S4SG). 1. Designs, develops and implements new or redesigned systems to meet SSA’s automated data processing needs in the broad area of annual employer wage reporting.
2. Performs requirements analyses, defining SSA-approved user needs and requirements for automated data processing services. Evaluates legislative proposals, regulations and policy changes and reports on the impact on existing processes and systems. Evaluates the need to develop new software.
3. Develops design specifications and systems to satisfy user needs as defined in requirements documentation.
4. Plans and conducts unit and system-wide functional validation tests of newly-developed systems and modifications to existing systems against user defined requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that the changes are in conformance with functional specifications.
5. Develops and maintains a comprehensive, updated and integrated set of system documentation, requirements specifications and validation tests of systems changes against user requirements and performance criteria. Certifies that changes are in conformance with specifications for assigned areas of responsibility.
Division of Earnings Correction and Use (S4SH).
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