Acquisition Directorate: Mission Execution begins here.


The Deepwater Command, Control, Communication, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) architecture provides information technology modernization and recapitalization for shore sites, surface and aviation platforms. The architecture is the foundation for a network that collects, processes, integrates, analyzes, evaluates and interprets mission information. Learn more about C4ISR


Legacy Cutters

The first phase of the Legacy Cutter Upgrade is complete, and is already demonstrating improved operational capability. Learn more>>

Mission System Pallets

A total of five Mission Support Pallets (MSPs) for the HC-144A and three for the HC-130H/Js have been received. Learn more>>

Shore Facilities

Training Center, Petaluma, Calif., in March 2007 was equipped with Deepwater C4ISR systems, to train Coast Guard National Security Cutter crews and U.S. Navy Littoral Combat Ship crews. C4ISR upgrades have been completed at CAMS Atlantic, and Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico command centers. Learn more>>

Latest News Releases

Training Facility in Synergy with Mission Support, Operational Communities

the golden hillsides and wooded dells here, a state-of-the-art facility is helping to shape the culture of the Coast Guard. Read more>>

Information About

Acquisition Programs

Deepwater Program

Integrated Coast Guard Systems


C4IT Fact Sheet (pdf)

Recapitalization Fact Sheet (pdf)

In the News...

Coast Guard Takes Delivery of High-Tech Facility

Deepwater Command, Communication, Sensor Electronics Build Enhanced Operational Capabilities

Coast Guard to Train for Post-911 Missions in High-Tech Facility

Check out the Newsroom for more news

Last Modified 9/2/2008