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American Health Information Community: Meetings

December 12, 2006 Meeting Details

The tenth meeting of the American Health Information Community (the Community) was conducted in a "virtual" format (remote participation only) and was scheduled from 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

REVISED MEETING FORMAT: This meeting was originally scheduled to be held in the Hubert H. Humphrey Building (200 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20201), Conference Room 800. However, the meeting format was changed to provide remote participation only (Web cast and/or telephone) for the Community members, HHS staff, invited presenters, and general public. A time period was allotted before the conclusion of the meeting for the general public to deliver brief (3 minutes or less) oral public comment.

Web cast (audio/visual access) � This will give you access to the meeting discussion and visual materials (agenda, slide presentations) presented during the meeting.

Web cast site:
Enter your name and email address as requested.
Room Number: 82899

If you cannot hear the streaming audio during the event, you can listen via telephone by dialing the toll free number that will be posted within the Web cast interface. Note: you must log onto the Web cast to access the toll free number.

December 2006
American Health Information Community Meeting

Transcript available by clicking here

Picture of Leavitt

The agenda includes an update on the Personalized Healthcare Workgroup; a panel discussion on the American Health Information Management Association's State Steering Committee Recommendations; and an update on the National Health Information Network (NHIN).

Meeting Materials

Questions and comments on the Community should be directed to:
PHONE: 1-866-505-3500