DOJ Seal Comments to Implementation of Safe Explosives Act - Interim Final Rule

ATF No. 2 - Implementation of the Safe Explosives Act, Title XI, Subtitle C of Public
Law 107-296--Delivery of Explosive Materials by Common or Contract Carrier (09/11/03)

 Your comments will be carefully considered if received on or before the closing date.  Assurance of consideration cannot be given if you do not use the following form or if your comments are received after the closing date.

Closing Date: October 14, 2003

Enter your comments in the space provided below:
ATF cannot recognize any material in your comments, including your name, as confidential.  Your name and comments may be disclosed to the public; therefore, you should not include any material that may be confidential or inappropriate for disclosure to the public.  During the comment period, you may request an opportunity to present oral testimony at a public hearing. However, the Director reserves the right, in light of all circumstances, to determine if a public hearing is necessary.