Title 9--Animals and Animal Products



TEXT PDF72.1 Ticks [Boophilus annulatus (Margaropus annulatus), Boophilus microplus, or Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi]; interstate movement of infested or exposed animals prohibited.
TEXT PDF72.2 Splenetic or tick fever in cattle in Texas, the Virgin Islands of the United States and vectors of said disease in the Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the Island of Guam: Restrictions on movement of cattle.
TEXT PDF72.3 Areas quarantined in the Virgin Islands of the United States, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Island of Guam.
TEXT PDF72.5 Area quarantined in Texas.
TEXT PDF72.6 Interstate movement of cattle from quarantined areas not eradicating ticks.
TEXT PDF72.7 Interstate movement of cattle from cooperating States.
TEXT PDF72.8 Interstate movement of cattle from free premises upon inspection and certification by APHIS inspector.
TEXT PDF72.9 Interstate movements of cattle; inspection and certification by APHIS inspector required.
TEXT PDF72.10 Inspected or dipped and certified cattle subject to restrictions of State of destination.
TEXT PDF72.11 Quarantined area; cattle considered infested; requirements for placing in noninfectious pens or premises.
TEXT PDF72.12 Cattle; exposure to tick infestation after treatment or inspection prohibited.
TEXT PDF72.13 Permitted dips and procedures.
TEXT PDF72.15 Owners assume responsibility; must execute agreement prior to dipping or treatment waiving all claims against United States.
TEXT PDF72.16 Designated dipping stations to be approved by the Administrator, APHIS on recommendations of State authorities; facilities.
TEXT PDF72.17 Unloading noninfected cattle for rest, feed, and water only, permitted in authorized pens for such purpose.
TEXT PDF72.18 Movement interstate; specification by the Deputy Administrator, Veterinary Services of treatment required when dipping facilities unavailable.
TEXT PDF72.19 Interstate shipments and use of pine straw, grass, litter from quarantined area; prohibited until disinfected.
TEXT PDF72.20 Exhibition of noninfected cattle in the quarantined area; restrictions under which permitted.
TEXT PDF72.21 Animals infested with or exposed to ticks subject to same restrictions as cattle.
TEXT PDF72.22 Cars, vehicles, and premises; cleaning and treatment after containing infested or exposed animals.
TEXT PDF72.23 Cars or other vehicles having carried infested or exposed cattle in quarantined area shall be cleaned and treated.
TEXT PDF72.24 Litter and manure from carriers and premises of tick-infested animals; destruction or treating required.
TEXT PDF72.25 Dipping methods.

