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Estimated Use of Water in the United States in 1990
USGS National Circular 1081

Every five (5) years since 1950 the nation's water-use data are compiled and published in a national circular. The report describes water use in the United States by major water-use categories (for example, domestic water use).

For each water-use category, there is a description of where the water comes from (source), what the water is used for (use), and where is goes after use (disposition). There are pie charts and textual information that summarize the data at a national level. Data tables are used to show numeric values by state and water-resources region and there are maps to display the data in a visual manner.

To view the material in any section, click on the topic.

Introductory pages

Title pages
Table of contents
Conversion factors

Water use by category

Total water use
Public supply
Thermoelectric power
Hydroelectric power
Wastewater treatment

Summary pages

Trends in water use, 1950-90
References cited
Selected water-use bibliography

USGS Water Use in the United States

Last updated Tuesday, 26-Sep-2006 16:02:42 EDT
The URL for this page is http://water.usgs.gov/watuse/wucircular2.html
Maintainer: Water-Use Web Team

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