Publication Citation

USGS Series Open-File Report
Report Number 97-356
Title Water Use in Wisconsin, 1995
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Ellefson, B. R.; Fan, C. H.; Ripley, J. L.
Year 1997
Originating office Geological Survey (U.S.)
USGS Library Call Number M(200) R29o no.97-356
Physical description 15 Maps on 1 Sheet
Northernmost latitude 0480000
Southernmost latitude 0420000
Easternmost longitude -0860000
Westernmost longitude -0930000

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INTRODUCTION As part of the National Water-Use Information Program, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) stores water-use data in standardized format for different categories of water use. The data base (Site Specific Water Use Data System) is updated annually or as more current water-use information becomes available. Information about amounts of water withdrawn, sources of water, how the water was used, and how much water was returned is available to those involved in establishing water-resource policy and to those managing water resources. In 1978, the USGS entered into a cooperative program with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) to inventory water use in Wisconsin. Since that time, three reports summarizing water use have been published (Lawrence and Ellefson, 1982; Ellefson and others, 1987; Ellefson and others, 1993). Ellefson and others (1993) present 1990 water-use data in a map and graph format. Because water use changes with time, an update report is periodically required. This report presents 1995 data in the same format as the 1993 report.