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Gifts & Home Products Fair
Baby & Children's Products Fair
Hong Kong (Oct 20-23, 2008)
AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong
Exhibitors | Video | Register

Shanghai (Dec 3-5, 2008)
Shanghai New Int'l Expo Centre
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Fashion Accessories Fair
Hong Kong (Oct 30-Nov 2, 2008)
AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong
Exhibitors | Video | Register

Shanghai (Dec 3-5, 2008)
Shanghai New Int'l Expo Centre
Video | Register
Underwear & Swimwear Fair
Hardware & Building Materials Fair
India (Nov 14-16, 2008)
Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai
Exhibitors | Register
Upcoming Dubai Shows

Electronics Fair (Jun 14-16, 2009)
Dubai Int'l Exhibition Centre
Fashion Accessories Fair (Jun 14-16, 2009)
Dubai Int'l Exhibition Centre
Gifts & Premiums Fair (Jun 14-16, 2009)
Dubai Int'l Exhibition Centre
Home Products Fair (Jun 14-16, 2009)
Dubai Int'l Exhibition Centre
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Taitronics 2008
Booth M1336, M1435
Taipei, Taiwan
7 - 11 October 2008
TITAS 2008
Booth D1230
Taipei, Taiwan
15 - 17 October 2008
Hong Kong and Shenzhen
Top Seller
Wireless IP Camera
Wireless IP Camera
$84.71 per unit
Case of 5 units
Case Price: $423.55
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3.2MP Auto Focus Camera Dual Band Cell Phone
3.2MP Auto Focus Camera Dual Band Cell Phone
$142.00 per unit
Case of 1 unit
Case Price: $142.00
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On September 10th and 11th, Samsung Electronics is sending seven sourcing teams from its Shenzhen IPO office to search for new vendors at a Global Sources arranged Custom Private Sourcing Event. This is the second time this year that Samsung Electronics has turned to Global Sources for a custom sourcing event as it works to expand its vendor base in China.
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Upcoming Events Complete schedule
Sep 24
Home Decorations
Sep 25
Cell Phones
Nov 3
Sanitary Wares & Plumbing
Nov 3
Promotional Items
Nov 4
Car Navigation, Communication, Security, Parking Systems and Accessories
Nov 6
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