Trust Forms

Below you will find a list of commonly used trust forms.

One word of caution:  If you choose to use any of the forms provided here in MS Word format, please be advised that the appearance, page breaks, margins, fonts, and other aspects of the document that you prepare may be affected by the version of Word you are using.  Please be sure that the completed document conforms to all rules governing acceptable document format, particularly those stated in General Rule 14.  This includes but is not limited to the requirement that writing/printing shall appear on one side of the page only.

If you have questions about any of these forms, please contact the Ex Parte Department.

Trust Forms


MS Word 


Addendum to Court Order and Trust Document

Declaration of Proposed Trustee

Fiduciary Investment Plan

Order Approving Trust and Granting other Relief

Order Directing Creation of Trust

Petition for Approval Court-Created Trust

Petition to Open Trust File

Receipt of Funds into Blocked Financial Account