Department of Adult &
Juvenile Detention

King County Courthouse
516 Third Avenue,
Room E245
Seattle, WA 98104
Office hours:
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
King County DAJD

King County Juvenile Detention

Alternatives to Secure Detention

King County Juvenile Detention's Alternatives to Secure Detention (ASD) programs have been in existence in some form for the past twenty years. The purpose of King County's ASD programs is to provide an alternative to secure detention placement that ensures a youth's appearance at court hearings and to minimize the likelihood of a youth's re-offending.

Juvenile Detention operates four custodial ASD programs and a monitoring program known as the Expediter. The four current ASD programs are Electronic Home Monitoring, Group Care, Day and Evening Reporting and Work Crew. For information regarding youth on ASD placement, please call (206) 205-9616.

  • Electronic Home Monitoring:  Youth on Electronic Home Monitoring are sent home to the community with an electronic monitoring device in the form of an ankle bracelet. This allows youth to remain within their family unit and their permanent school situation, but also allows ASD staff to set parameters as to where the youth may be geographically and during what times. Youth placed on Electronic Home Monitoring receive credit towards their sentences for all days spent on Electronic Home Monitoring as if they were in secure detention.

  • Group Care:  Youth placed in Group Care physically reside at a contracted, staff secure group home, where they receive 24-hour supervision. Youth in Group Care Placement travel to the Alder Academy for schooling everyday. Youth in this program also receive credit against their sentence for time spent in Group Care.

  • Day and Evening Reporting:  Youth can be ordered to day or evening reporting or both. Day Reporting occurs at the Youth Services Center and the Youth Source program in Renton. Day and Evening Reporting usually occurs in conjunction with Electronic Home Monitoring.

  • Work Crew:  Work Crew is not a secure alternative, but used as a way of monitoring youth's weekend while working on a community based project. Youth are monitored by Juvenile Division staff while completing a work crew program. Youth placed in Work Crew complete projects for Metro Transit, Seattle Public Schools and Seattle Parks and Recreation among others.