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    There are a total of 1502 record(s) matching your query.
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    Operational training for the mission operations at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE)

    Author(s): Rozenfeld, Pawel
    Abstract: This paper describes the selection and training process of satellite controllers and data network operators performed at INPE's Satellite Tracking and Control Center in order to prepare them for the mission operations of the ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1993
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-31
    Accession Number: 94N23933; Document ID: 19940019460

    Clarification process: Resolution of decision-problem conditions

    Author(s): Dieterly, D. L.
    Abstract: A model of a general process which occurs in both decisionmaking and problem-solving tasks is presented. It is called the clarification model and is highly dependent on information flow. The model addresses the possible ...
    NASA Center: Ames Research Center
    Publication Year: 1980
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-30
    Accession Number: 80N23985; Document ID: 19800015493; Report Number: A-8162, AFHRL-H-80-101, NASA-TM-81193

    Effects of magnification and visual accommodation on aimpoint estimation in simulated landings with real and virtual image displays

    Author(s): Randle, R. J.; Roscoe, S. N.; Petitt, J. C.
    Abstract: Twenty professional pilots observed a computer-generated airport scene during simulated autopilot-coupled night landing approaches and at two points (20 sec and 10 sec before touchdown) judged whether the airplane would ...
    NASA Center: Ames Research Center
    Publication Year: 1980
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-29
    Accession Number: 80N34099; Document ID: 19800025591; Report Number: A-8104, NASA-TP-1635

    Influence of display and control compatibility on pilot-induced oscillations

    Author(s): Waller, M. C.; Harris, R. L., Sr.; Person, L. H., Jr.
    Abstract: The differences in techniques used by seven pilots to acquire information from an advanced display for instrument approaches to and landings on a runway were investigated. A fixed base simulator programmed with dynamics ...
    NASA Center: Langley Research Center
    Publication Year: 1981
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-29
    Accession Number: 82N14804; Document ID: 19820006931; Report Number: L-14364, NASA-TP-1936

    Models of human operators in vision dependent tasks

    Abstract: Descriptive overviews of some existing models and techniques of modelling the human operator are presented.
    NASA Center: Langley Research Center
    Publication Year: 1979
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-29
    Accession Number: 79N33838; Document ID: 19790025667; Report Number: L-13338, NASA-CP-2103

    Effect of noise spectra and a listening task upon passenger annoyance in a helicopter interior noise environment

    Author(s): Clevenson, S. A.; Leatherwood, J. D.
    Abstract: The effects of helicopter interior noise on passenger annoyance were studied. Both reverie and listening situations were studied as well as the relative effectiveness of several descriptors (i.e., overall sound pressure ...
    NASA Center: Langley Research Center
    Publication Year: 1979
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-29
    Accession Number: 80N13769; Document ID: 19800005513; Report Number: L-13233, NASA-TP-1590

    The Extrapolation of Elementary Sequences

    Author(s): Laird, Philip; Saul, Ronald
    Abstract: We study sequence extrapolation as a stream-learning problem. Input examples are a stream of data elements of the same type (integers, strings, etc.), and the problem is to construct a hypothesis that both explains the ...
    NASA Center: NASA (non Center Specific)
    Publication Year: 1992
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-24
    Accession Number: 96N25300; Document ID: 19960022276; Report Number: FIA-92-31, NAS 1.15:111488, NASA-TM-111488

    There is No Free Lunch: Tradeoffs in the Utility of Learned Knowledge

    Author(s): Kedar, Smadar T.; McKusick, Kathleen B.
    Abstract: With the recent introduction of learning in integrated systems, there is a need to measure the utility of learned knowledge for these more complex systems. A difficulty arrises when there are multiple, possibly conflicting, ...
    NASA Center: Ames Research Center
    Publication Year: 1992
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-24
    Accession Number: 96N25296; Document ID: 19960022269; Report Number: FIA-92-04, NAS 1.15:111483, NASA-TM-111483

    Learning Classification Trees

    Author(s): Buntine, Wray
    Abstract: Algorithms for learning classification trees have had successes in artificial intelligence and statistics over many years. This paper outlines how a tree learning algorithm can be derived using Bayesian statistics. This ...
    NASA Center: Ames Research Center
    Publication Year: 1991
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-24
    Accession Number: 96N71365; Document ID: 19960023039; Report Number: FIA-91-30, NAS 1.15:111482, NASA-TM-111482

    Flight Training and Management for High-Technology Transport Aircraft

    Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate the interaction between humans and complex machines which operate essentially automatically, but must be programmed and monitored by humans. In particular this project will ...
    NASA Center: Ames Research Center
    Publication Year: 1996
    Added to NTRS: 2008-07-24
    Accession Number: 96N71214; Document ID: 19960020457; Report Number: NAS 1.26:200816, NASA-CR-200816

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    Last Updated: July 5, 2007