Is there life elsewhere? Missions

Are we alone? This question is as old as humankind itself. For millennia, people have turned their eyes to the stars and wondered if there are others like themselves out there. Does life, be it similar to our own or not, exist elsewhere in our Solar System? Our Galaxy? Until some 15 years ago it was uncertain whether there were even any planets outside those in our own Solar System. Today we know of literally hundreds of planets orbiting other stars. Do any of these planets have conditions that would support life? What conditions favor the formation of terrestrial-class planets in developing planetary systems? NASA can help address these questions by developing missions designed to find and characterize extrasolar planetary systems.

*Sort missions by clicking Launch Date, A-Z, or PHASE column headers.

Launch Date A-Z Phase
19890808 August 08, 1989 Past
20130701 June 30, 2013 Development
20010101 2001 Operating
20090217 February 16, 2009 Development
20051012 October 12, 2005 Development
Under Study
19981206 December 06, 1998 Past
Under Study