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Energy Data and Planning

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Planning for Hawaii's energy future

State Energy Plans

Energy planning considers Hawaii's unique resources, challenges, and opportunities using rigorous and comprehensive analysis in accordance with the State's statutory energy policy objectives.

Hawaii Energy Strategy

The most recent Hawaii Energy Strategy update was prepared in 2000. Since then, significant progress has been made in implementing the strategy. The Energy Resources Coordinator's Annual Reports, available as on-line publications, highlight progess made each year.

Energy Data

Monthly Hawaii Energy Trend Reports contain data on West Texas Intermediate crude oil prices on the New York Mercantile Exchange; average monthly gasoline and diesel prices; barrels of oil imported from foreign countries; fuel consumption; vehicle registration; electricity generation; consumption; prices; and data on renewable energy used in electricity generation. Data are presented by island, with state totals.

Section 17 of the State Data Book provides information on energy, including electricity, utility gas, and liquid fuels.

Energy Emergency Preparedness

Energy emergency plans are also developed in conjunction with industry and government.

Last modified 09-02-2008 12:51 PM