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Clearfield, UT
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Direct.: 330º
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Center Street Bridge Rebuild Delayed
Monday, 08 September 2008
Lack of asphalt availability affecting City’s timeframe

Chalk up yet another victim to high oil prices. Completion of Clearfield’s rebuild of the Center Street bridgejuly.jpgBridge is being delayed due in part to the lack of availability of oil-based asphalt in Utah. The bridge’s reopening, originally slated for the end of September, will be delayed into at least November and possibly into next Spring depending on weather conditions and a successful re-bid process.

The two-phase rebuilding of the bridge began in force last March. The first phase, managed by the City, consisted of tearing down the earthen approaches to the bridge that began failing shortly after the bridge’s original completion in 1999. Phase-One which was scheduled to be finished this Summer was completed by the City in mid-July.

The second phase of the rebuild is being managed by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) and consists of connecting the new embankments to the bridge superstructure as well as replacing the asphalt road, curb, gutter, sidewalks, fence, streetlights and other surface improvements. UDOT is required to oversee this phase of the project due to the fact that dollars from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are being used to help pay for this portion of the bridge’s reconstruction. One of the stipulations on projects where FHWA funds are being used prohibits municipalities from managing that portion of the project.
Last Updated ( Monday, 08 September 2008 )
Clearfield’s Down Payment Assistance Program – Helping Homeowners
Monday, 25 August 2008

It’s no secret that Clearfield City has a high rate of rental properties compared to other Davis County cities.  In an effort to rectify the 45% downpayment.jpgrentals rate Clearfield leadership, in fiscal year 2007, came up with an incentive to attract first-time homebuyers to the city.

“We wanted to enhance owner occupancy in our city,” explained Clearfield Mayor Don Wood.  “We worked with the Davis County Housing Authority to provide a down payment assistance program for first-time home buyers.  I am pleased to report that as of June 2008 the program helped 34 individuals and families buy homes here in Clearfield.”

This program was unique in that Clearfield is one of only a few cities in Davis County to offer this assistance.  Since fiscal year 2007 Clearfield allocated portions of its Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds received from the federal government, to the Clearfield City Down Payment Assistance program.  This federally funded grant program assisted first-time homebuyers with a maximum grant amount of $5,000 to help with closing costs or the down payment.  The home had to be a single-family dwelling, meaning a one-family residence, located in Clearfield, and owner-occupied.

Mary Lewis, Rehabilitation Specialist with the Davis County Housing Authority explained, “Applicants had to qualify for the program based on their income level, which was defined by HUD*.  The funds were awarded with a three-to-one match, that is, if an applicant had $1000 saved towards a down payment, the city would contribute $3,000 towards their home purchase.” 

Lewis continued, “The three-to-one match can mean a significant savings for a home-owner over a period of time.  The higher your down payment the lower your monthly mortgage payment.  On a 30-year loan imagine the savings a person realizes.” 

Last Updated ( Monday, 25 August 2008 )