Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region : NEPA
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Long-term Contract Renewal for Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency, Santa Clara Valley Water District and Westlands Water District's portion of the Mercy Springs Water District Contract Assignment - EA
In 1999, Reclamation approved a contract assignment for a portion of the Mercy Springs long-term contract to Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency, Santa Clara Valley Water District and Westlands Water District. The contract assignment resulted in all three entities sharing ownership of a portion of the contract and up to 6,260 acre-feet per year of the water to be permanently delivered to these districts instead of Mercy Springs Water District. Currently, Reclamation is proposing to renew a long-term contract for the portion of the contract that belongs to Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency, Santa Clara Valley Water District and Westlands Water District.

Draft EA released for 30-day review on January 3, 2005. Waiting for completion of San Luis Long-term Contract Renewal. PROBLEMS VIEWING OR DOWNLOADING FILES? PLEASE CONTACT LYNNETTE WIRTH AT (916) 978-5102 or lwirth@mp.usbr.gov

Laura Myers
Phone: 559-487-5179

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File with .pdf extension Draft EA/FONSI, Mercy Springs 3-way Assignment .pdf 2,856.11KB