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Chowchilla Water District - Annexation of Subordinate Lands
Reclamation will approve the annexation of 3,393.62 acres of land to be included in Chowchilla Water District's (CWD) Central Valley Project (CVP) water delivery service area. This would allow the application of CVP water onto these parcels. CWDs Board of Directors has designated these landowners as "subordinate annexors." These subordinate annexors would be supplied only when surplus water from Reclamation contracts and existing CWD rights is available over and above the needs of "original landowners." (Original landowners are those landowners that were within CWDs CVP service area boundary prior to inclusions.)

Draft FONSI/EA expected May 30, 2008.

Judi  Tapia
Phone: 559-487-5138
Fax: 559-487-5397

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File with .pdf extension Draft FONSI, Chowchilla inclusions .pdf 23.10KB 
File with .pdf extension Draft EA, Chowchilla inclusions .pdf 417.40KB